How to Prepare Your Child for College Application Season

Group of college students conversing by lockers in hallway.

College applications are a stressful undertaking for most students. While school counselors will provide your child with the information they need to fill them out, support at home is just as important for success. As a parent, you can help guide your child through the process and ensure it goes smoothly in many ways.

Here are some strategies you can use as your child starts the college application process.

1. Vocalize Their Potential

Young people feel a lot of pressure when it’s time to apply to college. They worry about what might happen if every application gets rejected. How will that affect their future, and will it fracture your relationship? After all, the number of college applications is up by 21% compared to the 2019-2020 school year.

Remember to vocalize your teen’s potential by encouraging them throughout the process. Remind them how smart and capable they are. No matter what colleges they get into or how many rejection letters they receive, their future is bright. You’ll take some of their stress away by having their back.

2. Gather Necessary Paperwork

Every applicant must submit specific information beyond their high school and grade point average (GPA). Locate your teen’s social security number and your own. You’ll have to enter your information and work-related data if your family applies for financial aid. If you know where you’re keeping both identification cards, you’ll have an easier time dealing with paperwork.

3. List Preferred Colleges and Universities

There are so many colleges and universities in America to consider. That number skyrockets if your high school senior is also considering studying abroad. Encourage them to make a list of every school that catches their eye. Dream big — this step is just about collecting data.

Research each school afterward to narrow that list down. If your teen wants to go to Stanford, 12 students with 4.0 GPAs apply for every one spot available to rising freshmen. That’s a highly competitive application field. They may need to work with their school counselor to get their grades up if they have their heart set on a competitive school.

4. Look Into Standardized Testing

SAT and ACT test scores aren’t required by every school anymore, but they may be necessary for your high school senior’s preferred universities. Look up what tests they need and schedule them together.

Contact the high school counselor if you need help. They’ll connect you with local testing sites and dates, which happen throughout the year.

5. Schedule Applications Alongside Rest Days

Every application requires lots of specific personal information, plus an essay or two. It could take hours to finish a single form. Give your teenager some rest by scheduling time for only one or two applications per week. If they get started early in the fall semester, they’ll have plenty of time to submit multiple college applications before early fall deadlines and standard spring deadlines arrive.

6. Get Advice Regarding Financial Aid

School guidance counselors have financial aid resources available for families of high school seniors. Call or email your teenager’s school if you need assistance locating things like the FAFSA website, scholarships and grants.

They might also qualify for federal, state and private organizations’ programs that give rising freshmen college funding. Sports-related and hobby-related financial aid exist as well.

Look into every possibility to get the most support. Given how 87% of students get financial aid for college, there are many opportunities to help everyone who needs tuition and housing assistance.

7. Avoid Writing Things for Them

It’s tempting to write your teenager’s college entrance essays — especially if the deadlines are right around the corner — but let them handle this step. They’ll have to write plenty more essays in the coming years, no matter their degree.

This is their first baby step in becoming more confident in their writing skills. It’s also crucial that admissions board members get to know your teenager as an individual to know if they’d be a good match for the university.

8. Give Them Space to Take Responsibility

The stakes are high when college application season begins. Parents and high school seniors feel more stressed than ever. Although you might want to handle everything from finding information about SAT dates and researching universities, let your teenager take on most of the responsibility. Encourage them to also research college life so the can make informed decisions.

You’ll better prepare them for handling their college responsibilities and demonstrate how much you trust them with the process. If they know you believe in them, they’ll feel a bit less anxious about taking this next big step in their lives.

Get Ready for College Application Season

It’s never too early to start preparing your child for college application season. Talk about where they want to go and how much you love them. If they feel supported while you take each step toward graduation, you’ll both have a more pleasant experience.

Cora Gold - Editor in ChiefAuthor bio:  Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of women’s lifestyle magazine, Revivalist. She strives to live a happy and healthy life with her family by her side.
Follow Cora on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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How to Prepare Your Child for Online Learning

Boy resting chin in his hands looking at laptop screen.

As online learning becomes more prevalent, many parents are seeking ways to ensure their children are equipped to thrive in this new educational environment. Unlike traditional classrooms, online learning presents unique challenges that require careful preparation.

From creating an optimal workspace to building effective study habits, preparing your child for online education can significantly impact their success.

Maintaining Social Interaction

One common concern about online learning is the lack of face-to-face interaction with peers. To maintain social interaction in online education, Kindergarten can incorporate virtual playdates, group activities, and interactive lessons that encourage young children to engage with their peers. However, with a little effort, it’s possible to ensure your child remains socially connected, even in a virtual learning environment.

  • Encourage virtual study groups: Many online schools offer group projects or discussions, which provide opportunities for students to collaborate with their classmates. Encourage your child to participate in virtual study groups or form their own.
  • Organize virtual hangouts: Outside of schoolwork, set up video chats or virtual hangouts with friends. This helps your child stay connected socially and prevents feelings of isolation.

Creating a Dedicated Workspace

One of the first and most important steps in preparing your child for online learning is to establish a dedicated workspace. Unlike in-person schooling, where students have designated classrooms, online learning requires a structured space at home that promotes focus and productivity.

  • Choose a quiet area: Find a spot in your home where your child can concentrate with minimal distractions. It should be away from high-traffic areas, such as the living room or kitchen, where noise and activity can interrupt learning.
  • Ensure proper lighting: Good lighting is essential for maintaining energy and focus. Natural light is best, but if that’s not available, opt for a well-lit room with desk lamps to reduce eye strain.

Establishing a Routine

While online learning offers more flexibility than traditional schooling, it’s still crucial to maintain a consistent daily routine. A routine helps children stay organized, manage their time effectively, and develop strong study habits.

  • Set a regular wake-up time: Even though online learning often allows for a more relaxed schedule, having a consistent wake-up time helps your child start the day on the right foot.
  • Designate learning hours: Establish specific times during the day for schoolwork. Whether it’s in the morning or afternoon, a regular schedule helps build a sense of discipline and structure.
  • Include breaks and physical activity: Breaks are essential for maintaining concentration and preventing burnout. Encourage your child to step away from the screen, stretch, or go outside for fresh air during designated break times.

Teacher on computer screen smiling at child at home.

Familiarizing with Technology

One of the biggest adjustments for students transitioning to online learning is the use of technology. It’s essential to ensure your child is comfortable with the tools and platforms they’ll be using before their online classes begin.

  • Practice using the learning platform: Spend time navigating the platform your child will be using, whether it’s Google Classroom, Zoom, or another learning management system (LMS). Teach your child how to log in, submit assignments, and participate in virtual lessons.
  • Check technical requirements: Make sure your internet connection is stable, and your devices meet the technical requirements of the online school. Consider investing in a reliable computer and ensuring your child has access to a webcam, microphone, and headphones if needed.

Encouraging Self-Discipline

One of the key challenges of online learning is the level of independence it requires. Without the constant supervision of a teacher, children need to develop self-discipline to stay on top of their schoolwork.

  • Set clear expectations: Outline daily or weekly goals for assignments, reading, and study time. Help your child break larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Teach time-management strategies: Encourage your child to use tools like planners, to-do lists, or digital calendars to keep track of deadlines and assignments.
  • Minimize distractions: During learning hours, limit access to non-school-related websites, games, and social media. You can also use apps like “Focus Booster” or “Forest” to help your child stay focused during study sessions.

Monitoring Progress and Providing Support

As a parent, your involvement in your child’s online learning journey is crucial. However, it’s important to strike a balance between offering support and encouraging independence.

  • Regularly check in: Ask your child about their assignments and upcoming projects. Review their progress through the learning platform or any grade portals provided by the school.
  • Communicate with teachers: Stay in contact with your child’s teachers to discuss their progress, challenges, and any adjustments that may be needed.

Preparing your child for online learning is a multi-faceted process that requires attention to both their academic and emotional needs. By creating a structured environment, establishing a routine, and encouraging self-discipline, you can help your child thrive in this new mode of learning. Additionally, ensuring they are comfortable with technology and maintaining social connections will contribute to their overall success.

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The Benefits of STEM Activities for Kids

Girl and boy working on STEM project in class.

Today, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills are more valuable than ever. Introducing kids to STEM activities early makes learning fun and equips them with essential skills for their future. By trying these fun activities at home, children can enjoy the many benefits of STEM activities.

Improves Academic Performance

Engaging in STEM activities helps kids understand complex concepts through hands-on learning. When children tinker with science experiments or build simple machines, they grasp ideas that might seem abstract in textbooks. This practical approach can lead to improved performance in school subjects such as math and science.

Enhances Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

STEM activities often present challenges that require kids to think critically and solve problems creatively. Whether it’s figuring out how to make a structure stand or conducting an experiment to test a hypothesis, these activities strengthen their ability to analyze situations, make decisions, and find solutions.

Fosters Creativity and Innovation

STEM activities encourage creativity and innovation in children. Building robots, designing apps, or creating simple circuits are all activities that allow kids to think outside the box and come up with unique ideas. This blend of creativity and technical skills is crucial for fostering innovation.

Prepares Kids for Future Careers

STEM-related fields will dominate the job market of the future. Parents can spark their children’s interest in careers such as engineering, computer science, and biotechnology by exposing them to STEM activities early. This early exposure can guide them toward educational paths and career choices that are both fulfilling and in demand.

Builds Confidence and Self-Esteem

Completing STEM projects gives kids a sense of accomplishment and boosts their confidence. When they succeed in building a model or solving a math puzzle, they feel proud of their abilities. This confidence spills over into other areas of their lives, enhancing their self-esteem.

STEM Toys and Kits for Different Age Groups

There are many ways to introduce STEM to young kids, and using toys is a great option. Investing in STEM toys and kits can make learning even more enjoyable. For younger children, consider options like building blocks and simple puzzle games. Older kids might enjoy more advanced kits like robotic sets or coding games. You’ll be amazed at how educational toys can enhance your child’s development.

Pro Tip: Leverage Online Resources and Apps

There are numerous online resources and educational apps designed to make learning STEM concepts fun and engaging. These tools provide structured content that can reinforce what your children are learning through their own experiments and explorations at home.

Kids working on robotics projects a STEM Classroom setting.

Start Incorporating STEM Today

The benefits of STEM activities for kids are vast and long-lasting. By nurturing curiosity and encouraging hands-on exploration, parents can help their children develop critical skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. Start incorporating STEM activities into your child’s routine today, and watch them thrive academically, creatively, and confidently.

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How Online Parenting Classes Can Help You Tackle Parenting Challenges with Confidence?

Mother smiling as her daughter works on a lap top.

Parenting, no matter how fulfilling, can sometimes feel overwhelming. Whether it’s figuring out how to discipline your child or helping them develop independence, many parents find themselves second-guessing their decisions. It’s easy to feel lost or unsure about what to do next.

That’s where online parenting classes come in.  These courses provide expert guidance, structured advice, and practical strategies for everyday challenges.  And perhaps most importantly, a significant confidence boost for navigating parenthood.

Why Confidence Matters in Parenting?

Parenting confidence isn’t just about feeling good; it’s about making better choices. When you feel sure of yourself, you’re more likely to handle difficult situations calmly and consistently. On the flip side, a lack of confidence can lead to hesitation, frustration, or even knee-jerk reactions that don’t help the situation.

Parenting classes give you the tools you need to face these challenges head-on. They’re designed to offer clear, practical advice based on research and years of experience, so instead of relying on guesswork, you can feel assured that you’re using tried-and-tested methods.

Real-World Guidance for Real-World Problems

One of the toughest parts of parenting is figuring out how to address everyday issues like tantrums, bedtime battles, or sibling fights. Many parents feel stuck, unsure of what to do next, and that uncertainty can breed frustration.

What sets online parenting classes apart is their ability to break down these common problems and offer structured, actionable guidance. Courses like those offered by Love and Logic are especially good at this. They focus on using natural consequences and empathy to help children learn responsibility in a way that doesn’t involve harsh punishment.

View over mother's shoulder as her baby looks off into distance.

Imagine your child is refusing to do their homework. Instead of resorting to threats or bribes, you could apply a strategy you’ve learned from a course. For instance, you might calmly explain that they can finish their homework now and have extra free time later, or they can wait and lose screen time later. The structure is clear, the consequence makes sense, and you remain calm, knowing the outcome is in their hands.

Expert Advice, Anytime You Need It

One of the most appealing aspects of online parenting classes is the access to expert knowledge. Whether it’s a child psychologist, seasoned educator, or an experienced parent coach, these courses bring years of wisdom directly to you. No more sifting through countless blogs or trying to piece together bits of advice from various sources.

Take, for example, Love and Logic. This program has been fine-tuned over decades, combining the latest in behavioral research with time-tested methods. Instead of vague theories, you get solid, actionable advice that helps you understand why your child is behaving a certain way and what you can do to guide them.

This expert advice is incredibly empowering. Knowing that your approach is backed by research can drastically improve your confidence in your parenting choices. It’s easier to stay consistent when you trust the tools you’re using.

Practical Solutions for Busy Parents

The beauty of online parenting classes lies in their practicality. These aren’t abstract lessons filled with jargon or complicated theories. They’re designed to be used in the real world, offering you quick, effective strategies you can implement today.

Courses often include video examples, downloadable guides, and even community support through forums or group sessions. This practical help makes it easier to apply what you’re learning and adapt the strategies to your child’s specific needs.

For example, one parent shared how after attending an online class, they changed their approach to managing bedtime resistance. Rather than constant battles over going to bed, they learned a strategy that allowed their child to make the choice, with the understanding that staying up later would result in less playtime the next day. No more fighting—just natural consequences.

Mom at home holding her baby up to her face.

Building a Network of Support

Parenting can feel isolating at times, especially when you’re dealing with ongoing struggles like defiance, constant whining, or even more serious concerns like social anxiety. One of the often-overlooked benefits of online parenting classes is the sense of community they provide.

Many courses offer forums or live group sessions where you can connect with other parents who are facing the same issues. Knowing that you’re not alone can be a huge relief, and hearing how other parents have successfully navigated similar situations can give you fresh ideas to try at home.

Flexibility for Today’s Busy Life

Parenting is a full-time job, and between working, running a household, and looking after your kids, finding time to attend a class in person can feel impossible. That’s why Parenting Classes Online are so valuable—they fit into your schedule, not the other way around.

You can learn at your own pace, during nap times, after the kids have gone to bed, or even while you’re waiting at soccer practice. This flexibility allows you to continuously improve your parenting skills without disrupting your busy life.

Conclusion: Empower Yourself Through Learning

Parenting will never be easy, but it doesn’t have to feel like a constant uphill battle. With the right support and guidance, you can face each challenge with more confidence and less stress. Online parenting classes, such as those offered by Love and Logic, give you the tools and strategies you need to not only manage difficult situations but to do so with a sense of calm and assurance.

If you could feel more confident in your parenting approach, how would that change your day-to-day life with your children?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What benefits do online parenting classes offer?

Online parenting classes provide practical, expert-backed solutions that are easy to implement. They offer flexibility, helping parents gain confidence in managing everyday parenting challenges.

2. How do online parenting classes help with discipline?

These classes focus on using natural consequences, consistency, and empathy to teach children responsibility. Programs like Love and Logic offer specific strategies that avoid yelling or harsh punishments.

3. Are online parenting classes suitable for all parents?

Absolutely. Whether you’re a new parent or have several kids, these classes offer valuable insights and advice that can be tailored to your family’s needs.

4. How do online parenting classes create a supportive environment?

Many courses include forums or group sessions where parents can connect, share stories, and learn from each other’s experiences, creating a strong sense of community.

5. How do online classes fit into a busy parent’s schedule?

Online classes are designed to be flexible. You can access them whenever it suits you, making it easier to fit learning into your daily routine.

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