Category: Parenting

Beyond the Classroom: Unconventional Life Lessons

Beyond the Classroom: Unconventional Life Lessons

It’s essential that you allow your kids a formal education so they can read, write, and learn about the world. However, there are some lessons most kids won’t learn in school. To prepare them for adulthood and to be more well-rounded, you need to think beyond the classroom and consider some unconventional life lessons.

From the importance of understanding tax season to how to survive when stranded on the roadside, there’s a lot your kids need to know. Consider these lessons, games, and methods of helping your children prepare for the real world.

Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Money and Taxes

As your kids start to learn math in school, use this as an opportunity to supplement those lessons by teaching them about math in fun ways. Many enjoyable card and board games can teach your kids about money and keep them engaged. Younger kids may get a kick out of playing The Game of Life, which allows them to own pets, start a family, or opt to go to college while learning how to make and manage finances along the way. As they get older, try Monopoly, where they can hold paper money in their hands that they can use to buy houses and hotels. They’ll also learn a bit about paying rent, which will be an important lesson later in life.

Many card games can also teach young people a lot about money management, such as Exact Change, which is like Uno, where the first person out of cards wins, but it’s about money and change instead of shapes. Even playing solitaire can teach the players about strategy and demonstrate how one move can impact the rest of the game or their life.

While your children start to grasp the basics of money, income, investing, and expenses, you can also start to teach them about taxes and how impactful they can be. You can have fun while showing that taxes are a part of everything. When they’re old enough, show them an old paycheck to see how much you made and what is left over after taxes as a way to grasp the concept further.

Music Lessons Help Kids to Thrive

If your child is interested in playing a musical instrument and the school doesn’t offer a class, consider private lessons or teaching them yourself. In addition to playing beautiful music, learning an instrument is an unconventional way to teach various important skills and lessons. For example, playing the violin requires concentration, focus, and memorization. These are all necessary attributes that will help them play the songs correctly and mold their brains as they age and take on more complex tasks.

Just about any musical instrument will help kids develop their fine motor skills as they make the necessary movements to make sound. Once they start playing in a band, they’ll learn the value of teamwork.

Teach Outdoor and Survival Skills

You should also go beyond the classroom and the house by taking the kids into the wilderness to teach them some essential survival skills. Use this as an opportunity to take them away from the modern conveniences of tech and teach them how to fend for themselves if the time ever comes.

To really take them out of their element, bring them primitive camping. You’ll go to as isolated an area to better connect with nature and learn a few things in the process. While out there, teach them how to safely build a fire, pitch a tent, and educate them on basic first aid strategies. When they’re not learning, primitive camping provides the kids a space to run and explore while bonding with the family in a way they can’t always do at home.

Since, as a parent, you always want to provide a safe learning environment, prepare for the trip accordingly. Pack warm clothing and sleeping gear, inform emergency contacts back home of your plans and where you’ll be, and although you shouldn’t use it, consider bringing an emergency cell phone just in case.

Show Teens How to Be Independent

Although you may be sad about the idea of your kids one day leaving the house, teach them important lessons that they can take with them when they live on their own, like how to maintain a car and change a tire.

The ability to change a tire on the spot can be a lifesaver when an unexpected blowout occurs. Teach them that if they get a flat tire, they should pull off the road to a safe place. Then, show them how to use a jack to lift the car, take off the lug nuts, and put on the new or temporary tire. While going through the instructions, have your teen do the actions themselves so they gain a full understanding.

You can also teach them how to read and use a map and compass in case they ever need to find their way and modern technology, like GPS, is unavailable.

There are other ways that you can teach your kids to be more independent, even when they’re young. Although it may go against your better judgment, allow them to make mistakes so they can see what went wrong and learn how to adjust their behavior the next time. Also, don’t neglect the chance to assign your kids chores around the house. Certain chores, like taking out the trash, require them to think ahead and plan, which can come in handy when they take on more responsibilities down the road.


You can teach your kids many lessons to help them live a more fulfilling life now and in the future. Take every opportunity to teach them new things, and they’ll be more well-rounded as adults.

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Tips to Help Your Child Transition from Kindergarten to School

Tips to Help Your Child Transition from Kindergarten to School

As your preschooler finishes their time in kindergarten and ventures off to ‘big school,’ there is bound be apprehension for any young child. Their new adventure will at the very least bring at least a bit of apprehension when starting all over again in a new environment with new faces, places, and activities.

The moment can also be met with a mixture of emotions for both you and your child. While there’s no need to buy their elementary graduation cap and gown sets just yet, there may still be a touch of sadness at how fast they are growing up. Some may embrace this new step with a sense of eagerness and enthusiasm, others, however, may feel overwhelmed at the prospect.

To make their first days easier, we have outlined some helpful tips to ease the anxiety and ensure the transition from kindergarten to elementary school is as smooth and as seamless as possible for your little one.

Engage Practically With Your Child

Take some time to sit with your child, allowing them to express their thoughts and feelings about starting school. In addition to talking together, you can engage your child in this process through imaginative activities such as storytelling where they describe their first day at school or act it out with the help of some toys.

This can help your child to unburden any worries or concerns they may have and allow you to address these beforehand. By continuing to communicate in this way as your child begins school, you can offer them the reassurance and support they may need to get over any initial nerves and settle into their new routine.

Practice Makes Perfect

While kindergarten is often only for a few hours a week, starting elementary school will likely be the beginning of a new, and longer schedule. This can be difficult for any child to adapt to, so it is helpful to ease them into this.

Encourage them to wake up and dress themselves in time, by gradually shifting their bedtimes and wake-up times over the summer to align with the school schedule. You can also help them adjust to a more structured school environment by practicing scheduled activities at home such as an allocated play time, reading time, meal time, and quiet time.

It is also beneficial to familiarize your child with their daily journey to and from school by practicing the school run together. Whether this is by car or by foot, doing so can help them become comfortable with their routine and make their school run a more positive and enjoyable experience.

Help your child get excited about their transition from kindergarten to elementary school

Create Excitement

Help your young one get excited about their big day by drawing their attention to the positive aspects such as learning new things,  taking part in different activities, and making new friends. You can also share happy stories about your own experiences at elementary school and encourage any younger siblings to join in and do the same.

Whether it’s a brand new lunch box, pencil case or backpack, shopping for school supplies together can also generate excitement in your child as they look forward to putting these things to good use.

By following these suggestions, you can help your child feel ready and relaxed as they take their first steps into elementary school.

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How To Build Confidence in Your Kindergarten Child

How To Build Confidence in Your Kindergarten Child

We should protect, nurture, encourage, provide, and show love and respect to our children. For instance, teaching your kindergarten child how to build their confidence can help set them up for success in life. Confidence helps kids feel like they can try challenging, new things (and try again when they fail).

Below, you can find our insightful advice on building confidence in your young child.

Encourage Independence

The first step toward building confidence is to encourage independence. Letting your child perform simple tasks on their own not only teaches them valuable life skills but also boosts their self-esteem. For example, helping children learn to tie their shoes is a great starting point for fostering independence in kindergarteners. The sense of accomplishment they feel when they successfully tie their shoelaces will be a significant confidence boost.

Provide Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement plays a pivotal role in confidence-building. Recognize your child’s efforts and achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Whether they’ve shared their toys with a friend or completed a drawing, acknowledge their actions with words of praise. This positive feedback reassures them that they are capable and valued, fostering a healthy sense of self-worth.

Set Achievable Goals

Setting achievable goals is another effective way to build confidence. These goals could be related to academics, hobbies, or daily chores. Achieving these goals gives children a sense of accomplishment and motivates them to take on new challenges. Remember to keep the goals realistic and age-appropriate to prevent frustration and maintain enthusiasm.

Promote Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving skills are crucial for building confidence. When they’re faced with a challenge, guide your child through the process of finding a solution rather than solving the problem for them. This approach helps them understand that they are capable of overcoming obstacles, which, in turn, strengthens their confidence.

Encourage Social Interaction

Social interaction is another key aspect of building confidence. Encourage your child to participate in group activities, make friends, and interact with others. These interactions help them develop social skills, learn to express themselves, and handle different social situations, all contributing to their overall confidence. You might encourage this by bringing your child to the park or community events, where they can meet other children their age.

Bonus Tip: Be a Positive Role Model

Finally, remember you are your child’s first and most influential role model. You can help children develop a positive attitude by demonstrating one yourself. Show confidence in your abilities, maintain a positive outlook on life, and handle challenges gracefully. Your child is likely to emulate your behavior, developing their own sense of confidence in the process.

Understanding how to build confidence in your kindergarten child involves many small steps. From encouraging independence to showing a positive attitude yourself, these actions will help your child on their way to boosting their confidence. With patience, consistency, and a lot of love, you can help your child develop the confidence they need to navigate the world around them successfully.

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Want to preserve the memories with your newborn? Here are some ideas

Want to preserve the memories with your newborn?

Every new parent wishes to engrave the memories of childbirth and the next few milestones within their heart. After all, children grow up so fast, and all the sweet and innocent memories become blurry in a blink.  Some do it by making vlogs or clicking pictures on their smartphones. However, there are way better options to keep these memories close.

So, let’s know those here and explore ideas of how to preserve those fleeting moments with your newborn.

1. Make a keepsake box

Keepsake boxes store the little pieces of tangible memories from your baby and your time together. A few things to add to this box are:

  • Your and your baby’s hairlocks
  • Both of your hospital bands and hat
  • Arrival cards from your loved ones for the baby
  • Ultrasound photos and other photos post-birth

2. Sign up for a newborn photoshoot

Newborn baby portraits are one of the sweetest ways to keep memories of these precious moments. While you can take pictures with your camera, consider doing it with a professional. This ensures that you have great quality and aesthetic pictures.

If you’re in Canada, look up the best places for newborn photography. Before you get an appointment, ensure they are the best in the industry so you get the worth of your money!

Discuss what safety measures they take, their time limits, the props they’ll use, and whether they provide basic food and warm space for you and your baby.

You can hang these portraits at home, stick them in scrapbooks, or use the images for announcements and invitations.

3. Record video diaries

From pregnancy to a baby’s birth there are many new milestones, so record them as videos immediately. It can be your feelings and thoughts in the labor room, your emotions while first seeing and holding your child, or the first time you successfully fed your child.

It can also include the first time your baby says mama/papa, their first step, their first time meeting siblings and pets, their first art or writing, and so on.

Compile all of these records and create a full video out of it. Once your baby grows up, they’ll know how much you cherish them.

4. Send emails or letters to your baby

If you have a way with your words and are tech-savvy, carve your warm emotions into words and email your baby.

For this, create an email ID for the newborn. Make sure you save the password and other credentials safely.

Write about your life experience during the first week with them. Share how they were as a newborn, how you dealt with every setback, and add every memorable instance.

If you’re not good with technology, write letters and store them in a box.

How to preserve those fleeting moments with your newborn.

5. Plan a time capsule

If you’re unfamiliar with a time capsule, it’s a box with memories and letters to a person that must be opened at a special future date.

In your baby’s time capsule, add all the little things like childhood family photos, letters, warm wishes from everyone, greeting cards, and clothing items that they can’t use anymore.

You can also add a detailed record of what happened on the day they were born. Some parents even add current events, like gas and food expenses, the weather, and their mood on the child’s birth date.

Lastly, talk to your partner and pick a day for your child to open the box. It can be middle or high school graduation or when they move out of home for a job or college.

6. Baby Scans

Before your baby is even born, you can get a baby scan at various stages throughout the pregnancy.

These scans are often done to offer peace of mind as your baby grows, but the images rendered are also yours to hold as treasured keepsakes.

Pregnancy scans can mark dates, show growth progress, reveal gender and even produce 3D and 4D images.

7. Get the details on wooden blocks

On wooden blocks, get these details about your baby carved or painted:

  • Their name
  • Their birth date and time
  • Their weight and height after birth

This can be kept as a keepsake on your shelf. Or, you can let your baby play with these blocks as they grow.

8. Utilize outgrown clothes

You get so many cute clothes for your baby. But these little buggers outgrow them pretty fast.

Most people either give away clothes as hand-me-downs or donations. However, about 85% of donated outfits are dumped in landfills or incinerated.

So, you can instead make a cute blanket or stuffed animals out of them for your baby. Make the best out of every little thing you have!


Remember, these are only a few unique ways to make memories. So, don’t hesitate to come up with your unique idea or seek loved ones for it!

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