5 Ways Somatic Therapy Can Improve Your Daily Life

Women turning her head with calm confident look with light in background.

Mind-body approaches like mindfulness meditation have been gaining popularity but somatic therapy hasn’t hit the mainstream as yet. Somatic therapy is a treatment that focuses on how our bodies “hold” trauma and unresolved emotional issues. Unlike other forms of therapy that focus mainly on thoughts and feelings, somatic therapy focuses primarily on bodily sensations.

Although we still do not fully understand the mind-body connection, multiple studies have proven that childhood trauma significantly increases the risk of chronic disease during adulthood. Somatic therapy helps people release their trauma so that they can enjoy better physical and mental health.

How Somatic Therapy can Improve your Daily Life

Somatic therapy can be used to help both adults and kids. However, since it is a relatively new therapy, it can be difficult to find an experienced therapist. This review of somatic therapy and how it works covers the types and techniques as well as provides a directory that you can use to find a licensed somatic therapist. Here are a few ways in which somatic therapy can improve your (or your child’s) daily life.

  1. Improves Self-Awareness

Somatic therapy helps improve self-awareness through body awareness. It helps you recognize how your body responds to your emotions with an emphasis on recognizing tension spots. This helps you strengthen your mind-body connection so that you can have better self-understanding and this in turn leads to greater personal growth. Practising somatic therapy on a regular basis will also foster a holistic approach to your health and well-being.

  1. Enables Healing from Traumatic Experiences

Somatic therapy is often used to treat PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). After a traumatic experience, you are mentally overwhelmed by the experience which can lead to you being “stuck” in a state of dysfunctional stress response. This is where your body is constantly in a reactive state which prevents you from processing the experience. Ignoring past trauma doesn’t eliminate the effect it continues to have on your body. In the case of children, therapy has a positive impact on their lives for years to come.

If you or your child has been through a traumatic experience, somatic therapy techniques such as pendulation can help you move from a relaxed state to emotions similar to what you experienced during the traumatic event and then back again to a relaxed state. This helps you move from a reactive state to a calm and restful state so that you are not stuck at either extreme.

  1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

To understand how somatic therapy can help reduce stress and anxiety, we first need to have a better understanding of how the human body and brain reacts. As part of our natural survival mechanism, we instinctively pay more attention to threat than safety. When you have a traumatic experience, your body can continue to have a stress-induced response even when that threat is no longer present.

Even if you haven’t experienced a traumatic event, you may still have the response where your body is on “high alert” to keep you safe. Unfortunately, this keeps you in a state where you constantly feel threatened. Somatic therapy teaches techniques to help recognize and process emotions through bodily sensations. Practising these techniques on a regular basis can help you release the tension that you hold in your body which in turn helps to reduce your stress and anxiety.

  1. Improves Emotional Regulation

It’s normal for toddlers to cry or throw tantrums when they don’t get what they want because they are unable to process and regulate their emotions. Most children outgrow this stage pretty quickly but some struggle with this skill for several months or even years. As parents, we are sometimes at a loss when dealing with these situations and feel helpless because we do not know how to help our children. This is where somatic therapy can help as it can improve emotional regulation and give children the tools that they need to manage their emotions which will serve them well for the rest of their lives.

Research shows that emotional regulation is linked to academic success and productivity which means that this therapy can help your child thrive in various aspects of life. These techniques can also help parents who feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities.

  1. Improves Sleep

Kids are not the only ones that are affected by sleep problems as it’s a common issue for adults as well.  Sleep plays an important role in childhood development which is why you should not ignore your child’s sleep issues. Somatic therapy has various exercises to promote better physical and emotional regulation, which in turn, improves sleep. These exercises stimulate pressure receptors in your skin which send signals to your brain to slow down your heart rate and enter a calm state that is conducive to sleep.

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