Detecting Eye Problems In Children at an Early Age
The American Optometric Association reveals that every one child amongst four children suffers from vision problems which go unattended for a long period of time. This is an alarming figure, because eyes are one of the most crucial organs for effective growth and development of any individual.
Good vision not just provides a seamless learning experience, but it also aids in a good quality of life and boosts an individual’s self-confidence. So, it is very essential for parents to ensure healthy vision in their children by encouraging healthy behavioral habits.
Early Detection
Hand in hand with educating kids about healthy habits, parents must be proactive in noticing any vision impairments that may occur. Early detection with an annual eye exam minimizes damage and thus promote healthy eyesight for life.
Here are some early signs which may indicate vision impairment in children.
If your child is squinting often, it is possible that he is suffering from near-sighted vision which is why he may be squinting his eyes to look at objects that are at a distance. Similarly, kids who squint while reading or playing with toys could be suffering from the opposite condition which is far-sightedness that may be indicative of astigmatism or hyper myopia.
Head tilt or turn:
Children who may have eye alignment issues tend to tilt or turn their heads in order alleviate the discomfort they may be feeling as a result of straining their eye muscles. This could possibly indicate issues in the eye alignment.
Sitting too close to the TV or computer screen:
Children who sit very close to the television screen may be suffering from near-sightedness. They may not be able to see from a distance, which is why they move closer to the TV screen. In the classroom kids may be able to see the teacher from afar, but have trouble focusing on school work at their desk.
Showing sensitivity to light:
Some children tend to have excessive sensitivity to light, even when they are sitting indoors. This can be a sign of a condition called photophobia, which causes discomfort in the eyes when exposed to bright light.
Frequent Eye Rubbing, Headaches, and Nausea:
We often see kids rubbing their eyes while trying to focus on something when they are reading, looking at computer or phone screens, or when they are playing with toys. Rubbing is a sign that your child may be having problems in clear vision and demands medical supervision. Headaches and nausea are also suggestive that your child’s eyes may be strained.
Chronic redness of the eyes, itchy eyes:
When your child feels an abnormally high amount of itching or redness in the eyes, it is possible that there is some form of defect or impairment. It is best to consult the optometrist in such a situation.
Having an eye that turns in or out:
In the human body, both the eyes are usually aligned with one another. However, if you find that your child’s eyes are not in sync, it best to consult an ophthalmologist and detect the condition. When detected on time, it can be treated successfully and with ease.
Drooping Eyelid:
Ptosis is a medical condition in which the upper eyelid muscles weaken and start sagging. This leads the upper eyelids to droop and affect the vision. This condition can develop with age or be present right from birth (congenital ptosis). If you notice this condition in your child, it is best to consult a doctor at the earliest. When left untreated, it can also develop into a lazy eye (amblyopia) or astigmatism.
If you notice any of these conditions in your child, it is best advised to consult an ophthalmologist at the earliest. Eyes are one of the most precious organs of the body and hence. Therefore, it is essential that all children undergo ophthalmology examination when they are about 3 years of age, to detect any possible vision impairments that exist.
Additional Resources:
Many children are apprehensive about wearing glasses, especially for the first time. Here are some ways you can warm them up to the idea and also give them confidence in their new look.

Aaron Barriga is the online marketing manager for Insight Vision Center, eye care center, Fresno. With a knack for understanding medical procedures, and an interest in eye and vision health, Aaron loves to share what he knows and what he learns. He blogs to inform readers about the latest eye care technology and other topics related to eye care, especially LASIK. Aaron loves collecting coasters from the different bars and restaurants he visits during his travels.