Category: Education

How to Help Kids Be Focused and Productive with their Homework

How to Help Kids Be Focused and Productive with their Homework

Are your kids finding it hard to concentrate? Not just on homework, but on virtually anything? Welcome to planet distraction, where every age group is affected by 24/7 connectedness… where a device is always pinging, dinging or blaring content. Are there any solutions to help us focus in such an environment? –Actually, there are!

Should Kids Be Using Smartphones?

If So, From What Age?

Ask a group of parents what the appropriate age is for a child to begin using a cell phone and you will get a variety of impassioned responses. For some, it’s not until high school, whereas others see merit in having their child develop a relationship with technology earlier on. In any case, it’s not our job to tell you what devices to give your kids, but as soon as that Pandora’s box is opened, there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle… to mix metaphors.

When kids – hopefully at least teens at the youngest – begin engaging with social media, a phone or iPad or laptop can become an addictive problem. Have you ever tried taking away a 14-year-old’s phone for even a brief period such as dinner? For many parents, it’s a battle royale. Digital distractions are – for a great number of kids, especially teenagers – clearly affecting the quality and productivity of their lives – and that definitely includes the quality of their homework.

How to Use Tech Tools

Blocking Apps to Teach Focus:  For starters, eliminating digital distractions is key to help kids focus and build good study habits. Easier said than done as for one, the device may be needed for homework, and two, many young people say they’d rather go without food than without their phone and a Wi-Fi connection. We joke, but there is a solution to having a device, but not being distracted by it. Parents can quite easily learn how to block certain websites with a tech tool known as a blocking app. Now quite popular with office and home workers as well as college students, a blocking app syncs across all your devices and enables you to choose which sites to block at which specific times.

For example, a 14-year-old coming home from school at say 4:00 p.m. could have their phone and laptop set up so that social media sites are only available from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. All of these blocking choices would be up to you – and hopefully made in consultation with your child. A child who is persuaded of the logic of blocking digital distractions during designated times for schoolwork is getting a great life lesson on self-control. Obviously, a blocking app also serves as a sentinel against adult sites or sites with violent content and other unwanted material. And… perhaps mom and dad might also want to use a blocking app to reduce notifications and set an example of not being addicted to smartphones during homework, dinner, and other family times.

Understanding How Brains Works Can Lead to Better Cooperation with Limits   

For kids old enough to understand, you might try explaining the science. Massachusetts Institute of Technology neuroscientist Professor Earl Miller told The Guardian, “Your brain can only produce one or two thoughts [at a time]. We’re very, very single-minded.” In other words, our conscious minds are only capable of holding very limited amounts of information. Our cognitive capacity is tiny. We think we can do two or more things at a time but this is false.

Instead, as neuroscientist Miller explains, “They’re switching back and forth. They don’t notice the switching because their brain sort of papers it over to give a seamless experience of consciousness, but what they’re actually doing is switching and reconfiguring their brain moment-to-moment, task-to-task – [and] that comes with a cost.” That cost is the ability to focus on a single task and as a result, a huge fall in productivity.

In addition to a blocking app, which works as a digital distraction filter, any expert will tell you that children need a routine; they actually appreciate you setting one for them, even though they often vehemently claim they do not. Setting up a specific time that is “homework time” and is always “homework time” creates a routine that stops any debates over when homework should be done. Homework is done during homework time. Period.

Tidy Workspace Equals a Clear Mind

While not feasible for all families because not everyone lives in a large house, having a designated workspace for your child is, of course, ideal. Even if your house is too small for a separate room, clearing off the kitchen table and making it as tidy as possible along with setting up homework equipment is a good idea, as designated homework spaces contribute to a feeling of order and routine. Tidiness is also essential. A clean working area helps create a clean working mind.

Taking Breaks is Essential:   Don’t forget breaks. The adage of ‘all work and no play’ being bad for students isn’t just a frivolous rhyme. The breaks don’t have to be lengthy and depending on the age of the child, perhaps even involve some sort of exercise. Brainpower is boosted by exercise so even a quick 5-minute “dance break” could be helpful.

Remind yourself that when kids are in school, they take their cues from classmates and perhaps sometimes teachers, but when doing homework at home you are the primary role model. You can demonstrate to them that you also do homework in your daily life. Explaining things such as a grocery list or some discussion at dinner on how you plan to organize a workday can instill the idea that everyone does ‘homework’ in their own way.

And finally, remember to tell your children that you’re proud of them whenever honestly possible. They need to know that their effort is appreciated and the simple phrase “I’m proud of you!” is a proven effective motivator.

Did you know that studies have shown that chewing gum improves focus and memory retention?  (of course, make sure it’s sugar free).  Read More

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Block Programming and Developing Computational Thinking

Block Programming and Developing Computational Thinking

Faced with the new multidisciplinary challenges posed by the Information Society, education must continue to act as a guide so that children and young people can manage in an increasingly complex environment. And it is in this context where computational thinking, driven by the development of new digital tools, has become the backbone for the acquisition of valuable skills.

Therefore, today we want to make a practical approach to this concept through block programming, as it is an ideal option to develop some of these skills. This includes elements such as creativity or communication of ideas. It is also an enjoyable way for students to learn difficult concepts.

Block programming, from theory to practice in computational thinking

To facilitate the learning of computational thinking at an early age, it is advisable to develop its theoretical concepts through didactic activities. These serve to reinforce what has already been learned. ProFuturo’s resource ‘Introduction to block programming’ has been created and designed so that teachers can explore with their students the practical applications of this problem-solving methodology.

Starting from the base, programming is an instrumental competence that is linked to the cognitive ability that is computational thinking. For its development, codes are used that, correctly structured and organized, give rise to applications that have the ability to execute commands and carry out tasks.

However, these codes are written in specific complex languages that are difficult to assimilate. This is true especially in primary education, although fortunately we have the block methodology to iron out these edges.

The practical and fun solution to first steps in programming

Block programming compacts codes into logical and ordered sequences of instructions (blocks). It involves creating figures that represent individual events or functions. These figures possess the graphical capability to connect with each other, forming one or more logical sequences of actions. Consequently, this process results in the development of simple programs.

In this way, this methodology allows to handle, in a tangible and practical way, something as abstract as code.  It does it through fun and entertaining exercises that encourage further discovery.

This is something that students appreciate, because through this simple learning process they can see in real time the results of their work. It allows them to evaluate the incorporation of new parameters.  And for teachers, even in cases where they have little or no skills in the subject, they can easily assimilate the concepts of basic programming involved in this solution, as well as the core area of computational thinking that is explored with it.

ProFuturo’s lock training proposal consists of:

In its commitment to innovation and development processes in teaching, ProFuturo makes the resource ‘Introduction to block programming’ available to teachers.

Here are some of its key features that makes this unit unique:

It has been designed using the visual block language Scratch. This is specifically designed for children to learn to how to programme.

It also makes a small approximation to other options available in the market, such as Pocket Code and Blockly.

Its contents are aimed at students between the ages of 8 and 12, who have experience in the use of computers. These students also possess a basic knowledge of computer language, logical thinking and the use of programming in playful environments.

Its development is progressive.  It progresses step by step, from the basics to the approach of a final challenge. Students can put into practice everything they have learned about block programming through Scratch.

It provides the fundamental concepts of block programming from a fully creative approach.  It invites children and young people to make the animation of a character and encourages them to share their ideas using this simple language.

It generates memorable and fun experiences, which are a constant motivation to adequately face the resolution of problems that arise in class.

Not only does the training provide specific skills, it also sets goals to achieve transversal competencies that are basic for the personal and human development of the students.

In short, the unit ‘Introduction to block programming’ allows to take a step further in learning the keys to computational thinking. Its great advantage is that it simplifies the most complex programming concepts and frames them in a visual and attractive context, so that children feel stimulated when developing their skills.

Learning about Programming: The Complete Guide For Beginners

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A Guide to Tablets for Schools

Tablets for Schools

These days you don’t need a full laptop for the purposes of education. A lot of the educational software that your child will use is delivered over the Internet as Software-as-a-Service, meaning all they need to access it is a browser. As a result, the lighter, smaller form factor of a tablet makes a lot of sense as the companion to their classwork.

The excellent battery life and comfortable user experience of tablets make them an easier choice for education. However, there are a number of considerations to make when shopping for a tablet for school use – cost, durability, performance, and versatility are all core considerations. With that in mind, here are some of the top tablet picks for Australian students moving into the new year:

Amazon Fire HD 10

The Amazon Fire HD 10 is a few years old now – the model was first released back in 2019, but it remains one of the best choices for any application. It offers solid performance, a good battery life, and a high-quality screen, which makes it ideal for reading and the kind of lengthy study sessions that students get up to.

The only downside is that the device has a mediocre speaker and camera – which can be an issue for video calls – especially if your child is working from home, or in group projects with their classmates – and has a limited app selection (though that’s less relevant into the device’s value as a study device).

It’s important to note that if you purchase a tablet that has an operating system that is specifically for kids, then you may not be able to run apps like Netflix or Disney Channel for their after work entertainment. However you could solve this issue with a streaming device if you wanted to.

Apple iPad/iPad Mini

The gold standard in tablets for a reason, the Apple iPad and iPad Mini have it all-powerful processors, pristine displays, excellent security, a massive range of apps and they’re incredibly easy to use and well-supported with accessories like pens and keyboards. The iPad Mini in particular is also as light as a feather.

The only downside to all of this is that these devices are expensive and, depending on how rough your child is with their school equipment, you might not want to be replacing these frequently.

Lenovo Tab 4 8

Lenovo is a brand synonymous with work computing, and Tab 4 8 lives up to those expectations. It’s not the most flashy device, but it is affordable, offers good performance, and, most critically, has excellent battery life. Students need their devices to be genuine all-day workhorses, and Lenovo has focused on delivering that in its products. The cons to the Tab 4 8 are that it has poor camera quality and lacks dual-band Wi-Fi, so it’s not up to the most demanding online applications, but then again, your child won’t likely need to worry about that.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1

Samsung is running second only to Apple as the prestige brand for tablets, and the Galaxy Tab A 10.1 is a good example of why. It’s much more affordable than Apple products, but features a long-lasting battery, makes use of lightweight metal to keep the weight down, and has a luxurious 10.1-inch HD display.

Additionally, unlike many other tablet manufacturers, Samsung knows its cameras, and the Tab takes excellent photos. The only downside is that it only has 2GB of Memory, which will make higher-end applications like video editing a challenge for your child.

Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Pro

Another Lenovo! This one makes the list because its unique features are almost perfectly aligned with school work. The big “trick” of the Yoga Tab 3 Pro is that it has a projector integrated into it. That means that your child will be able to do classroom presentations directly from the tablet.

It’s also a robust device designed around multimedia, which is useful in modern classrooms with the amount of video and imagery they work with. The only downside is that it is quite heavy thanks to all that technology built into it.

Microsoft Surface Go 2

Microsoft’s tablet is an expensive one, but that makes sense when you consider what it offers. It’s the full PC experience with a tablet form factor, and even has a “cover” that doubles as a keyboard.

The Surface Go 2 has all the power that your child will need for work and for play (just watch the hours spent gaming instead of working!), comes combined with pristine clarity on the screen, and has some powerful chips underneath that can handle any task thrown at them. It’s also built by Microsoft for the working environment, so has all the collaboration and cloud tools that your child will need to succeed.

Final thoughts

There is an almost endless range of tablets to choose between, to suit every budget, however, it’s important to find the right one that will help your child with their own specific educational outcomes. It’s a good idea to talk to teachers to learn exactly how computers are used in the classwork and then, armed with that knowledge, search out a tablet with a feature set that best matches those workloads.

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Free Learning Apps to Help Students Develop Critical Thinking

Free Educational Apps to Help students Develop Critical Thinking

We are excited to share two new learning apps in development for teachers. These educational apps are available for use now through any browser and have been created to assist in developing critical thinking in students. They are also ideal for parents, or anyone interested in learning about logical fallacies.

The apps are Foolacy and FactOpy. Both apps are in Beta Preview to get suggestions, find bugs and expand content.

As an early adopter you can contribute while teaching kids critical thinking.  Before we present these educational tools and resources, let us first review why teaching these concepts to kids is so important. The study of critical thinking and logical fallacies equip anyone of any age to ask questions before they make a statement of fact or form an opinion about a subject.

It’s easy for us to look at the world five hundred years ago and ridicule a societies lack of knowledge about science, the world and our place the universe. But let’s not be too hasty to look down on past cultures for their naivety.  We have enough problems of our own.  Our world today is very polarized and divisive. One could argue that this is due to a lack of training in critical thinking and even less teaching about logical fallacies.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is essential for research to make an informed decision. It evaluates multiple sources of information objectively. Critical thinking is vital to make kids better global citizens. It empowers them to be sounder in their thinking and strong in their ability to distinguish between what is proven and that which is unfounded.

Logical Fallacies

Separate from critical thinking, but still related, logical fallacies are mistaken beliefs based on unsound arguments. While critical thinking equips one with the necessary tools to evaluate information, a study of common types of logical fallacies can enable those who wish to persuade an audience.  This is done by using the appearance of logic, which ends up in an incorrect conclusion.

Educational Tools that Engage Students

The new educational apps we’ve referenced were born out of a need to fill the gap for educators. There just isn’t much out there within this area of teaching.  The goal is to reach young minds before they develop insufficient methods of forming opinions about especially critical issues.

One  issue is that people do not read enough. This includes a lack of discipline by most to not gather information from multiple news sources when researching subjects. Beyond reading, we also need to develop critical thinking skills to properly reason for ourselves when facts to not seem clear.

These apps are safe and free to use.  Anyone can access them to educate themselves.  At the very core, they teach skills that provide proper thinking to solve any problem. Each app features a teacher login in order to assign tests.  There is no need for students to login to take the tests.

1. Foolacy

The first one is Foolacy. It teaches logical fallacies. The app has quizzes and drills to practice analyzing arguments. It has over seven hundred sample arguments. Foolacy solves the problem to the question:  Why Change Fallacies? It offers various levels of difficulty and includes themes such as Cherry Picking, Out of Context, Common Sense, Herd Mentality and Scare Tactics.  There are many more areas to explore.

2. FactOpy

What is fact and what is opinion? FactOpy provides a straightforward way to quiz your brain about how easily you can determine fact from opinion. One might think that FacOpy would not be a challenge for adults.  However, in today’s world of divided opinions and conspiracy therapies it is a good test for any age. It is a simple, yet powerful tool to help us develop our critical thinking skills, as well as teach younger minds.

While brain games are common for the development of children of all ages, it is not so clear how to teach critical thinking.   There are limited resources in this area, so these apps fill a great gap for teacher, as well as parents. It may also be beneficial to know what a child’s IQ score is, but a child’s IQ, even if lower than other, does not preclude anyone from learning critical thinking skills.

These learning apps were created by David Hundsness from Jupiter Ed.  He is also the founder of the Critical Thinking Project.

The Critical Thinking Project

Critical thinking is very important to make better decisions and to tell when someone is trying to manipulate us, such as a politician, salesman or ads in apps.  But how exactly do we teach that?  Skills in other subjects are clearly defined.  For example, in math you start with counting and work your way up.  However, the building blocks for critical thinking seem unclear. It’s not as simple as starting with a discussion with the goal of arriving at critical thinking, especially when you have a classroom of students – all with their own unique sets of preconceived notions.

The critical thinking and logical fallacies teaching featured in the Foolacy and FactOpy apps feature specific skills to help teach these concepts.

Critical thinking skills include;

  • Correlation versus causation
  • Assessing credibility and bias
  • Understanding logical fallacies
  • Detecting deceptive use of statistics
  • Knowing the experimental method versus anecdotal evidence

For more information about critical thinking skills, visit  You’ll find more detail and data about critical thinking, as well as the development of free curriculum apps for specific skills.  The mission of this project is to improve K-12 instruction of critical thinking and logical fallacies. The launching of the learning apps introduced are an excellent way to begin for teachers in school and parents at home.


Kahoot is another free learning app designed to empower children at home or students in school. Teachers to engage children in a classroom by creating quiz questions. Up to 50 players can join in on the group game.  Paid versions offer additional tools, such as polls, puzzles, multi-select answers and personalized learning options.  Users can also access more learning apps.

Teachers using Kahoot are able to save combine progress monitoring with powerful play using technology that saves time. Simply find a Kahoot on the Discover page to use with students.  From there you can customize for your classroom.

There are also apps on the platform to advance math learning, learning to read through play, as well as language learning. Critical thinking skills can also be developed when students are allowed to create their own Kahoots.  Want to learn more about additional learning games.

Facts and Opinions

This video helps us understand the difference between facts and opinions. It’s also important to learn how to apply this knowldge.

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Google Safe Search Explore the Safe Search Engine - Google for Kids