8 Surefire Ways To Improve Your Parenting and Get Results

Happy African American mother holds her tween daughter, who is also smiling.

There is no playbook or magic formula for becoming parent of the year. You’re not alone if you question your approach at times and have the desire to want to do better. Being a parent is a tough job and there are times when you will make mistakes. Your best course of action is to remain positive and learn from your mishaps.

It’s never a bad idea to take a step back and re-evaluate your approach so that you can implement changes that will make a difference in your household. Here you can review eight surefire ways to improve your parenting and get the results you desire.

1.   Practice Patience

Your kids will act up sometimes and may not always listen to you. This may cause some frustration and stress in you. Instead of letting your anger and emotions get the best of you try to calm yourself down and think before you speak or act. Improve your parenting and get results by practicing patience and understanding. Let your kids make mistakes because it’s how they learn and grow. It may help to slow down and practice mindfulness so that you can react and parent with intention and grace. Know your triggers such as tending to lose your patience when you’re tired or over hungry.

2.   Help Them in School

School and learning is a big part of your child’s life. You want to make sure that they perform well and do their best. Show them you care and support them by being available and willing to help them throughout their school years. Help them with their homework when they need it and make learning fun and engaging by making flashcards or quizzes using Quizgecko so they can study for and pass their tests and exams. Be aware and attentive enough to recognize when they may be struggling and require more assistance such as mentoring or a tutor. Make learning and homework a priority in your household and spend time reading books with them in your free time.

3.   Seek Help & Advice

There may be times when you feel very stretched in your role and like you don’t have all the answers. You should never be afraid to speak up and reach out for help when you need it. There are likely many people in your life who would be willing to step in and support you such as your spouse or friends and family if you just use your voice and ask. If you’re looking for more information or input on a specific topic then you can always go online and research the answer or join a local moms group on social media. There are also many parenting books out there that you may find useful and insightful.

4.   Communicate Effectively

Another surefire way to improve your parenting and get results is to communicate effectively. Be an active listener when your child is speaking to you by putting your phone down and repeating what they said. When you communicate openly and honestly with each other you’ll be more likely to avoid having arguments and disagreements. Show respect when the other person is speaking and only offer advice if your child is asking for it. Be mindful of your overall tone and delivery when you are upset or feeling frustrated. Get your child to engage with you in conversation by asking questions and making them feel comfortable to share their ideas and opinions with you.

Boy sits on woman's lap as she reads him a picture story book

5.   Foster Independence in Your Child

You want your child to grow up feeling good and confident about themselves. Therefore, you should focus on fostering independence in your child from a young age. While it’s okay to help them at times you also want to let them complete tasks on their own. Make them feel useful and part of the family by assigning them chores and responsibilities they can take care of for you based on their age. Be sure to praise and reward them when they do a good job so that they continue to do their best in the future. When you allow them to make their own choices it will allow them to feel a sense of control and confidence. You can always guide them by offering choices but letting them have the final say.

6.   Encourage & Model Healthy Habits

You can improve your parenting and get results by encouraging and modeling healthy behaviors at home. Your children are always watching and observing you so make sure that you’re practicing what you are preaching. If they see you eating a healthy meal or going to the gym they will be more likely to want to stay active and take good care of their bodies. You can keep your children healthy and happy by having them go to bed at a decent hour and cooking healthy dinners together. These are habits that they can take with them into adulthood so that they can continue to live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of their lives.

7.   Practice Work-Life Balance

You want to be a parent that’s around and involved in your child’s life. It’s important that you are available to spend quality time as a family. Therefore, it will be worth your time and energy to commit to having a good work-life balance. Set boundaries in the workplace and delegate tasks to employees to free up some of your time. You may want to have a home office that you can work in as a way to gain more flexibility in your schedule. Your kids will appreciate your efforts and like having you around more.

8.   Take Good Care of Yourself

You will be a better caretaker and parent when you feel your best. Improve your parenting and life by taking good care of yourself. This way you will be well-rested and have plenty of natural energy to fulfill your role. Commit to practicing self-care and putting your needs first. Find activities and hobbies that you enjoy doing in your free time that help you relax and recharge. You’ll discover that you’re in a better mood and make wiser decisions and parenting moves when you make your health and well-being a top priority.

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