Category: Education

Creating a Recommendation Letter: Guide for Students

Student Guide for Creating a Recommendation Letter

Whether you are looking to get into college or obtain your first job, many people will ask you for recommendation letters throughout your search. Asking for a recommendation letter can be nerve-wracking, especially when you aren’t sure whom to ask and what to expect.

In this article, we will go over everything you need to remember when creating a recommendation letter.

What is a Student Recommendation Letter?

A student recommendation letter is a reference letter written on your behalf to explain to the other party why you are a good candidate for a college or a good fit for the job. It will explain your attributes and other unique things that will make you stand out from the crowd.

While you won’t be writing a student recommendation letter yourself, it’s still good to know what it should look like. You are encouraged to look for samples and take a peek at the recommendation letter template to see what should be included when you ask someone for a reference letter.

Who Do I Ask for Recommendations Letters?

Generally, recommendations letters cannot be written by someone who is related to you or someone that you have a close personal relationship. Recommendation letters need to be written by a professional who knows your work and can attest to your special qualities.

Students usually ask for recommendation letters from:

  • A former or current teacher
  • Principal of the school
  • Dean of the school
  • The school counselor or advisor
  • A former employer (if they have one)
  • Volunteer leader that has supervised them
  • Sports coach

These are just some of the possibilities.

Why Would I Need a Recommendation Letter?

There are many reasons why you might need a recommendation letter. Here are the most common situations. Although, you should always tell your teacher or the person you’re asking to write the letter why exactly you need it and who will be on the receiving end.

Internship Positions

Internships might take place the summer after you graduate or during your last year of high school. Internships will allow you to gain experience you might want for a future job. They also allow you to see what kind of skills you have and what duties you enjoy performing.

Many jobs don’t want to hire someone who has never had a job before, but they will hire someone who has done an internship. Try to get a letter of recommendation from a teacher who has experience in the same field as the internship.

For example, if you are applying for an internship in a medical laboratory, ask one of your science teachers for a letter of recommendation.

Scholarships and Grants

The faster college approaches, the more you probably realize that you need to start looking for scholarships or ways to fund your education. Most scholarships will ask for a letter of recommendation.

Getting a good letter of recommendation can secure your spot for college funding and help you cover some of the costs that come with education.

Your First Job

If you have already had a job, you might ask a previous employer for a reference. However, your first job can be hard to obtain since you don’t have work experience. Asking a teacher at school can be a great way to show an employer that you have desirable job skills that would be beneficial in the workforce.

You can explain to the employer that you’ve never held a job, but you are a good student that has people who can back you up

Further Education

If you have already attended college and have a degree, you might be thinking about working towards a master’s or high degree. When applying to these programs, you almost always have to submit several student recommendations from professors you worked with at the undergraduate level.

This is why it’s always a good idea to form relationships with the professors and attend their extra study sessions. Always ask for recommendation letters from a professor where you received a high grade and worked hard.

What Should Be Included in the Letter?

While you won’t be the one writing the letter, it’s essential to make sure the letter has all the components needed. Try asking for a letter from someone who has written one before so you can ensure that there are no missing details. Keep in mind that some teachers will send the letter of recommendation directly to the institution, which means you will never have a chance to look at it.

This is why it’s crucial to ask for letters from people you know and trust well. The following things should always be included in the letter.

Names of the teacher and the student

The professor should always introduce themselves and say where they work and what position they hold. The professor also needs to introduce the student they are writing about.

Student’s characteristics

This section will describe the potential and characteristics you hold that would make it beneficial for the receiver to have you working for them or attending their college. The receiver should have a good idea of what the student is like and what their personality is.

Desire to answer questions

The writer should include a short paragraph about how they are willing to answer questions and talk more and explain more if needed. This will make the receiver feel confident that they can call or email if they need to.


Recommendation letters should always be signed to show they’re official. It should also be dated. If there is an official stamp, the signer can also use their stamp to validate the letter.

Contact details

The contact details should always be included. This allows the professor to be reached if there are any questions or concerns. If there are no contact details, many people will not consider the letter to be valid.

Extra Things to Consider

While writing a letter of recommendation is usually pretty straightforward, there are some things to consider before writing or asking for a letter.

Some things should never be included in the letter:

  • Incorrect details about the student. If some things in the letter are not true, kindly ask the professor to change them.
  • General language. Schools and employers can tell when the letter is too generic. Try to include specifics about the student to show you know who you’re talking about.

Some things to follow:

  • Write official and professional. Make sure the tone of the letter is professional and well-communicated.
  • Be ready for questions. Make sure the teacher or lecturer knows they might be contacted for questions.
  • Submit the letter in time. If the deadline is approaching and you haven’t received your letter of recommendation, remind the professor and request to send the letter soon.

In Conclusion

Letters of recommendations are a great way to show a potential employer or college admittee commission that you are prepared and ready for the tasks at hand. Just make sure your letter has all the things listed above.

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6 Important Money Habits to Teach Your Teens

Important Money Habits to Teach Your Teens

As parents, you want nothing but the best for your children, especially when it comes to matters that affect their future. But for that to happen, you’ll need to lay the foundations that will help them build a better life for themselves –  this includes financial literacy and building good money habits.

Your teenagers will already have a good grasp of what money is and what it can do; you may have already discussed with them how to use a debit card responsibly.   Still, you need to play a more proactive role in their financial education and ingrain in them money habits that will prepare them for the real world.

Teaching your children these eight money habits as early as possible will increase their chances of becoming financially-responsible adults: 

1. Creating a Budget

 It’s very important for your kids to learn about budgeting and money management while they’re young and the stakes are still very low.

If your teenager has some form of cash flow, either from an allowance or doing part-time jobs, you can start teaching them how to allocate money for their expenses and then document everything that’s coming in and out. You may also use your own household budget as a teaching tool or develop a fictional income-expenses scenario if you’re not comfortable with divulging your financial information to your children. 

2. Saving Money Regularly

Once your teen is familiar with the concept of cash flow and how to keep track of their expenses, it’s time to teach them the value of “paying yourself first” or setting aside a specific percentage of their allowance or earnings from side hustles.

You can encourage this habit with a savings account. They will be more motivated to save when they can see for themselves how their money grows the more they save. 

3. Financial Goal-Planning

Saving and spending money wisely are crucial factors to financial success, but goal planning is even more important.

Ask your teenager to write down their goals for the future – it could be a big purchase, travel plans, college or the kind of life they want to lead – and then educate them on what they need to do to achieve those goals. When they have a clear vision of where they want their money to go or what they plan to achieve with it, they’ll be able to plan their finances more effectively.

Teach budget skills for daily living as well as preparing for the cost of college.

4. Delayed gratification

The new generation is growing up in a buy-it-now society where people just go ahead and purchase whatever they want without second thoughts. This is why it is important to teach children the concept of delayed gratification, so they don’t just spend their money aimlessly.

It can be very hard to say no to your children, but making them save or work for the stuff they want will help them appreciate the value of things. Ask them to do extra chores for extra allowance or do odd jobs around the neighborhood for additional spending money. This way, they will understand the connection between working and money.

5. Distinguishing Good vs Bad Credit

As much as you want your kids to avoid debt at all costs, it’s important for them to understand that not all debts are bad.

Credit cards and other forms of consumer debts can be very risky when they borrow beyond your means. However, it is okay to take out a loan or a mortgage if they’re going to use it to acquire assets, develop your skills, or build wealth over time. But also teach your child how to get out of debt with a proper strategy as early as possible, as this will give you peace of mind.

6. Investing

 As they prepare for higher education, start talking to your teens about investing and the power of compounding interest.

One good way to kick off investing for kids is with a high-interest savings account, which they can use for funding short-term financial goals. From there, introduce them to stocks, bonds, Roth IRAs and how these investment options can grow their money faster and help them fulfill their more expensive and long-term financial goals.

About the Author:

Samantha Green is the Content Marketing Strategist for the MCA award-winning app, BusyKid, the first and only chore and allowance platform where kids can earn, save, share, spend, and invest their allowance. A mom of two, she enjoys spending time with her kids and reading books to them.

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Online Coding for Kids | Coding Games

Online Coding Classes and Courses for Kids

The best way to teach kids how to code is through an online coding for kids program that is self directed.  When you combine these teaching tools with games, kids don’t even realize how much they are learning.  The educational benefits expound to boost their confidence, creativity, problem solving and logical thinking skills.

There will continued to be a demand worldwide for students who are educated in IT (Information Technology).  This need is expected to only increase in coming years. That doesn’t mean that kids need to be thinking about a career in tech to truly benefit from an online coding class. You may have a child who is simply interested how computers work. You may have a family member that spends a lot of time playing video games and you want ensure some of that screen time is educational.

Coding for Kids – Online Learning

Get your child started today with online coding for kids.

Whether or not a child is gifted in science or STEM subjects in school, coding courses are designed for children of any skill level to discover whether learning to code is a path they want to explore.

Coding is also a great introduction for children to other educational focuses regarding computational thinking, which explores many aspects of problem solving and how both boys and girls can use these skills to understand how everything works in the world, not just computers and math.

How Kids can Learn Coding Easily while Having Fun

Whether teaching is live or a course where kids learn at their own pace, everything is designed to ensure any age group can grasp basic coding concepts. Any knowledge gained can only help kids succeed in school regardless of their chosen profession when they graduate.  There are also a variety of AP computer science books and courses online that guide a child through the basics of coding without a live teacher. Both experiences instruct kids how to code as they move through games they may already be playing normally.

Whether you are a teacher or a parent, there are coding activities that you can get your students or kids excited about.

Educators, learn how you to teach computer science and the foundations of computational thinking: codeSpark Ignite is an online professional development course designed to help preK-5 educators teach young students the basics of Computer Science and the foundations of computational thinking.

Why parents are encouraging their kids to learn coding.

  • Coding through fun games is a great opportunity to see if your younger child is interested in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
  • Classes and courses provide an educational process that can be enjoyed while kids are playing games online.
  • Parents may want their kids to learn coding skills to supplement what they may not being getting in school.
  • Coding lessons can be an excellent program addition for home schoolers or kids taking virtual classes.

Parents may have kids who enjoy playing a lot of video games. The challenge for any parent is limiting screen time when a child is only asking for more hours of play per day. Giving your son or daughter an extra hour of online play devoted to a coding game is the perfect compromise for many.

  • Children doing very well in school may not be challenged enough with their current studies.
  • Kids may have a keen interest in STEM already and are open to expanding their learning.

Something for Every Age: Self paced coding courses are provided for kids as early as 5 years old. Online coding classes can be taken as early as kindergarten.

Types of Coding Languages for Beginners

Block-based coding is an excellent ways for kids to get started.  It consists of dragging and dropping colorful components. This engaging method is fun for kids and helps them learn the basics without writing text.  After they are comfortable with blocks, instructors can introduce text-based coding.  This includes the basics of writing lines of code.

Together, block-based programming and text-based coding is more easily grasped as kids begin to understand how everything ties together to create something new.  With proper set-by step instruction, it’s possible for kids to learn more complex coding languages, such as;

  • Python – the programming language that reads like normal speech.
  • Ruby – the most readable syntax for beginner programmers.
  • Scratch – when introduced to kids who have a proper foundation of the basics, Scratch is fairly easy for children to learn.  It’s important because it’s they will be more than likely be using this type of coding in some capacity for the rest of their lives.
  • Java – while more difficult, teaching Java to beginners will make learning any language easier for kids.
  • C++ – this language make turn off some beginners to the world of coding because it’s very similar to math.  While it can expand a new coders world, instruction on this type of coding might turn of some beginners off.  However, once the basic fundamentals of programming are understood, C++ is very beneficial to those who decide to progress in their programming knowledge.

There are many different coding languages. Equipping a young children and teens with multiple options as they expand their expertise and knowledge can only serve to help them find what they enjoy best.  Other languages include Blockly, Alice, Lua, Go,Twine, Swift Playgrounds and Ruby.

The Benefits of Online Coding for Kids

Learning how to code has many benefits.  You can sign you child up for small online classes or choose one on one training.  Both of these class options involve live teaching. Kids will learn creative coding, game design, Minecraft modelling, Javascript and Python. All classes begin by kids learning the basics of easy block-based coding.

There are plenty of things that kids can do when they learn to code.  Some of these avenues can be explored while they are young and still in school.  Other areas may be developed in adulthood.  In either case, learning how to coding now is an excellent building block for any career choice, especially if their chosen path involved computers.  Here are 5 few things kids can do with coding knowledge;

1. Create an Online Game or Website

If you’re looking for something more than just a website, consider creating an online game or app. There are lots of free tools available to help with this process.

2. Build Apps for Android and iOS Devices

If you’d rather build an app instead of a website, there are plenty of options out there. One popular option is Appy Pie, which allows users to build mobile apps using drag and drop technology. Another option is PhoneGap, which lets developers use HTML5 and other web technologies to develop native mobile applications.

3. Learn Programming Languages

There are lots of different programming languages available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. A good place to start would be to learn one language well enough so that you can understand how others work. Once you feel comfortable with one language, you can move onto another.

4.  Start a Blog

If you’re looking for ways to earn money online, starting a blog might be a good option. In fact, there are tons of free blogging platforms out there where you can set up an account and start writing right away.

5 Design Websites

There’s no shortage of things you can do with coding. Whether you’re interested in building websites, creating mobile apps, or developing games, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to learn how to code. And once you’ve mastered one language, you can move onto another.

Is Coding Right for Your Kids?

No one can argue that any type of computer skill will offer a valuable educational benefit as kids advance through their grades. If your child loves spending time online, whether gaming or on social media, coding for kids education is an easy way to transition from online play time towards online learning time. The latter of which can be equality as fun as kids learn.

If your child is a book warm and doesn’t like computers much, it will be more of a challenge to engage them in the subjects associated with technology. Whether it’s part of a school curriculum or home schooling, live coding classes or monthly subscription based courses offer a way for educators and parents to make a child’s introduction to coding fun.

Create your account with a Free Trial of codeSpark Academy –  the online game kids can learn to code while playing.  It’s screen time you can feel good about.

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What Does the Future of School Look Like?

The Future of School

For 60% of Americans, the traditional education system is not up to snuff.  When asked why, students and parents alike couple grim statistics with their own personal experiences.  More than 6 million students are “chronically absent” from school in the US each year. Teenagers are 5 times more likely to suffer from a mental illness now than in prior generations.

Furthermore, a whopping 86% of high school students believe their schools value grades more than learning, as they say most students end up cheating at some point.  Radical change needs to happen in the school system.  And it has, just not for the reasons reformers expected.

In an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, millions of students tried out online learning for the first time in 2020.  As as pandemic progressed, schools of all types were going in and out of the virtual format in an ad hoc manner.  Despite the frustration caused by switching around, 57% of students feel more positively about online learning than they did prior to the pandemic.  Imagine what a planned, professionally designed virtual school environment can do for children.

Could virtual schools be the future of education?  For some students, yes.  Families all over the nation are turning to online education because it offers more flexible schedules, a safer environment, and more chances for family involvement in their child’s education.  Flexibility is a great thing for students because it allows them to be treated like individuals, something large school districts struggle to do.  Online school has lower incidences of bullying than in-person school does.  Furthermore, online school is time effective.  Online learning can cover the same material in 40% to 60% less time than traditional school formats.  A virtual student in school for the same amount of time could potentially learn twice as much.

Moreover, virtual school is a chance to design education for the 21st century.  Traditional school settings value compliance and uniformity while the modern workforce wants to see people exhibit innovation, creativity, and initiative.  Individuals who take more initiative in their own learning are more successful in our rapidly changing technological world.  Online school is a chance to create better learning formats, such as a project based curriculum with greater focus on the student’s goals and needs.  Traditional grading scales can be replaced with self-evaluation and more descriptive forms of teacher feedback.  New options arise thanks to online schooling.

What Does the Future of School Look Like?

What will life be like in the future?  Read about technology of the future.

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