Category: Education

4 Common Mistakes When Building a Model Rocket

Common Mistakes When Building a Model Rocket

Building a model rocket is no easy task. You won’t get the results you want if you rush to complete this project. In fact, there’s a chance that your first attempt to make a model rocket will be a failure, which is okay, but we’re here to help. Here are four common mistakes people make when building a model rocket.

Speeding Through

The process of building a model rocket is just that, a process. You cannot speed through the steps. It requires a lot of time, patience, and attention to detail. The smallest miscalculation can result in some undesirable outcomes. Don’t plan to complete the task in a day or two.

If rocketry is a new project for your students, set aside some real time so that they can work on the task. Dedicate a whole lesson to the project because it will require a lot of focus. There are calculations you all need to review, test to run, observations and predictions to make, and safety precautions. After all, building a bottle rocket is perfect for reducing kids’ screentime so they can focus on these important calculations. Take your time and enjoy the build-up to the finale.

Improper Supplies

Don’t skimp out on the supplies when building a model rocket. You don’t have to go as big as NASA, but it’s not ideal to go cheap, either. If you want the best outcome when you finally launch the rocket, you’ll need to put a little money behind the project.

Moreover, it’s important that you have all the proper supplies necessary. There are various tools and materials you need to purchase to ensure the model comes out looking fantastic. Try to refrain from substituting certain pieces unless instructions tell you otherwise.


Building a model rocket is already complicated enough, so there’s no reason for you to add more fuel to the fire. Follow the instructions because their guidance will lead you to success. Don’t look for additional ways to impress your students like adding more power.

Building a model rocket and successfully launching it is plenty cool already. The idea alone will impress them so try to keep things as simple as possible. Find alternative ways to make the project more fun without adding extra pressure to the original design of the rocket. For example, you can always add some artwork to the exterior.

Neglecting Safety

Safety first. This is the most important. Most first-timers only focus on the safety aspect when it comes to launching the rocket. While this is important, it’s not the only time you need to focus on safety when building a model rocket.

Some of the tools you’ll use can be harmful. Make sure you follow the precautions laid out for you from beginning to end. Practicing safety also means not taking any liberties with the designs and calculations. Make sure everything is proper. When it comes time for launch day, you experience no problems. Do a couple test runs first to work out the kinks.

Building a model rocket is exciting and very educational. Watch out for these common mistakes, and you’re sure to have a blast.

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4 Ways to Create an Inclusive Classroom Environment for Students on the Spectrum

How to Create an Inclusive Classroom Environment for Students on the Spectrum

About one in 100 children has autism, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by difficulty regarding aspects such as communication and social interaction, and the WHO further highlights the fact that those with autism may experience varying needs and abilities that can evolve over time.

For those that are unfamiliar with teaching students on the spectrum, there are a variety of different ways that a positive difference can be made. With that in mind, ensuring that the classroom experience promotes a positive learning environment is vital in ensuring a student is both comfortable and has the foundations for academic success.

Understanding challenges (and adapting)

When seeking the best ways to provide a productive learning environment for students on the spectrum, first understanding the challenges that an individual with ASD may face in the classroom is essential. notes that various aspects regarding school can present as a challenge, noting that social interactions, noisy environments, sensory issues, and changes in routines can all be difficult, and mentions that “The unstructured parts of the school day, such as lunch, may present the greatest challenges.”

However, because each individual who is on the spectrum has unique difficulties and needs, what works for one student may not work for the next. While it’s recommended to consult with the student and their family regarding accommodations and what may work best for that individual, there are a variety of helpful solutions that can be worth implementing in the classroom to make the environment more inclusive.

Before making alterations to a classroom, making an effort to further understand a student on the spectrum will allow you to gain valuable insight as to what might be the best course of action., for instance, notes that in addition to connecting with the child’s parents, making a list of the child’s strengths and understanding how they learn can play a major role in making the classroom a positive place to learn for them. The site further mentions the value in asking for help through a classroom aid, while having a behavior plan in place for instances of sensory overload can be additional ways in preparing to effectively teach those on the spectrum.

The Value in Pedictability Via Structure

Because many individuals on the spectrum thrive on structure in their daily routines and tend to have difficulties with change, ensuring that there is a sense of predictability is just one simple way to make the classroom a more inclusive environment for all. Teach for America notes that “Having predictability in the classroom eases anxiety for students with autism and will help avoid distraction. Students are less worried or curious about what will happen next and can better focus on the work at hand,” going on to recommend giving the student a schedule that can be followed.

Autism Specialty Group further highlights the value that consistency and predictability can have for those with ASD, noting that “With repetitive patterns of behavior, activities, and hobbies, children with ASD can bring stability and comfort into their lives,” further noting the benefits that stability in routine can have — including reducing stress, improving cooperation and motivation, and creating an environment of security and comfort.

Exploring Hybrid Learning Approaches

While putting a predictable schedule into place can be a great way to support students on the spectrum, exploring hybrid learning approaches can be another that can go a long way in ensuring inclusivity. For instance, due to individuality, implementing different forms of technological support can present a solution in working to find the best approach for each student.

The use of video modeling and interactive whiteboards are just two ways to do this, though the integration of other technologies, like voice dictation tools, can be particularly useful for certain difficulties like writing. While writing plays an integral part in the classroom, a summary of one study notes that children with high functioning ASD integrated in regular schools find it difficult to perform writing tasks — something that can impair academic achievements, social availability, and self-confidence, according to experts. Schools may want to consider designing custom workshops learning a hobby or task, or parents can seeking something in the community.

Making Small (Yet Impactful) Changes

For educators teaching students with disabilties, including those with ASD, there are a variety of ways that slightly altering the teaching style can make a major difference in elevating the classroom experience. Positive Action points out several different ways that this can be done — such as by making use of visual aids when teaching, keeping verbal instructions “short and to the point,” and using the child’s interests in a lesson. Keeping the sensory stimuli to a minimum in the classroom can also be a big way to help, and can be done by eliminating loud noises (like music) wherever possible.

Positive action further notes that reducing the effect of lighting can also make a difference, noting that “Some autistic people find fluorescent light distracting because they can see the flicker of the 60-cycle electricity,” and recommends diminishing this effect by either moving the student’s desk near the window, using newer bulbs, or making use of an old-fashioned incandescent lamp.

For students who are on the spectrum, the classroom can be a challenging place to navigate — especially when considering factors such as writing, a noisy atmosphere, or social interaction are notoriously found in schools. Thankfully, there are a myriad of different ways that educators can work to provide a positive and comfortable classroom environment, whether it be through the integration of technology or predictability.

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Math Skills Your Child Needs while Learning in 2nd Grade

Math Skills Your Child Needs while Learning in 2nd Grade

Advancing from 1st to 2nd grade requires new skills. In 2nd grade, kids face complex forms of problems on math topics they learned in grade 1, and the assignments are of increased difficulty levels. So, parents must prepare their children for the new session by offering them online classes on math for kids during holidays.

But parents can’t do that effectively without knowing the areas their kids need to improve. If you are a parent who wants to help your child settle into 2nd grade math education this summer, here are the new skills a child should gain.

Counting within 1000

With math games, 2nd-grade kids can learn how to count to 1000 and within 1000 by heart. In grade 1, kids learn how to count to 10 and then to 100. Now, in grade 2, they have to learn that after 100, a repeated progression will enable them to reach 1000.

Counting is the foundation of math, and learning how to count to 1000 opens up the mind of a child to more complex numbers and their compositions. The skill also builds kids’ confidence in handling other concepts like addition and subtraction.

Understanding place value in three-digit numbers

The concept of place value is learnt in math for 2nd graders because kids are now counting within 1000. As children count, they will come across numerous 3-digit numbers, which means they need to learn the way place value works and the value of each number.

Students will also learn what hundreds, tens, and units mean and how to tell them apart in multi-digit numbers. Kids need time to master the complicated concept, so they will benefit from starting early before the school calendar begins. Therefore, practicing with a child at home or signing them up for an online class is a great idea.

Comparing three-digit numbers

You can also expect 2nd graders to learn how to compare three-digit numbers. Having the understanding of place value, they can compare three-digit numbers using the greater than (>), the lesser than (<), and the equal to (=) symbols. Signing your kids up for a math lesson online will make learning this math skill easier.

Adding and subtracting within 1000

Kids learned how to add and subtract within 100 in first grade; now, they must understand how to do the same within 1000. Depending on the numbers added, 2nd graders will also learn to add three-digit numbers to get either a 3-digit number or a 4-digit one. Online math classes contain practice lessons where kids can use fun games and videos until they get very good at the topic.


In 1st grade, students learned vague comparisons to get an idea of measurement, but in the 2nd grade, they will learn terms like length, width, and height. As they progress, the idea of measurement will hit even more complex levels; however, practice makes perfect, especially in math.

Educators designed measurement math games to help kids understand measurement easily. You can use different online math games to ensure your child’s learning process is optimal. The more times a kid repeats these games, the easier they sharpen their measurement skills.

Telling time to the nearest 5 minutes

Time is a fundamental concept, and when kids learn it in 1st grade, they are more enamored by the complexities of an analog clock than time itself. However, in 2nd grade, they begin to learn how time works. The easiest way to learn time is to tell it in the nearest 5 minutes.

Learning what each 5 means regarding timing and implications is a repetitive process. First, they start with what o’clock implies, then they learn the past 5s, past 10s, and past 15s till they get to the half-past concept and back to the o’clock. Besides using games to teach this math skill, introducing math worksheets to the mix will completely change the game for the better.

Solving word problems surrounding money

In 1st grade, a child’s first encounter with money starts with the fundamental “what is money?” question. Then, they learn all denominations of the currency and their value. In 2nd grade, kids have to solve word problems with money, which means applying addition and subtraction skills.

The good thing about money-related math for kids is that money is a very realistic representation of math. Therefore, almost every moment is a teachable one. As a parent, you can help kids understand money word problems by sending them on errands wherever you go shopping together.

An example of a word problem can be incorporated when you visit the vending machine. ‘I have four cents; I wanted a pack of cheerios which cost 2 cents; I put in the 2 cents inside the machine and got my pack of cheerios; how many cents do I have left?’

Reading graphs

Towards the end of 2nd grade, a teacher will introduce your child to an exciting math topic called picture and bar graphs. Kids often enjoy learning this concept because of all the engaging moments involved in the learning process. However, for the same reason, they can get very distracted, missing the essence of the lesson in the first place.

You can ensure that when your child faces this topic in class, they are not lost or distracted by signing up for a class at home. You can also learn the skill of reading the graphs according to the common core principles. It will help you practice with your kids at home using math worksheets for 2nd graders.


It is good to stay in the loop to know what your kid is learning in their new grade. You can follow a few recommendations that are included in this article to help your child learn math skills before a resumption day. If you enjoyed reading the article, you would love to practice with your child even more, especially with games and videos.

Additional Math Resources:

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Why Is Tutoring Important?

Why Is Tutoring Important?

Tutoring is an academic need for students who have gaps in some disciplines. Except for the knowledge, higher grades at school, and preparation before university or college, it supports your child with unforgettable experiences and other benefits. So, tutoring isn’t only about textbooks, foremost, it’s also about the experience.

In this article, we mention the solid reasons why tutoring is important. You will be introduced to the purpose and conception of this, its advantages, and the top-7 reasons for considering the importance of tutoring. This article will be useful for students and their parents, as well as for beginners and advanced tutors.

We will also help you find a tutor. You can read the Varsity Tutors vs Wyzant review, learn some additional details about the work of tutors and choose yours. So, whichever category you are in let’s begin!

Does Tutoring Work?

Most likely, you won’t observe progress in your child after several lessons.  However, after a month you should be able to mark some milestones!  Don’t be discouraged if results come slowly.  Over a consistent period of time, thanks to the private lessons, momentum towards gaining the knowledge of a subject will grow.

There are plenty of examples of success for those being tutored. Still, it’s important to note that the best results come to students who make an effort and take an interest in the material.

What Is The Purpose Of Tutoring?

The main purpose of tutoring is to help students in studying and navigating. Most pupils, and even some parents, tend to think about tutors as live homework makers.  However, there is no link between completing homework and tutoring. There are ways to help make homework go faster on your own. Students receive guidance from tutors on individual or group sessions and how to work on their own.

Top-3 Reasons Why Tutoring Is Important

Tutoring has many advantages, including offering kids the capacity to gain new knowledge. There are so many reasons to start tutoring your child.  Here are the top 3 of them.

1.   Boosts The Confidence Of A Student

Obviously, lessons with the tutor aren’t the same as lessons in class. In addition to the focused attention that a tutored student gets, tutors also develop the plan of studying for each unique case.  This builds confidence in each child in the educational process and their ability learn.  Personalized learning allows kids to be confident in their vulnerability working with an understanding tutor.

2.   Helps The Student To Plan Their Time

Sessions with a tutor will impact the accuracy and responsibility of the student. Regular lessons will help the child plan his or her time. Working with a tutor individually allows for flexibly to master the skill of time management.

3.   A Real Chance To Prepare For The Adult Life And Future Career

We would like to explain this partition on an example of learning Spanish. Lessons with a tutor are about the frequent up and downs in speaking, grammar, listening, and most importantly – writing.  Focus on improved writing skills are essential to develop a successful career.

The Benefits Of Tutoring

Here are some advantages of hiring a tutor. This list will offer encouragement to begin additional lessons for your child.

1.   Personalized Learning

In contrast to the school or college, tutoring provides flexibility because of a custom personalized learning experience. If, for some reason, the session is canceled by either the teacher or parent, there is room to catch up on topic.  Missing a class in school, or a series of classes for any reason, puts the student behind and there is a greater potential for them to be overwhelmed.

2.   Tutors Provide Safe & Comfortable Environment For Learning

Have you ever been scared of going to the board or answer the teacher’s question?  The fear of making mistakes in front of your classmates can greatly inhibit a child’s performance.   It’s the same for your child. Everyone is different in their social abilities.  Going to school is important to build those social skills, but some kids need a little extra help from a more delicate tutor.

Tutors can become like mentors.  They provide the child with a comfortable and safe atmosphere for learning and expressing themselves.  Despite the individual or group sessions, the pupil knows that making mistakes is okay.

3.   Tutors Can Be More Attune to Special Education Needs

Some students are in need of special education. Online schools and tutors may be the only way for them to process information properly.  Even if your school has excellent teachers who provide one on one attention for special needs, tutoring can fill in the gap.   For students with ACD, studying in the common school is a bit problematic and inefficient and online tutoring can be a lifesaver. For them, individual sessions are much more effective.

4.   Tutoring Is About Flexibility

Flexibility is also a precious benefit of lessons with tutors. Usually, students spend their time after school on extracurricular activities. Even if the kid has any chores, social events, commitments, and other activities isn’t a liability for tutoring. You can always regulate the schedule of lessons with your tutor together.

5.   Tutors Support A Student With Lifelong Learning Skills

Studies with tutors can relieve the stress of learning.  A little stress is fine to prepare a child for higher education and life long learning.  They will get enough of this stress in school already and tutoring provides a way to keep up with the class without added stress.   Individual teachers provide support and comfort during sessions. Hence, their students are more apt to be motivated and interested in the subject matter.

Usually, at school, students who are not properly learning simply learn all the material by heart before the exams. However, this technique is insufficient compared with knowing the material because they understand it.  Memory skills are good too, but comprehension is just as important.

Why Is Tutoring Important: Conclusion

In this article, we talked about why tutoring is important. We mentioned such aspects:

  • What is the purpose of tutoring?
  • Does it work?
  • Top-3 reasons why tutoring is important.
  • Five benefits of tutoring.

Summing up, we should mention that lessons with a tutor have many additional benefits than lessons in a school or college class. Tutors are always much more delicate and empathetic because their focus is on one student.  In a cozy atmosphere, students can be free of hesitation and being afraid of making mistakes. For vulnerable students, it’s a chance to get an better education and develop learning skills for life.

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