6 Key Features to Look for in Toddler Tables and Chairs

Toddler sitting down and looking backward.

Tables and chairs are one of the most significant investments for your toddlers. They enhance your toddler’s daily routines, whether playtime, mealtime, or studying! These are not mere pieces of furniture but rather a stepping foot toward their independence, social skills, and creativity!

However, you can ensure all of these only if you invest in the tables and chairs with the following significant features!


Toddlers are curious, energetic, and active, and they easily get into accidents. So, safety is the topmost feature when finding toddler furniture. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Durability & Stability

Buy quality toddler table and chairs that are made of durable materials, including high-quality plastic or solid wood. It must be strong enough to stand your toddler’s rough usage during playtime.

The chairs must have a wise seat to let your child sit comfortably without slipping out or tipping off the chair. Table must also have a solid base to prevent shakiness.

Soft edges

Toddlers are wobbly, and most of them can’t even walk straight. It’s natural for them to bump into surrounding objects or fall on them. So, the furniture must also have rounded edges and corners to prevent accidental injuries.

Safe materials

Your toddler wants to bite and such on everything they find around themselves. So, ensure the table and chair aren’t made or painted with toxic materials.

Check for specific certifications and labels on the products or producers to ensure they don’t contain toxic substances, such as lead, formaldehyde, and phthalates.

Size & Adjustability

Another critical factor while selecting your toddler’s furniture is the size, proportion, and adjustability.

Age-appropriate size

Just as you choose age appropriate play equipment, consider your child’s age while buying the table and chair set. Usually comfortable toddler tables are 18-20 inch high and toddler chairs are 8-10 inch high.

If you’re not certain about the size, get a measuring tape and check how high each of these sizes is against your child’s height.

Ensure your child can sit with their feet flat on the ground while seated on the chair. For the table height, they must not hunch (happens in too low tables) or strain upward (happens when table is too high). Buy the furniture of the right height once you’re certain of it!


Toddlers grow out of everything fast, so invest in an adjustable table and chair. This also saves you from buying new furniture every few years as they grow.

Check two factors: The table and chairs height should be adjustable. Both the seat and desk must be wide enough to accommodate your toddler’s growing stature.

Comfort and Ergonomics

Back pain is extremely common among Australian children and adolescents, with poor posture being the leading cause. Poor posture can also lead to spinal dysfunction.

Focus on the ergonomics of your toddler’s chair to protect your child from such major and lifelong issues.

For instance, it must have a supportive backrest and a seat with the right depth. These factors enhance your child’s comfort while sitting on the chair.

Thus, your child can comfortably focus on reading, writing, and drawing activities for longer, ensure correct posture, and reduce risks of discomfort or strain!


Another feature to check in your toddler’s furniture is multi-purpose uses. For instance, seek tables with built-in storage space for toys and art supplies. This makes organizing much easier.

Tables must also be big enough to accommodate different activities like studying, art projects, and meal times.

You can also check out tables with built-in chalkboards and dry-erase surfaces to enhance their usefulness.


Children love colourful objects with fun patterns and designs. Ensure you invest in tables and chairs that come in bright colours to make all activities surrounding it even more entertaining.

Maintenance Requirements

When introduced to pencils and crayons, every toddler starts scribing and drawing on all surfaces. Even the fanciest of furniture won’t be able to avoid this! Further, spills and crumbs are just another regular incident!

So, make sure you invest in furniture with smooth, washable surfaces, such as plastic and laminated wood. They can be wiped several times a day without harming the material.

If there are cushions, ensure they can be detached and washed. Buy only high-quality furniture to ensure lasting appearance maintenance even after heavy use!


With the right table and chair for your toddler, you’ll enhance their comfort, growth, and safety. So, find a reliable seller and invest in a cute and functional set today!

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