How Much Does it Cost to Renew CPR Card Online?

How Much Does it Cost to Renew CPR Card Online?

Renewing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification is crucial for maintaining life-saving skills and preparing for emergencies. It keeps you updated about the latest techniques and practices in administering chest compressions, providing rescue breaths and using a defibrillator.

Renewing a CPR card online is easy and convenient. But how much does it cost to enroll in a refresher course? Read on to understand how much you have to pay to renew a CPR card online.

Understanding the cost of CPR card renewal online

The cost to renew a CPR card online varies depending on several factors. Here’s a detailed breakdown to help you understand what you might expect to pay for recertification and why:

1.  Type of CPR certification:

  • Basic CPR/AED certification: This is the most common type of certification. It is for the general public, healthcare providers, childcare givers, coaches, and fitness instructors. Its renewal cost typically ranges from $30 to $60.
  • Healthcare provider CPR/BLS certification: This specific certification is for healthcare professionals and first responders. The renewal cost for this certification is usually higher, ranging from $60 to $100.

2.  Certifying organization:

  • Online certification providers: Numerous platforms can renew a CPR card online. The price range is usually more affordable, from $20 to $50. However, it is crucial to ensure that regulatory bodies recognize the course provider and its certification is widely accepted.

3. Course inclusions:

  • Materials and resources: The cost of some refresher courses includes digital manuals, practice tests, and instructional videos. Others may charge extra fees for these ad-ons.
  • Hands-on skill assessment: Some renewal courses may require a hands-on skills assessment, which can add to the original cost. The assessment is widespread for healthcare provider renewals, and the hands-on training fee can range from $20 to $50.

Factors influencing the cost of CPR card renewal

The cost to renew a CPR card online is influenced by various factors, such as course content and tutor fees. Read below to see how CPR certification renewal costs are determined:

1.   Course format:

  • Fully online courses: These are typically cheaper, as overhead costs like renting a physical space and travel are removed. Their prices can be as low as $20.
  • Blended learning courses combine online coursework with in-person skills training. Due to the additional in-person component, this format can be expensive, ranging from $50 to $100.

2.  Geographical location:

Prices of CPR certification renewal can vary depending on your location and travel flexibility. Urban areas with higher living costs may see higher course fees than rural areas.

3.  Group discounts:

Some providers offer discounts for group registrations. If you wish to renew your certification with colleagues or friends, you might be eligible for a reduced rate.

Steps to renew your CPR card online

With technological advancements making online learning more popular, renewing a CPR card online is straightforward. The online mode of learning offers you the flexibility to complete the course at your own pace, so you can easily fit the training into your daily work schedule. This is ideal for people in remote areas to be equipped for local medical needs.

Follow these steps to renew a CPR card online:

  • Choose a reputable provider: Ensure the course provider is reputed and your employer or relevant authorities accept its certification.
  • Register for the course: Register for the CPR renewal course on the provider’s website. Be sure to check what course materials and training are included in the fee.
  • Complete the coursework: Work through the online modules at your own pace. Make sure to engage fully with the material to refresh your skills.
  • Pass the exam: Most courses have a final exam. Ensure you pass this to proceed to the next step.
  • Hands-on skill session: If your course includes a hands-on assessment, schedule and complete this session.
  • Receive your certification: Once you’ve completed all requirements, you’ll receive your renewed CPR card, usually via email or mail.0

Benefits of renewing CPR certification online

Renewing your CPR certification is easy and straightforward. To register for the refresher course, you just need a compatible device and internet service.

Some of the benefits you get when you renew a CPR card online are:

  • Convenience: Online courses allow you to renew your certification from the comfort of your home or workplace.
  • Flexibility: You can fit the coursework around your schedule, which is ideal for busy professionals.
  • Cost-effective: Online courses often cost less than in-person classes, especially considering travel and time off work.
  • Up-to-date training: Online courses are frequently updated to reflect the latest guidelines and practices.

Is it worth to renew CPR card?

Renewing your CPR card empowers you to continue providing life-saving services during emergencies. You have the knowledge and skills to come to the aid of those experiencing cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, or choking.

Here is how renewing a CPR card is worth an investment:

  • Lifesaving skills: When you renew a CPR card online, you are prepared to promptly respond to emergencies, potentially helping save lives.
  • Professional requirements: Many jobs require a current CPR certification. Keeping it up-to-date can be crucial for your employment.
  • Confidence and competence: Regular renewal helps keep your skills sharp and boosts your confidence to handle emergencies.
  • Compliance: It ensures you meet industry standards and regulations.


Regularly renewing your CPR certification helps you stay updated about the lastest life-saving skills and techniques. It also shows that you are committed to the well-being of others, especially in crisis situations. While costs to renew a CPR card online may vary depending on the type of certification, the provider, and the course format, the training helps you keep your skills sharp to tackle emergencies effectively. Besides, it helps you in your professional growth.

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