Category: Education

How To Teach Networking Skills

How to Teach Kids Networking Skills

It’s never too early to start thinking about your child’s future. While the job market will change to accommodate new coming generations, some things will always stay the same – like the importance of networking.

Today, 88% of professionals consider networking to be crucial to a thriving career. Knowing this, you should never underestimate the power of connections. Sometimes, it’s all about the people you know.

Networking Skills

However, networking does have the potential to pamper you with benefits to reap far outside the professional realm. Professionally connecting can teach you powerful communication and other soft skills that may cushion your social life comfortably. Now is the time to begin instilling the importance of networking into your child’s growth mentality. This way, they can be comfortable enough to siege various networking opportunities productive for their future once entering college.

For example: by teaching your kids to be social now, they may be interested in non-conventional social activities, such as joining Greek life. Unbeknownst to most, Greek life can be an educationally enriching process for many. Having committees, meetings, and executive boards, members of fraternities and sororities take on many responsibilities and tasks teaching them great business.

Outside of this, Greek life organizations also give students the opportunity to improve on how they participate in teamwork, prioritize community service, and communicate. On top of that, students who were members of Greek organizations prove to be happier and more engaged once entering the workforce. In fact, 85% of Fortune 500 Executives are fraternity members.

Career Building

Whether your child plans to go to college or take up a trade, there are many ways to go about networking to connect them to future job opportunities.  Take your child to attend job and career fairs, introducing them to your colleagues needing interns and shadowers, get them a mentor, or even helping them build a LinkedIn profile once of age.

There are also public service jobs in competitive career paths. For example, first responders are high stress positions that take unique skills, such as the police, firefighters, paramedics and 911 dispatchers.  Leaning how to network with people already doing these jobs will greatly assist in the necessary research to determine what each of these careers involve before committing to the challenge.

Regardless of your approach, meeting people is a crucial value of higher education – and education overall. Prepare your children for their future of work while they’re still obtaining an education. This way, they’ll be ready for whatever the job market has to throw at them.

Here more information on ways to network below.

College and Remote Networking

Social Networking

In this day and age, most of us think of social networking as what you do when you log on to your favorite social media app.  That that really has more to do with how we connect with people on social media. Most of the time, it’s for personal use. Platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn are often for business use as well.  However, the idea of social networking for various purposes has been around for as long as humans walked on this earth.

Basically, a social network in the offline world is all of the people we are connected with in the world, whether it be friends, school friends, work colleagues, and organizations we may be part of.  Even without computers, we have a network of those in our physical vicinity that we are all connected with.

As we’ve already explored in this article, if you want to find the right school, college, or job – it’s beneficial to network with people that can help you in those areas.  And the idea of leaning networking skills has more to do with personal interaction with individuals than impersonal connections on social media.

Connecting with others online can be part of teaching social networking skills, but it should not be regarded as being anywhere near as effective as expanding your social network people that you can talk to on the phone or meet with in person.

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The Back to School List for Kids

Back to School List

Everywhere you look someone is telling you to get ready to go back to school. Stores are urging you to come get your supplies and new clothes. Parents are reminding you to get your bus passes and clean out your closet. Websites post lists for you to read through and check off before the first day of class.

This list is different.

This is the back to school list just for kids.

1) Did you do everything that you wanted to do this summer?

Think back to before summer break. Is there an activity you planned on doing? Is there a hobby you wanted to spend more time on? How about a friend you wanted to see during the holidays? Did you hope to arrange a treasure hunt or put new wheels on your skateboard?

Think hard—then act. There is still time to take care of that one great idea.

2) You’ve grown up a little over the summer—so should your personal space.

Take a minute and think about your room, your desk and even the posters on your wall. Go through your clothes and try them on. Jeans and shirts that don’t fit should go in a pile to give to your Mom or Dad. Do the same with your action figures, your posters, the cool stuff you have on your desk.

Looking through your personal space and seeing what “doesn’t fit anymore” will show you how much a life can change in a couple short months.

3) Now, do some house cleaning on your social media.

Many people–and that includes kids–are going through their settings. They are cutting out “friends” from the people they really know from actual flesh-and-blood life. Many recommend taking a good, long look at these social media tips, including your privacy settings.

Make sure that when you post a personal detail, only real human beings that you know can see what you’ve written. A good rule of thumb is: Would you feel okay hanging alone in your room with this person? If the answer is, “Geez, I dunno,” then think hard about giving that person a look inside your life.

4) Relax.

School is a phase of life that takes you into the future. You’ll be going to classes that don’t seem to make sense and doing homework that doesn’t seem to have any purpose.

For some of you, people might be asking you about college or university and great future plans. The best thing for you to do before you walk into that big crowded building is to just relax. Do your best and the rest will come.

Parents learn how to prepare kids for their first day or school

5 ‘New School Year’ Resolutions

Everyone makes promises to themselves at New Year. They “resolve” to be nicer, eat better, work harder and not spend so much time on social media. New School Year Resolutions make more sense. January 1 is just a day, but when you start a new school year, you begin a new journey that will impact the rest of your life.

Your school days this year are totally different than last school year. You will learn new things. You will meet new people. And you are a new person. As you go back to school you are older and know more than you did when you started school last year. To see how much of a difference a school year can make, look at the pictures on your phone or your social media pages. How are you different? Has your music changed? The movies you like? What about your friends? Have they changed?

Ask yourself these questions. Then think about the new school year. You will be different when it is over. Make a resolution that lets you decide how different you could be! Think about these resolutions:

1. Resolve to Spend More Time In Real Life.

Too many kids—and adults—spend big parts of their days online. The Internet is fun and can bring people together but having fun and hanging out with people in real time is better. You can see them, touch them, share real life. Also, people tend to be nicer when they look into each other’s eyes.

2. Resolve to Work Towards My Goals.

You want to be an astronaut? Then pay extra attention in science class. Want to be a pop star? Be sure to practice your guitar or piano. Are you going to be a police officer? Maybe ask a teacher to bring an officer to school so that you can ask questions.

3. Resolve to Never Post On Social Media When You Get Mad.

As we learned in a previous article, posting on social when mad can be just as bad as when other people do wrong things that made you mad, or even hurt you, in the first place. If you need help learning how to control your anger, it will save you from getting into a lot of trouble.

4. Resolve to Be More Grown-Up.

All kids want to be respected and treated like a grown-up. Think about how to earn that respect and treatment. Maybe pick a chore and always do it, like taking out the garbage or vacuuming the living room. Always do what you say you are going to do. Be respectful and get respect back. Even if you know adults that act like children, you can be better than that.

5. Resolve to Be a Kid.

Yes, you are growing up and starting a whole new year of school, but you are still a kid. Enjoy it. Play basketball. Make a backyard fort. Hang out with your friends and make new ones. Wear silly tee-shirts. Play hide and seek in the park. You want to be grown-up and you will. When you are an adult you will not be able to do many of the fun things you do as a kid. Do them now.

A now, a word for Teachers.  Read about why some kids love school!

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Using the Internet for Learning

Tips for Learning on the Internet

The days of relying on the rows and rows of public library books for school projects are long gone. Nowadays, the internet is a one-stop shop for gaining any and all resources necessary for learning. While it’s amazing that knowledge is so readily available at our fingertips, it’s increasingly important to differentiate valuable learning resources from spam and other junk.

Whether you’re a student or a parent, here are tips to help you embark on this journey to find the perfect resource.  

What Types of Resources Are Out There?

Whether you’re looking for some extracurricular activities to sharpen your skills in a certain subject like scientific discoveries, a fully inclusive tutoring service, or learning about science, the internet has it all. The key to finding the perfect online program is understanding the area(s) that you wish to improve.

Are you at risk of being held back a year or do you just want to get a jump on highschool algebra? For help with a single subject or opportunities for extra learning, check out your school’s and/or school district’s resources. Often times schools will have a webpage for these types of learning activities. For example, one school in Indiana offers resources on learning to read and learning important math skills.

If you are in need of a full tutoring service, the search process can become a little more complex. Refining your search to be as specific as possible can make a huge difference. Instead of searching “online tutoring services” and getting a massive list of just about every tutoring service on the planet, try searching “5th grade math online tutoring services.” This list should be full of relevant sources. Picking the perfect one will then come down to a little extra research on the specific service.

Make sure to look into customer reviews, as well as prices and scheduling, in order to find the service that fits your needs. Your search will come back with big names that you may recognize, such as Sylvan and Chegg. It may also come back with local tutoring services. Be certain to check the local programs as well—local teachers often teach these programs and can relate them to specific school requirements.

How Do You Discover Your Learning Needs?

Picking whether you want an organized tutoring service or just some additional activities is a conversation that needs to happen between child, parent, and teacher. This is a critical point for students to communicate their needs. Even if you sign your child up for the best tutoring service, they might not show the improvement you hope for if they don’t want to be there and participate.

Maybe it would be better to provide them with fun activities that could capture their imagination while teaching them valuable lessons. This will encourage kids to embrace lifelong learning. Whichever route you choose, just be sure that everyone is on the same page. Communication is so important in this step, for both parents and students.  

Where to Start Searching?

When you first begin looking for information online, the results can be daunting. A simple google search comes back with billions of results in fractions of a second. If you’ve ever searched for something as broad as “learning resources,” then you know how difficult it can be to find what you’re actually searching for. By utilizing Google’s advanced search queries, you can get rid of the non credible sites with one easy trick.

Add or to your search query and you should end up with only credible sites, such as “5th grade math resources”. These .edu and .gov sites are normally some of the most reliable resources on the web, but make sure to double-check the content and sources on the site just to be sure.

A caveat to this strategy is if you are looking for full-service tutoring, then you may want to include .com and .org websites, as these are often private companies that specialize in tutoring. Just be sure to check the website for credibility before you give them any personal information.

If you’re looking for a fun activity on searching for credible sources, you can find lesson plans online to help teach your students.

Picking the Perfect Program and Beyond

Once you’ve discovered the programs or resources that you want to use, set up guidelines for using the new learning program. These guidelines should include expectations on how the student will utilize the program, how they will communicate their learning to their parents or teachers, and how they will stay safe while using the internet. Since the student in this scenario will be spending more time online, it’s crucial to set up a plan for cybersecurity. Spam and other non credible websites could lead to viruses and false learning.

Follow these simple online safety practices and you’re sure to maximize learning while minimizing risk. Stay up-to-date with your child’s learning and always encourage clear paths of communication. This simple step will help the student feel like they have a support system and make you both feel more secure in the digital world.

Author Bio

Chandler Clayton is a freelance writer, specializing in education and safety. He draws upon his years of teaching environmental education to empower learning in children and adults of all backgrounds. He has been featured on sites such as SafeWise and Newsday.

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Top Online PDF Converters

Online PDF to Word Converter

With all the different computer document types these days, it can be expensive to purchase multiple software programs to convert your files. Whether it be for work at home or for school, converting files is often needed for the purposes of editing.  A popular document that people often need to convert is a PDF.

Once created, a PDF can’t be edited unless you get a PDF editor or convert it to Word. The top online PDF converters will also allow you to convert your Word document back to PDF. Besides the fact that PDF’s are permanent, they can also be posted online for others to use and download.

PDF file ends with the extension .pdf, whereas a Word document ends with .doc or .docx. Any PDF can be opened using the free Acrobat Reader software, but that program can’t edit them.

There a multiple ways to create a PDF.  Using on of these five online PDF converter tools makes the process easy if you don’t existing downloaded software. These online converter tools will save you from all the hassle of having to retype your document in order to edit it.

PDF Bear

If you are looking for an online converter tool that can convert a lot of file formats, then PDF Bear is what you are looking for. PDF Bear is not only a PDF converter to Word, but it is also able to convert your PDF files to other file formats such as PPT, JPG, Excel, HTML, and so much more.

PDF Bear is a free online converter that wouldn’t charge you for its fast converting process. You don’t have to worry about your file being compromised by other users as your files will be deleted if they detect an hour of inactivity. You are assured that your documents will be safe and secured. So, if you need your files to be converted, then PDF Bear is what you need.

Canva PDF Converter

Another useful tool to consider is the Canva PDF Editor. This powerful converter allows you to transform PDF documents into PowerPoint presentations seamlessly. With Canva’s user-friendly interface and a wide range of design features, you can easily convert from pdf to ppt and customize your converted files to create visually stunning presentations.

Whether you need to repurpose content, share information, or deliver engaging slideshows, Canva’s PDF Converter can be a valuable asset in your toolkit.


A powerful online converter can’t be left off this list is Wondershare PDF Converter. This converter is very easy to use and has a user-friendly interface that would let you convert multiple file-formats without hassle. With this converter tool, you can separate certain files into different file formats and merge them into one document.

If the PDF file is protected by a password, you will only have access to it if you enter the correct password. This converter stands behind its name Wondershare because it always gives you high-quality conversions with just a few taps on your device. When talking about features, it is safe to say that this PDF editing software has features that are considered to be among the best.

Soda PDF Converter

Soda PDF Converter is also a considerable converter tool. It is well known for being accessible using any device or from anywhere or anytime you want. You can edit, annotate, create PDF files, convert PDF to Word or read on any of your devices or online. You can choose anything you want that works for you.

One amazing thing to note about this converter tool is that it is extremely easy to convert documents using this. All you have to do is just upload the document you want to convert or just use the drag-and-drop feature. Then, pick whichever file format you want to convert it into, and let the tool do its magic for you.

Small PDF Converter

Even though it’s called Small PDF Converter, you shouldn’t let it fool you. Small PDF Converter gives you a lot of handy features free of any charge. It is also very easy to use and very convenient, especially for beginners. You don’t even have to download anything or register an account.

You just have to go to their website and upload the file you intended to convert into another file format. Once the conversion process is complete, you can do whatever you want with the downloaded file. You can edit, annotate or download it on your device or send it on your cloud storage such as Dropbox or Google Drive.


We hope that this list helped you in finding the perfect online converter tool for all your conversion needs. These are just some of the PDF to Word converter tools out there, and you can search Google for more. Just remember to do your research to ensure any online software program you are using is safe. These tools are very easy to use and is truly a convenient way of converting your documents into other file formats.

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