Ensuring Safe Play: A Parent’s Guide To Checking For Toy Safety

Ensuring Safe Play: A Parent's Guide To Checking For Toy Safety

While children’s toys are meant to bring joy and spark imagination, they can also pose a risk if not chosen and used carefully. In 2021 alone, an estimated 206,400 toy-related injuries were treated in U.S. emergency rooms.

The good news is that by following some simple guidelines, you can significantly reduce the risk of toy-related accidents and ensure your child has a safe and happy playtime.

Become a Label-Reading Pro

The label on a toy is a treasure trove of information. Look for details about the materials used. Avoid toys with lead or other potentially toxic components. For electric toys, ensure they have the vital “UL Approved” designation, indicating they have undergone safety testing. Another crucial check is the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) certification. This signifies that the toy meets established safety standards.

Don’t just toss the packaging aside after purchasing a toy. The instructions often contain valuable information on safe use and assembly. Pay close attention to any safety warnings and ensure the toy is assembled correctly, with all parts securely fastened.

Stay Informed of Recalls

Toy recalls happen for a reason. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is responsible for issuing recalls on toys that have been deemed unsafe. If you have any toys on the recall list, or are defective, remove them from your child’s reach immediately. In the unfortunate event that your child is injured, consider contacting lawyers for defective products. They’ll be able to better inform you on the best course of action to take next. 

By following these tips and fostering a culture of safety around playtime, you can create a happy and healthy environment for your child to explore and learn. Remember, active supervision, especially for younger children, is always crucial. The following infographic provides a clear and concise guide to keeping your child safe while they enjoy their toys.

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