Allergy Immunotherapy for Kids: 4 Tips for A Less Stressful Experience

Allergy Immunotherapy for Kids: 4 Tips for A Less Stressful Experience

Allergy immunotherapy can be scary for kids, especially if you opt for allergy shots. Between the stress of the doctor’s visit and the injection, completing each dose can be a nightmare. Luckily, there are a few ways to minimize stress for your child (and you).

From explaining the procedure to choosing a kid-friendly treatment program, there are a few methods to help you avoid a total meltdown for your kiddo.

1.   Be upfront with your child

Knowing what to expect can make a big difference in how your child handles the treatment. If your kiddo is old enough to comprehend what they’ll experience, explain it to them. Adjust your explanation based on your kid’s age.

For example, if your kiddo is five or six years old, you might explain it in terms of medicine to stop the kitty allergy. You might say, “The doctor will give a quick shot that holds the medicine. This medicine will help you feel better when you spend time with kitties.”

Keep it simple—there’s no need to get carried away, especially if they won’t understand the explanation.

2.   Use distractions

As a parent, you’re probably familiar with the power of a good distraction. So, take advantage of your go-to distracting methods while your allergist or doctor completes the allergy shot.

For example, you might get your kiddo to focus on you and practice slow breathing. Breathe with them, taking slow, even breaths while the injection takes place. This option might not work for all kiddos, but it can help.

Or, let them watch their favorite show or listen to music. Sometimes, the distraction of an upbeat song or their go-to show will keep them occupied and happy while your healthcare provider completes the quick injection.

Sometimes, even just physical contact in another area of the body can distract your child from the pain of the injection. A little tickle or squeeze may help them focus on something else, giving your healthcare provider the chance to complete the injection without a total meltdown.

3.   Make it a positive experience

The doctor’s office can be a scary and overwhelming place for kids, especially if they’ve visited previously for shots. Those previous experiences can cloud the experience, dampening the vibe and making your child unwilling to visit the doctor.

So, make this visit (and future visits) easier on you and your kiddo by making it a positive experience. This can look different for every family, so you’ll need to adjust to meet your child’s likes and dislikes.

For example, suppose your child loves a particular snack. Make the experience positive by bringing the snack along for immediate consumption after the visit or stopping by the store to pick it out.

Or maybe they’re sold on fun stickers and themed bandaids. In that case, you might bring along a bandaid or sticker with their favorite princess or superhero to give them after the visit. Do what works best for you and your child!

4.   Consider stress-free alternatives

If needles are an absolute no-go for your child, consider a needle-free allergy immunotherapy alternative. While allergy shots are an excellent option for those who don’t mind shots, they can be a lot for kids, especially considering that your child may need multiple injections per week.

Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is a great alternative. This type of allergy immunotherapy is administered under the tongue in the form of drops or tablets. It presents little risk of adverse reactions, so you can administer it from the comfort of your own home.

No needles, no frequent doctor visits necessary! It’s a win-win for you and your kiddo! Of course, you should choose the option that works best for your family. If you’re unsure which option might best suit your needs, talk to your healthcare provider.

Wave Goodbye to Stressful Allergy Immunotherapy Appointments

Allergy immunotherapy injections are no fun, especially for kiddos. But with the right preparation, you and your child can go to the appointment feeling more confident and relaxed. Of course, if you want to skip the doctor and needle scene, you could always opt for sublingual immunotherapy. Choose the option that works best for your family!

Remember to discuss your child’s options with their healthcare provider beforehand. The doctor can offer insight based on your child’s medical history and needs, helping you select the option best suited to your kiddo.

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