Hit by a Car While Taking Your Kid to School? Here’s How to Seek Legal Action

Hit by a Car While Taking Your Kid to School?

Experiencing a car accident while taking your child to school can be traumatic. The immediate shock is compounded by the need to handle medical emergencies, manage your child’s well-being, and navigate the legal landscape.

KUTV reported one such incident earlier last year. A mother and her two children were hospitalized after they were hit by a vehicle inside a parking lot. As per Global News, a similar incident took place in Canada just a few months back. Here, a mother and her child suffered serious injuries after being hit by a vehicle in Toronto.

ABC7 New York recently reported a more tragic incident. A child and mother were struck by a bus outside the kid’s school in New York. Both of them ended up dying; the child on-spot, while the mother succumbed in the hospital.

According to Statista, traffic crashes causing pedestrian injuries or fatalities in the US have become more deadly in the 2020s. In such cases, where multiple lives are threatened, seeking legal action is natural.

This article aims to provide practical, empathetic guidance for parents in such distressing situations.

Keep Track of the Events

The first crucial step after the accident is to meticulously keep track of everything related to the incident. This involves gathering photos of the damaged vehicle, your injuries, and any road conditions that might have contributed to the accident.

In case you’re unable to do so yourself, a close friend or family member will have to document all these for you. They will also have to go through CCTV footage and talk to witnesses to build a strong case in your favor.

Retain copies of all medical bills, prescriptions, and records of any consultations with healthcare providers. These documents are vital for your personal injury lawsuit, as they provide concrete evidence of the physical and financial impact of the accident.

It’s essential to maintain a thorough and organized record from the very beginning, as this will significantly strengthen your case when pursuing legal action.

Consulting a Personal Injury Attorney

Russell & Hill suggest that you consult a skilled personal injury lawyer experienced in handling pedestrian accident cases. These pedestrian accident personal injury lawyers will help provide expert advice on the best course of action.

According to Salary.com, these lawyers might charge you between $43 and $58 per hour. Personal injury lawyers know the ins and outs of handling complex cases. They can guide you through the legal system smoothly, making sure you get the compensation you deserve. Their expertise in the law and strong negotiation skills mean they’ll fight for you every step of the way.

Navigating the Legal Process

Once you have chosen a personal injury attorney, they will help you navigate the intricate legal process involved in a personal injury case.

Throughout this process, your lawyer will keep you informed and prepared for each step. This includes preparing for possible depositions, where you and other witnesses may be required to give sworn testimony.

A supportive attorney will explain everything in layman’s terms, ensuring you feel confident and informed throughout the journey.

Seeking Compensation and Recovery

Always consider the long-term impact of the accident on your life and your family’s well-being. This includes the physical injuries and also the emotional and psychological trauma that you and your child have experienced.

Understanding the full scope of the accident’s impact will help you ensure that your claim reflects all the damages incurred.

According to Forbes, successful claims can lead to compensations of around $24,000 and $31,000 on average. A successful claim will provide the financial support needed to focus on your recovery and move forward with your life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do all schools everywhere have crossing guards?

Not all schools everywhere have crossing guards. The presence of crossing guards depends on local regulations, funding, and community needs. In some countries, schools might rely on other safety measures like traffic lights, speed bumps, or parent volunteers to ensure student safety. The availability and necessity of crossing guards can vary widely.

Why do road accidents happen so often near schools?

Road accidents near schools often occur due to high traffic volumes during drop-off and pick-up times, distracted driving, and speeding in school zones. Inadequate signage and lack of crossing guards can also contribute to the increased risk of accidents in these areas.

Can a child hire a personal injury lawyer on their own for their injuries?

A child cannot hire a personal injury lawyer on their own due to legal age restrictions. Typically, a legal guardian must act on behalf of the child to hire an attorney and pursue a personal injury claim for their injuries.

In conclusion, being hit by a car while taking your child to school is a harrowing experience. However, if you can take the right steps, you will get justice as well as secure the compensation you deserve.

You and your children are not alone when it comes to such pedestrian accidents. Rest easy, because by following these steps, you can overcome this challenging time.

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