How Online Quizzes Can Boost Kids’ Brainpower and Knowledge

How Online Quizzes Can Boost Kids' Brainpower and Knowledge

With the increase of users all around the world, online quizzes have grown in popularity over the past few decades. Every type of assessment, from an educational test to determine what text to put into a lesson to a personality quiz that instructs readers on what type of dog to own, can be found online today.

Educators and parents alike are tapping into this pool of Internet knowledge by using online quizzes as a tool for cognitive development in children. Young brains need stimulation to help develop important cognitive skills.

So, how can we use online quizzes to aid children in this developmental process? Cognitive Processing Center revisits the neurology of learning, explores the educational benefits of these tests and their online presentation, investigates the role of gamification, and provides simple recommendations on how to integrate quizzes into children’s daily learning routine.

The Science Behind Learning and Brain Development in Children

Children move from one to the next based on the ‘stage’ of their cognitive development – meaning things they are capable of learning in one stage are impossible (or at least very difficult) to learn in the next. Jean Piaget, one of the foremost developmental psychologists of the 20th century, put forth the four stages of cognitive development: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. The brains of children during these stages are described as being less ‘hard-wired’ and more ‘plastic,’ with the ability to take on, adapt, and even change in structure to fit new information and experiences.

Active recall and repetition are critical components of effective learning.  For example;

The American Psychological Association reports that active recall – which occurs when students actively stimulate their own memories during the learning process – can help improve memory retention.

A paper recently published by the National Institutes of Health points out that brain plasticity is highest in childhood, making it an optimal time for engaging in activities such as quizzing that promote active memory recall.

You don’t need a PhD in educational psychology to realize that online quizzes naturally promote retrieval practice and spaced repetition, two well-established features of good learning design and of the ‘desirable difficulties’ that research says boost learning outcomes. Resuring learners to recall information over and over – reinforcing their neural circuits and making both short- and long-term memory storage stronger – is what retrieval practice sets out to achieve.

Educational Benefits of Online Quizzes

Online quizzes offer numerous educational benefits that cater to diverse learning needs:

Promoting Participation and Interactive Knowledge Retention:  Kids enjoy taking interactive quizzes, which make learning fun and mentally stimulating. What’s more, is that students involved in interactive learning are 15 percent more participative as per data recorded in the Journal of Educational Psychology, than those with traditional methods of learning.

Improving Memory:  Quizzes force kids to actively recall information which in turn consolidates understanding. In one study, students using an interactive quizzing system showed an increase in retention compared with students using traditional study methods.Adaptation to individual learning styles and paces:  Quizzes administered online can be adapted to individual learning styles and paced to individual needs. This is a great way to personalise the learning experience and is difficult to achieve in a traditional classroom environment.

The Role of Gamification in Learning

Through this gamification, psychological principles are invoked to increase motivation and engagement. Turn the learning into a game and children may well join in and enjoy it.

Gamification in quizzes enhances learning outcomes. It is an engaging method of learning. According to a study conducted by the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, gamified learning acts as a motivator and enhances the overall learning outcome. It increases the motivation of the students by 30 percent, which helps children to keep on learning. The availability of points, badges and leaderboards also provide instant feedback, which proves to be a great motivator to children, highlighting their achievement for others to see.

Practical Tips for Parents and Educators

In the end, the choice of the right online quiz platform and adapting quizzes to daily routines can help to leverage their advantages significantly. Here are some practical tips:

  • How to Choose the Right Online Quiz Platforms for Students: The platform should set the bar in terms of age-appropriateness and educational standards. Examples of such platforms include Kahoot!, Quizlet, and QuizExpo.
  • Tips With regard to quizzes: routine: Regularly schedule quizzing sessions. A weekly quiz could be used to review the week’s material.
  • Track progress and ramp up or ease up on the challenge: See how your child is doing by keeping track of how many questions they answer right on each quiz; raise or lower the question difficulty as needed in light of their success.
  • List of Recommended Quiz Platforms:
    • Kahoot!
    • Quizlet
    • QuizExpo
  • Rules of Thumb for Screen Time and Offline/Online Balance: According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, Children aged 6 to 18 should have consistent limits on when and how much screen time they have (two hours per day or less). Offline habits, such as reading, unstructured play, and hands-on experimentation, should be balanced by online quizzes.
  • Example Schedules for Integrating Quizzes into Study Time:
    • Morning: 15-minute quiz session to start the day.
    • Afternoon: Use quizzes to review lessons.
    • Evening: End the day with a fun quiz to reinforce learning.

On a Final Note

Online quizzes provide lots of benefits in cognitive, educational, social and emotional aspects. It helps to improve the memory in retaining the information when students take the quiz, it supports a positive learning style for kids to engage in, and it’s fun for them to play. Parents and teachers can increase meaningful conversations by using online quizzes and allowing them to create a fun tool. This helps kids build their skills, and improve memory with how they study and love to learn.

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