How Parents Can Counteract Social Media’s Influence on Kids

How Parents Can Counteract Social Media's Influence on Kids

Social media is a pervasive issue in today’s digital age. Almost every teen has a smartphone through which they can access social sites like Instagram and YouTube, and many feel as though their usage is out of control. More concerningly, little is known about the long-term impact of social media’s influence on kids.

Preliminary research suggests that overusing social media can undermine your child’s well-being. Researchers from Yale suggest that teens who do use social media may develop an addiction that results in attention problems and poor sleep while raising their risk of developing anxiety or depression.

As a parent, you probably can’t ban social media in your home. However, you can take proactive steps to counteract the harmful effects of social media on your kid’s health. Even simple changes, like taking walks together after school and parental locking certain pages, can have a profound impact on your child’s wellness and help them lead a happier, healthier life.

The Positive Impact of Social Media

Before you blanket ban phones and throw tablets in the trash, it’s important to recognize the potential power of social media for teens. When used responsibly, social media’s influence on kids can be positive and may help them by:

  • Increasing their access to information ;
  • Facilitate friendship making;
  • Providing easy entertainment when they’re feeling anxious;
  • Finding and creating support groups online.

Using social media responsibly can be particularly beneficial if your child has interests that you or your school cannot currently cater to. For example, if your kid has a passion for a hobby like crafting, they will be able to find hours of tutorial content on sites like YouTube and can share their inventions with a supportive group online.As a parent, it’s your job to ensure engagement remains positive. For this reason, it’s crucial that you understand the potential perils children face when logging onto social media.

The Perils of Life Online

Most teens know that spending too much time on social media is bad for them. However, it may be easy to overlook the negative impact of social media’s influence on your children if you’re already busy with chores, work responsibilities, and school runs. Rather than overlooking your child, learn to recognize the signs of social media addiction to avoid the potential harm of life online.

For example, you may notice that a child who spends a lot of time online starts to make negative comments about their appearance. This is because social media negatively affects our body image by promoting:

  • A pressure to lose weight;
  • Unrealistic beauty standards;
  • Cyberbullying;
  • Distortion of features, due to filters.

Children who are exposed to body shaming and cyberbullying online may feel pressured to grow up too fast. This can cause lasting damage to their self-esteem and cause them to engage in risky behavior or expose them to harmful content.

Non-Tech Hobbies

Drawing your child away from the screen can be tricky if they’ve formed a social media addiction. Rather than punishing them for using their phones, try to entice them into engaging with the wider world. If the idea of spending more quality time with your children sounds like a solution to social media’s influence, consider non-tech hobbies like hiking, DIY crafting, cooking, or gardening.

These hobbies are innately relaxing and will take your child’s mind away from social media. Introducing your child to gardening can be an effective way to teach them about nature and healthy foods, too. Children who engage in hobbies like gardening display higher achievement in fields like science and get to practice important executive functioning skills that will serve them well for life.

If your child shows an interest in hobbies like gardening, get the ball rolling by giving them some autonomy in the decision-making process. This may mean you give them a corner of your garden for themselves, or that you help them grow good beginner plants like sunflowers, strawberries, carrots, and cucumbers.


If you find that social media influences your child and makes them restless, you may want to sign them up for sports. Sports teams like soccer and tennis clubs help your child burn off some steam while allowing them to develop important motor and coordination skills.

Sports can be good for your kid’s mental health. Finding a sport they love will boost their self-esteem and prepare them to become leaders in the future. Just be sure that they enjoy the sport, and try to find a position or event that suits their natural talents.


Counteracting social media’s influence on kids can be tricky if phones have become a permanent feature of your child’s life. Start small by planning activities that take them away from the digital world. This will help them build their self-esteem and will counteract some of the harmful effects of life online. You can also sign your child up for events and sports teams in your area, as this will help bolster their confidence and will instill healthy habits that last a lifetime.

About the Author
About the AuthorKatie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in education, mental health, family lifestyle and online safety. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. You can follow her on Twitter.

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