Category: Education

6 Great Ways to Reward Your Middle School Students

Great Ways to Reward Your Middle School Students

Whether you’re a teacher working in a traditional classroom setting, conducting classes via Zoom, or a parent who is homeschooling your children, you know that keeping students motivated can make a huge difference in the way they perform academically.

Telling your students that they’re doing a good job can encourage them to continue doing well in class, but there are some creative ways to show them that you notice their hard work and the progress they’ve made. If you have middle school students, your motivational tactics will likely require a mixture of prizes and memorable gifts.

Rewarding Student Achievement

It’s important to let students know that their academic diligence doesn’t go unnoticed.  Affirming a student’s achievement is an essential aspect of effective classroom management. Teachers can reward students for a variety of accomplishments and provide students with a tangible reminder of their accomplishments, including an upcoming transition from middle school to high school. This can foster a positive and supportive learning environment.

Here are five ways to reward your middle school students for a job well done.

1.  A Handwritten Note

This simple gesture will stay on your middle schooler’s mind for years to come. Instead of simply emailing your student to let them know you’re proud of them, give them a note written by hand to express your gratitude for their hard work and diligence. If you’re homeschooling, you can give a handwritten note each semester and put them in a scrapbook for safekeeping.

2.  Lunch or Dinner On You

Give your middle schooler a tasty treat as a reward to congratulate them on their academic success. You can purchase a gift card for a popular fast food restaurant and send it to your student for making a good grade on a test or turning in an informative and well-researched report. If you’re homeschooling, you can finish up the school day early and take your student to their favorite restaurant as a reward.

3. Custom Badges

Custom badges are a powerful tool for motivating and engaging students in the classroom. By providing students with a tangible and visible reward for their accomplishments, teachers can help to create a sense of accomplishment and pride, and can also serve as a reminder of the progress that students have made. This can be done by awarding a custom badges from 4inlanyards for reaching specific milestones, such as completing a project or earning a high grade on a test.  It may be to recognize student participation in school events or clubs, or to acknowledge leadership roles or other contributions that students make to the school community.

4.  Tickets to a Local Sporting Event

If your middle schooler has spent most of the school year at home learning virtually, tickets to a local sports game are a great way to provide an outing they’ll enjoy. Find out when your local basketball, football, or baseball team is playing and purchase tickets as a surprise for your student. Or, you can promise the tickets at the start of the school year to motivate your students to work hard and make the best grades possible throughout the year. If you can, arrange for the student to take pictures with their favorite athlete or receive a signed jersey or ball from the team so they’ll have a souvenir to remember this special day.

5.  A Trophy or Award

Even though some middle-schoolers may not show it, they may be excited to receive a trophy as a reminder that they’ve worked hard and accomplished their academic goals for the year. You can present the trophy with your student’s name engraved on the front of the trophy along with the reason for the award, i.e. perfect attendance or highest grade point average in a particular subject. Be sure to include the month and date on the trophy to serve as a way for the student to remember how well they did that school year. Visit your local trophy store to choose creative designs for the trophy or to purchase a wall plaque or desk placard for your student depending on their style.

6.  An Appreciation Video

Middle schoolers will likely appreciate a video compilation of all their accomplishments throughout the semester or the school year. You can present the video to them as a gift at a virtual honors ceremony. Or, you can create a video for one of your children to congratulate for doing great things during the year while you homeschooled them or supervised their virtual schooling. You can add your student’s favorite songs and even edit some of the pictures in the video to feature the student’s favorite colors or video game characters. End the video with a message telling the student how proud you are and how you’re looking forward to seeing great things from them in the coming year.

Motivating Students

There are many times throughout the school year a students can be recognized for their achievements, such as;

  • Awarding badges for specific milestones
  • Creating a sense of community and belonging.
  • Recognizing student progress over time
  • Creating a sense of competition
  • Creating a sense of achievement


These are just a few of the ideas you can use to motivate your students and reward them for their hard work. Congratulating your students should be a year-round practice but rewards are especially important with all the other challenges children face in school. Whether your students are homeschooled, attending school in person, or virtually, they’ll likely be elated that you noticed them and want to encourage them to excel academically.

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How To Grow Your Child’s Entrepreneurial Spirit

Growing Your Child's Entrepreneurial Spirit

We all want our children to grow up and be successful. We want to see them become confident, motivated, and resilient adults. Raising children with an entrepreneurial spirit can help to give them a can-do attitude. It can teach them analytical skills and leadership qualities.

An entrepreneurial spirit will help kids thrive in all situations as they explore what they want to do when they grow up.  Some will be more apt to move in this direction of independence that entrepreneurs have. At the very least, teaching these skills to children will give them many skills to thrive throughout life.

Why Is It Important To Encourage Entrepreneurship?

An entrepreneur has vision, drive, confidence, determination, and persistence. They can adapt, grow and change their approach according to shifting markets. As you nurture your child’s entrepreneurial spirit, don’t forget to emphasize the importance of a strong legal and organizational foundation for their future ventures, using resources like LLCBuddy to help teach them about the value and process of forming a well-structured business entity.

Raising a child with this entrepreneurial spirit doesn’t mean they have make owning a business their lifelong career.  However, it will give them the qualities they need as they develop a growth mindset to follow their own dreams and be self-starters.  Entrepreneurship can also teach many practical skills, such as customer service, finances, and marketing. It will teach children that hard work is essential to success.

Teach Your Children Basic Financial Skills

Cultivating entrepreneurship in children can help them to become financially savvy. When they earn their own spending money, it will likely mean a lot more to them.

They can learn how to meet the community’s needs and how this can lead to financial compensation. Do people need dog walkers or animal care? Providing solutions for people will always pay off.

Children are likely to learn from watching you, so it is imperative that you display good financial habits in your own life. You can get young children a piggy bank and encourage them to save as a good starting point.

Giving commission can be more beneficial than providing an allowance. Make them earn their money around the house by doing chores. You could also open a bank account for your child and look at kid debit card choices. This will give them a sense of independence and responsibility.

You could make a budget list with your child, looking at ingoings and outgoings. You could also encourage them to give some of their earnings to charity or those who are less fortunate.

Help Your Child Set Up Their Business

There are so many ways a child can earn money outside of the home. This can include neighborhood services or online products and services. Your child can place ads in local newspapers, online forums, or social media.

Babysitting and petsitting can earn a good income if your child advertises and has several clients. There are likely to be people in most neighborhoods who will require a dog walking service, lawn mowing, or odd jobs.

Other jobs could include collecting lost golf balls and reselling them or teaching something like music or computer skills. Children could also make their own candles or jewelry and sell them in online stores.

It is important that your child is interested in whatever they choose to do. You want them to enjoy the experience. If they don’t have a specific idea in mind, help them to create a list of things they enjoy that could provide financial compensation. As kids get older they may be interesting in developing an online business.

Have them think about the steps they will need to take to bring their idea to life. Will they need any equipment or training? If they are going to mow lawns, they will need a lawnmower. If they are going to be babysitting, they may want to take a first aid course.

You can also have them think about financial goals. Teenagers could think about income and expenses. They could learn about the legalities associated with starting a business. Younger children could add up totals and count change. You could even hold an investor meeting and ask them to pitch their idea to you and outline what financial help they will need to get started.

Make sure you stress the importance of customer service and communication skills. You may need to look into any licensing or permits your child may need. You may also want to think about liability and legal protection for your child.

Life Lessons Learned From Their Business

First of all, it’s important that you allow your child to make mistakes. Encourage them without being overly interfering. You may feel like you want to take over more complex tasks, such as legal forms. However, they are likely to gain a lot more if you let them handle some of these responsibilities.

Children can learn other vital life lessons from starting a business.

  • They will have to be organized and learn to manage a diverse set of responsibilities.
  • They will have to develop time management skills and develop a schedule that works.
  • They will learn money management. This can include income, expenses, and even paying taxes.
  • They will learn valuable communication skills. Learning how to interact professionally will massively increase their skills when connecting with others.
  • They will learn endurance and resilience. You can help them to see setbacks as temporary and encourage them to keep going.

If they work through challenges, they can gain tremendous confidence. They will also be continually learning. There is nothing that teaches quite like firsthand experience. We have all heard the stories of famous entrepreneurs who started young.

Finally, they will learn some of the realities of running your own business. It isn’t all plain sailing. Most successful entrepreneurs work really hard to get where they are. The payoff is worth it, but it doesn’t come easy. Being a business owner can help you to forge your own identity. It can give you skills, knowledge, and experience that will help you to succeed in all areas of life.

In Summary

Being an entrepreneur requires the ability to think for yourself, take calculated risks, and reach for big dreams. You must love a challenge and be able to think of creative solutions. Helping your child to start their own business could be one of the most valuable lessons you ever teach them.

Children and teens can learn how to overcome hardship, get through challenges and take on responsibility. The skills they gain can stand them in good stead for the rest of their life. They are sure to enjoy the money that comes in and the sense that they earned themselves.

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What Is An IP Address?

What Is An IP Address?

An IP address can be described as a unique address used to identify individual internet-enabled devices. The full meaning of IP is “Internet Protocol”. The internet protocol is a series of guidelines regulating how data is exchanged between local networks or internet-based devices.

That is to say, the Internet Protocol address functions as an identifier for each local network or device, that enables the transfer of information between devices over the internet. The IP address usually contains location and allows communication between local networks or devices such as computers, routers, websites, mobile devices, and more.

Definition Of An IP

The Internet Protocol (IP) address for individual internet-based devices is a series of numerals separated from one another by periods. Each IP address is usually a set of four numbers distinguished by periods. An example of an IP address is The numbers in each set can be between 0 to 255. That is, the complete IP addressing format is to

It is important to note that IP addresses are not generated randomly but are produced and distributed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), a subset of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). ICANN — a nonprofit body — was founded in The US in 1998. The organization’s objective is to ensure that the internet is well-protected and make it accessible to everyone. Hence, anytime one registers a domain on the internet, the person must contact the ICANN registrar who in turn pays a token to ICANN to get the domain registered.

How IP Addresses Function

Sometimes, an internet-based device may not be properly connecting to the internet the way it is supposed to connect. Other times, you may want to troubleshoot why your network may not be effective. These things can help an individual understand the functions of an Internet Protocol (IP) address.

Internet Protocol addresses have a lot of similarities with communication through language. However, these systems use a series of rules or guidelines to communicate with one another. All internet-based devices or networks exchange information with one another using their Internet Protocol addresses. Since they speak the same technical language, computers across different locations can communicate with one another.

The use of Internet Protocol addresses often occurs out of public view.

Below is how the process takes place:

1. The user’s device connects to the internet indirectly but through connecting to a network connected to the internet. This network will now allow your device to be able to access the internet.

2. At home, the user’s network is often their Internet Service Provider (ISP). When they are in the office, it will be their company network.

3. The Internet Service Provider receives an individual’s internet activities and routes them back to the user. Since it is the Internet Service Providers that enable users to connect to the internet, it becomes their responsibility to allocate an IP address for the user’s device. Nevertheless, the IP address can change. For instance, the IP address may be changed depending on whether the user’s modem or router is switched on or off. The Internet Service Providers can also change the IP address for users.

4. When a user is away from home and carries their device along, their home IP address cannot be carried along. This is because such a user may have to use another network to access the internet. At that point, they will have to use a different but temporary Internet Protocol address provided by the Internet Service Providers of their new location.

Types Of IP Addresses

There are different types of Internet Protocol addresses. Some of these IP addresses also have categories, with each containing different types of IP addresses. The main types of Internet Protocol addresses include :

  • Consumer IP Addresses

A business organization or an individual often have two types of Consumer Internet Protocol addresses, which are Private IP address.

  • Public IP address

These two types of IP addresses are named in relation to the network location. Private IP addresses are used within a network while Public IP addresses are used outside a network.

The importance of IP addresses in networks and internet-enabled devices cannot be overemphasized. Without them, internet-based systems cannot communicate with one another. Like home addresses, IP addresses are used to determine the location of individual internet-based devices and enable easy communication with such devices.

Although there are different types of Internet Protocol addresses, they all serve two basic functions:

  • Enabling devices to get connected to the internet via Internet Service Providers.
  • Enabling the ease at which individual devices are located for efficient communication between other networks.

If you are wondering “what is my ip” there are a lot of sites online that can help.

IP Addresses for Cell Phones?

In case you’re wondering whether your phone has an IP address, the answer is yes. Every device, including your phone, has a public IP address and a private IP address that helps to identify it on both your home network and other internet you may access. The IP address is assigned to any device that connects to the internet, including mobile phones. If you switch networks, your phone may get a different IP address. This means that your phone’s IP address isn’t always permanent, even if you’re using the same device. It is possible that your phone’s IP address will change when you turn off your router at home or when you connect to a public Wi-Fi network or when you switch between using Wi-Fi and your mobile network.

Your internet service provider provides you with an IP address and grants you access to the internet when you use Wi-Fi. Your online activity is routed through them, and they use your IP address to route it back to you. Using mobile data, your phone’s IP address is assigned by the mobile network. Basically, a smartphone’s networking software follows the Internet Protocol, which specifies how to communicate with the internet and send data back and forth. As a result, your online requests are sent and returned to the correct user using an IP address associated with your internet activity.  There are billions of IP addresses, and they are assigned automatically to hardware. However, there are times when it’s necessary for you to know or you might be curious on how to find your phone’s IP address.

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Helping Kids Keep Up with Schoolwork While On Extended Vacations

Schoolwork While On Family Vacation

Vacations are meant to be relaxing and fun, but they can also be productive. If you’re the type of parent who doesn’t mind leaving their homework behind, then taking your child on vacation is a good idea too. It’s certainly good that children have plenty of downtime while on vacation.

There’s a lot to consider when planning a trip to make it safe, fun, and even educational.  When your kids are away from school for longer than usual, there are a few things you can do to help your child with schoolwork.

Tips for Doing Schoolwork on Vacation

First, make sure you find out when your child is going to have the most free time and make plans accordingly. It’s best to begin doing schoolwork early in the morning or before the child goes to bed. You’ll also want to talk to the teacher about your plans, so he or she can help.

Second, make sure you’re keeping an eye on the deadline. You don’t want to miss out on an assignment or test. While it’s important to help your child with homework, he or she shouldn’t let it get in the way of having fun on vacation. Your child may be tempted to skip out on their homework on vacation, but you need to be sure it’s important to give them some encouragement to stay on task.

Family vacations are designed to be escapes from reality – a much-needed break from daily demands, deadlines, pressure, and routines. Sometimes, that trip to visit family or holiday getaway can’t wait until summer break. However, school-aged children have to maintain certain habits and disciplines even while on an extended vacation. Here are a few ways to help your child stay ahead of the game when it comes to homework, even while on vacation.

Keep Ahead of the Game

Schedule a meeting with your child’s teacher or teachers before you leave school. This way, you can give them specific dates and get all your questions answered. This step demonstrates the importance you and your child are putting on their school responsibilities. Get as many assignments as you can ahead of time, that way you can manage your child’s progress when you don’t have a high-speed Internet connection or access to email. Show appreciation to your child’s teachers for taking time to meet with you and work with you to stay ahead – it’s extra work for them and it helps for you to express your gratitude for their special accommodations.

Keep in Touch

It’s important to communicate to the teacher that you want to stay informed and up-to-date.  Take the opportunity when you have Internet access to email your child’s teacher or by logging on to Zoom for an online class or consultation. It will ensure your privacy and stable connection during the meeting. This way, you can stay in touch about assignments, special projects, grades, etc. Keeping good communication with teachers is a good way to become your child’s advocate when it comes to school.

Keep on Reading

Don’t forget to pack a school bag – including lots of books – for your child when preparing to leave on an extended trip. Pack their textbooks, reading assignments, notebooks, and binders so they will be prepared for any assignment they are given. This can be easy to overlook when preparing for a trip, but you must have the necessary tools to keep your child up-to-date with reading assignments and other tasks.

Keep a Schedule

Your child might be feeling overwhelmed when they’re not able to finish the work on vacation. You might be wondering how you can help them stay organized when you’re not around. Thankfully, there are many ways to help your child with schoolwork on vacations. Despite how busy you are, holiday homework can be a great time to help your child focus and learn.

Whatever you vacation destination you have planed, we know you want to pack as much fun and adventure into your trip as possible, but don’t neglect the necessary habit of keeping a daily homework schedule. Plan a time each day (before dinner, after dinner, etc.) when your child can tackle their homework and reading. Make sure you encourage their focus and best efforts. This can be hard with many other fun things to do, but keeping a strict schedule for homework will guarantee that they stay current with work and projects.

Keep Going

It can be difficult to force yourself back into the real world each day to keep your child on track with school, but short, daily periods of homework are certainly better than the pile of stress and make-up work that accumulates when you neglect schoolwork while on vacation. Encourage your child to keep up the good habits – and the good work – and he/she will benefit greatly.

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