Category: Parenting

Baby vs. Toddler

Growth and Development of Babies vs Toddlers

If you have a baby or a toddler, you are likely well aware of the progression of their growth. One moment they are babbling and cooing, drinking only milk or formula, and depending on you for everything. In the blink of an eye, you have a walking, talking toddler happily chewing on solid foods and sharing their thoughts and opinions on the world around them.

Babies grow fast—you can say in the blink of an eye. With such growth, their needs also change rapidly, and you have to adapt to each new phase of life.

But when exactly does a child transition from a baby to a toddler? We delve into the critical baby vs toddler question and share everything you need to know about their development, diet, and other important details. This will help prepare you for your child’s growth and know what to expect.

Growth and Development of Babies

Babies are infants between the ages of 0 and 12 months old. At first, they behave instinctually to express their needs—they fuss or cry when hungry or uncomfortable. They respond to touch, and their movements are mostly reflexive.

As your baby’s brain develops over time, they will be able to think more clearly and be more deliberate about their behaviors and actions.

Babies have very good hearing and listen to and soak in language, speech, and information. They will soon start responding to loud, high-pitched sounds. Your baby will also begin interacting and communicating with you through facial expressions, signs, gestures, and sounds. As they learn, they will be more precise about their feelings and emotions.

Baby vision develops very quickly, too, but is still weak at this stage. They start by exploring their fingers and toes and entertain themselves with whatever they can get their hands on.

Babies also quickly form attachments to their parents and primary caregivers. They develop emotional and social skills as they build bonds of love and trust with those around them. How their caregivers interact with them will set the foundation for their associations with others.

Some of the things that babies can do as they grow include smiling, clapping, waving, crawling, picking up things, and babbling. By the time they are five to six months of age, they can sit up with little to no support.

As months pass, your baby will also learn to reach out, focus its vision, stand up, and walk with support, if not independently. They will start recognizing objects by their names and understanding basic verbal commands.

Growth and Development of Toddlers

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that toddlers are between one and three years old.

At this age, your child would have grown to about triple their birth weight. You’ll see so many other changes in your toddler besides physical development. Toddlers will begin to utter a few words and connect more objects with their names. They also become more independent and learn to do things on their own.

Toddlers’ motor skills improve very quickly, and they will be able to walk unassisted, including backward and sideways. But the movements may still be uncoordinated and unsteady, which is where the term “toddling” comes from.

Your toddler will soon be able to climb up and down stairs, jump, squat, throw a ball, and play simple games. They will master the alphabet, recite rhymes and songs, and distinguish between different colors and shapes. During this phase of life, toddlers are incredibly curious and absorb everything quite quickly.

Most of this development seems to be accelerated when toddlers turn one. Kids of this age also begin to sleep through the night for eight to 12 hours—they will no longer wake up hungry in between. They still need a nap or two every day for healthy growth and development.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that toddlers should sleep for a total of 11 to 14 hours every day. Although your child’s active exploration and independence may mean they will resist naps, they will still most likely sleep uninterrupted for most nights.

What Are the Common Diseases Among Babies and Toddlers?

Some illnesses are to be expected in childhood and affect a vast majority of babies and toddlers at some point or another.

Here are the most common childhood conditions:

  • Fever
  • Cold
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Skin rashes
  • Earache
  • Asthma
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Chickenpox
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Croup
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Scarlet fever
  • Whooping cough

Caring for a sick baby or toddler can be stressful. Consult your pediatrician for advice on your child’s illness. They will diagnose your child’s condition and prescribe the correct medication and treatment.

What Are the Recommendations for Feeding Babies? 

Babies need constant care and feeding to ensure optimum growth and development. It also lays the foundation for a healthy life for the following decades.


During the first six months, breastfeeding is best for babies. Breast milk has a unique blend of nutrients that make it the ideal infant food.

Some of the nutrients in breast milk include:

  • Lactose
  • Fatty acids
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Amino acids
  • Enzymes

Breastfeeding promotes healthy digestion, brain development, and immunity. It protects babies from respiratory and ear infections and other illnesses.

Mothers also benefit from breastfeeding as it reduces the risk of the following illnesses:

  • Breast cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes

You can continue breastfeeding until your little one is a year old (and even after that if both of you are willing). If you begin the weaning process before your baby is a year old, make sure that you feed it iron-fortified infant formula.

Exclusively or predominantly breastfed babies need to supplement their diets with vitamin D, which is crucial for strong bones. They can easily become deficient in this nutrient, more so during the winter when they get low sun exposure. Babies must get 400 IU of vitamin D every day. Consult your pediatrician and ask if you need to think about supplementation.

Breastfed babies eat more often than formula-fed babies—their meals are spaced out between one and three hours. Be prepared to feed your little one on demand, which should be around eight to 12 times around the clock.

Infant Formula

Infant formula is healthy, safe, and an excellent alternative to breast milk.

Pediatricians may also endorse it for breastfeeding mothers in certain situations:

  • Low milk supply
  • Sore or painful breasts
  • Certain illnesses
  • Breast surgery

If you choose infant formula, make sure that your product of choice meets the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) stringent safety standards. It should also contain all the nutrients that your baby needs for optimum health.

Note that formula-fed babies usually don’t need vitamin supplementation—infant formula should have all the essential nutrients they need.

Babies fed with formula may go a little longer between feeding sessions than breastfed babies, around two to four hours.

Soft Foods

Once your baby is six months old (time flies by fast!), you can start feeding them soft foods, such as mashed peas, potatoes, carrots, etc. Once they reach this stage, feed them healthy, nutrient-dense foods. They will hopefully learn to appreciate a wholesome diet at a very early age, laying the foundation for a healthy lifestyle in the future.

What Are the Recommendations for Feeding Toddlers?

Here are some important recommendations for feeding your toddler:

A Regular Diet

Once your child is a year old—officially a toddler—they should join you at the table for meals. This will help them learn what mealtimes are: the opportunity for the family to bond and share food at regular intervals each day. Ensure that your toddler eats different kinds of foods, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, proteins, and dairy.

Many toddlers are very picky eaters. Don’t be surprised if your toddler likes a particular food one day and hates it the next; do your best to roll with their moods.

Serve your toddler small portions of different food groups and colorful, flavorful foods so they will enjoy mealtime. Encourage them to enjoy the flavor, color, and texture to develop a lifelong appreciation of food.

Toddler Formula

Toddler formula is a great way to supplement your child’s diet with essential nutrients. It is especially handy for picky eaters who make a fuss about certain foods. It ensures your child gets all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients they need for their growth and development.

Toddler formula is designed for kids aged 12 to 36 months.

Note that toddler formula should not be your little one’s sole source of nutrition. Use it to complement your child’s transition to a regular diet of healthy solid foods and milk.

Else Nutrition: Something Else, Something Better

Recommendations for Feeding Toddlers

If you’re looking for the highest-quality products for your child’s health, check out Else Nutrition. This plant-based toddler formula is organic, non-GMO, dairy-free, soy-free, and chemical-free.

98% of the formula only contains three simple, healthy, and natural ingredients: buckwheat, tapioca, and almond. The remaining 2% is derived from responsibly sourced natural ingredients.

Together, these tolerable and easily digestible ingredients give your toddler all the essential nutrients. There is little to no risk of unpleasant intolerances, sensitivities, and allergies.

Choose a healthy, clean, sustainable toddler formula for your child’s nutritional needs—choose Else Nutrition.

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How to Help Kids Use Family Photos Safely Online

Online Safety for Family Photos

We live at a time where it is almost instinctive to share photos on social media. You can share your special moments and family photos with the world with the touch of a button. From photos of your little one’s first steps to their first day at school, a child’s life has plenty of precious moments you may want to show the world.

However, sharing family photos online can be dangerous when kids are involved. Once a photo is online, you lose control over it. Anyone can copy and use it. In addition, these photos will stay online forever.

Here are a few ways to help kids use family photos safely online.

1.  Use Common Sense

You’ll probably have a lot of fun sharing funny and cute photos of your family online. However, common sense must apply. While your kids may want to show the whole world details of their day, teach them to refrain from posting anything that would make them a target. For example, sharing the full names and contact information of family members is a huge no-no.

2.  Double Check Every Photo

Confidential information can easily slip through the cracks. No matter how careful you’re being, double check every photo before posting. For example, a casual photo of your child going to school might seem harmless. However, it could contain details like their name and the school location. Your child’s beautiful art project might contain your home address.

3.  Use Safe Mediums

If your goal is to share your kids’ photos with family, social media may not be the safest medium. It is almost impossible to be completely safe on social media even if you have a small, seemingly private account.

You never know what can happen.  Devices can be stolen, accounts get hacked, and passwords might be compromised. One of the best ways to share photos with your family is with digital photo frames. Send them directly to family.

4.  Use Privacy Settings

All social media sites have privacy settings. Use them to ensure that your kids only share family photos with approved profiles. Privacy settings ensure that people with malicious intentions cannot access your kids’ photos.

Note that this doesn’t only apply to the images your kids post. If they are tagged to images with their photos, you can restrict them from appearing on your kids’ profiles as well. Check that their personal information is kept private on a regular basis to make sure they stay safe. Ask friends and family to avoid sharing what is posted on your kids’ social media platforms.

5.  Turn Metadata Off

How to Help Kids Use Family Photos Safely Online

A photo’s metadata contains the date, time, and location of the photo. Anyone can use it to track you. When using family photos online, ensure that your kids’ phones don’t have metadata. You can turn off geotagging in the camera settings. Check kids’ photos regularly to ensure metadata is still turned off. Software updates usually default to sharing metadata.

6.  Create Cards, Calendars, or Photobooks to Print and Share With Relatives

If your kids want to share their photos with family, encourage them to use photo books, calendars, and cards. Photobooks are easy to make, and you can use them to share lots of photos. Photo Books, calendars, and cards make fantastic gifts. They are great for collecting memories and may be passed around the family.

Creating them on is a great idea, as you fully control the design. You get creative freedom, and best of all, it is free!

7.  Use Pseudo Names and Turn Location Settings Off

Don’t allow your kids to use their devices with the location settings on. Usually, their phones’ GPS automatically posts your location when you post an image on social media. This is definitely something your kids need to avoid when sharing family photos. You can easily turn this off on the kids’ mobile devices.

Instead of their real names, encourage your children to use fake names online. This way, it isn’t easy for malicious people to identify them. Initials and nicknames are a great idea as they give your kids anonymity. No one can find them with a quick online search.

8.  Read the Fine Print

Before sharing family photos on different sites, always read the fine print. Some sites hold the right to use the photos you share however they please. This information is clearly stated in the terms and conditions of the site.

While reading the fine print can seem like a lot of work, it is worth the trouble. You don’t want to post on sites that can distribute your family photos without your control.

While the internet has its benefits, it can be scary, especially for youngsters. When they are excited to share photos with family, ensure they do it safely. Use the above tips to stay away from potential dangers.

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How Can I Make Sure My Child’s Health and Nutrition are Top Priority

Ensuring my Child's Health and Nutrition are Top Priority

As a parent, you will always want the best for your child, especially regarding their health and nutrition. However, childcare centre menu planning is a challenging task.  Several considerations must be considered, including meeting the guidelines set by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), which covers key areas such as nutrition and hygiene.

At a minimum, extended daycare facilities should provide one main meal and two snack meals.

Table of Contents: 

  • Childcare Facility’s Food Menu Ensuring Children’s Health and Nutrition
  • Factors to Consider When Looking at a Childcare Facility Food Menu
  • Tips to Ensure Your Child’s Health and Nutrition is Considered
  • Final Words

Importance Of A Childcare Facility’s Food Menu In Ensuring Children’s Health And Nutrition

The food included in the daycare menu plays a vital role in the early growth and development of the children, as well as shaping their future eating habits.

Providing children with a healthy and balanced diet at childcare centres is crucial to ensure they get all the nutrition they need to grow and develop. This is especially important in their early years of developing their eating habits.

By offering a variety of foods, including different tastes and textures, we can help children develop healthy eating habits that will benefit them in the long run.

Childcare centres also need to take particular care in catering for any food allergies when preparing recipes. It is essential to ensure that all children’s dietary requirements are met and that they are safe while enjoying their meals.

Factors to Consider When Looking at a Childcare Facility Food Menu

Choosing a childcare facility can be a daunting task for parents, and one vital factor to consider is the quality of the food menu provided. Consider the following factors when choosing a childcare facility with a good food menu:

Nutritional balance: A comprehensive childcare menu should be balanced and nutritious. Check if the menu meets children’s daily dietary requirements, as recommended by the ACECQA.

What does this mean?

  • They are offering a variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meats, fish, chicken, milk, yoghurt, and cheese, with different textures and tastes appropriate for other age groups.
  • The caregivers at the facility must encourage children to drink milk or non-dairy milks, and fresh clean water throughout the day instead of sweet beverages such as juices and cordials, which are unnecessary.
  • Sweet treats like cakes, biscuits, lollies, and chocolates should be served only occasionally in childcare. However, individual centres may have their own policy on the availability of sweet foods and other treats.

Allergies And Dietary Requirements: Dietary requirements: It is essential to check if the childcare facility can cater to any dietary needs your child may have, such as allergies, intolerances, or cultural or religious food preferences. Ask if the facility can provide alternative meals or if you need to provide your child’s food.

Variety And Balance Of Food Choices: Children have different taste preferences, and a good childcare facility should provide a varied menu that caters to different tastes and preferences. Ask if the menu frequently changes to give variety and if children are encouraged to try new foods or cater for picky eaters.

Food Preparation And Safety Standards: The facility’s kitchen and preparation areas should be clean and hygienic. Ask about the facility’s food handling practices and if they have any food safety certifications or training.

Tips to Ensure Your Child’s Health and Nutrition is Considered in a Childcare

Once you have picked a daycare centre, here are some additional tips to ensure your child’s nutrition.

Communication Between Facility’s Staff And Current Parents: A good childcare facility should communicate well with parents. This includes informing them about their child’s meals and snacks. Ask how the facility communicates with parents about menu changes, food allergies, and special events.

Packing Healthy Snacks From Home: If the childcare centre allows, it is recommended that you pack some snacks with your child from home. Packing snacks provides control, helps accommodate dietary restrictions, avoids processed foods, and allows the child to relish some familiar food they are more comfortable eating.

Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits At Home: By consistently offering a variety of healthy foods at home and modelling healthy eating behaviours, parents can help their children develop a positive attitude towards healthy eating.

This can make it easier for children to accept and enjoy healthy meals and snacks when they are provided at the daycare centre, leading to better nutrition and overall health.

Final Words

Ensuring good health and nutrition for children is of paramount importance. Therefore, parents and childcare providers must work together to provide children with the best nutrition.

Childcare facilities play a crucial role in promoting children’s health and nutrition by offering a variety of healthy foods and snacks. However, parents can also play a significant role in encouraging healthy eating habits at home.

Ultimately, it takes a concerted effort from everyone involved to ensure that children receive the best nutrition to support their growth and development.

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Modern Parenting: Taking Care of Children with Technology

Modern Parenting - Taking Care of Children with Technology

The advent of handheld tech devices, such as smartphones, has made technology integral to human life. The increased adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT), on the other hand, has enabled digital devices to interconnect and communicate over the internet.  These tech developments have had a huge impact on modern parenting.

Keeping your children safe is a lot easier now thanks to technology.

1.  Enhanced security and safety

  • Smart home security cameras allow you to keep an eye on your home even when you’re away at work.
  • Secure cloud storage to keep you data safe.  Backing up and syncing your digital possessions also ensures precious pictures of your family are never lost.
  • Motion sensors can tell you when something is amiss in the house, e.g. if your child slips and falls.
  • Ambient sensing technology enables you to track the ambiance (pressure, temperature, air quality, etc.) in your home to ensure that your kids are safe.
  • Geofencing allows you to create virtual geographic boundaries for your child, so you get alerted whenever the child crosses any of those boundaries.
  • Automated alarm systems can alert the relevant authorities in case of a break-in or a fire.

 2.  Better access to parenting tips and support

If you have any questions about parenting, you can always trust the internet to provide the answers. You can get answers from blogs, YouTube videos, or research articles written by parenting experts. There also exists parenting forums on the internet where you can get peer support from other parents around the world.

Here’s something you’ll like: there are online tools for verifying parenting information you get either offline or on the internet. You can learn more about double-checking the suitability of medications prescribed for your kids by a doctor. This way you ensure that your kids get the medications they need, whenever they need them, and with the accuracy that medical care demands.

3.  Keeping families connected

Busy parents on the move have to work and kids have to go to school. This makes face-to-face interactions in the family unit scarce and far between. Video calling technology is knitting the family unit back together by enabling parents and their kids to “meet” virtually during the day. Not even geographical boundaries can stand in the way of family unity now. Technology has also made it possible for kids to learn from home and parents to work from home. It’s now possible to be a stay-at-home mom or dad and still earn a decent income through freelancing jobs.

4. Fitness Tech

From smart exercise equipment, virtual reality and wellness apps, fitness has gone high tech to provide all the tools your family needs to stay healthy.  Just as learning apps engage kids to learn while having fun, interactive games also incorporate fitness to keep kids on their feet and active instead of sitting in front of a stationary screen for hours.  For the utmost digital experience for your kids, you can consider an Apple Watch or a fitness tracker to enrich their fitness journey.

5. Capturing, storing, accessing, and sharing memories

Smartphones come with advanced cameras, photo editing features, and photo-sharing apps that allow you to document your kid’s life for free. What’s more, cloud storage makes it possible to store and preserve videos/photos eternally. You can access memories stored on the cloud on any device, at any time, and from anywhere on the planet. You don’t need to worry that your phone might get lost with all your valuable memories in it.

6.  Quality family time

Modern gaming apps and consoles allow you to co-play video games with your kid without necessarily being in the same room. You can even play with him/her when stuck in traffic. Video games give you a chance to bond with your kid as you teach him/her good sportsmanship, gaming etiquette, and other life lessons.

Technology has also birthed video streaming services and affordable home theater equipment. You now don’t have to depend on theaters for movies; you can snuggle up with your kid in your home theater as you stream your favorite family movie.

Managing Technology for Desirable Parenting

Excessive use of tech devices can be unhealthy. Children who spend too much time watching TV or playing video games are at risk of developing behavioral and learning difficulties. Unregulated screen time can also lead to obesity due to insufficient physical exercise.

Thankfully, technology gives parents all the tools they need to monitor and regulate their kids’ screen time. You can, for example:

  • Monitoring device activities using a phone monitoring app. On top of limiting a kid’s screen time, it is also possible to monitor what the kid does on the internet. You get notified when the child downloads an app or joins a platform he/she shouldn’t join. That keeps the child safe from data spies, cyberbullies, and other harmful aspects of technology.
  • Installing educational apps. These apps are fun and engaging. They give the kid something constructive to do as opposed to wasting time on undesirable apps.
  • Multiple device control technology allows multiple caregivers to monitor what a child does on his/her device. With more eyes on the ball, there’s almost no chance of anything going wrong.

Final word

We’re living in a technology-saturated era; your child will interact with technology one way or the other with or without your approval. Taking a proactive role in the child’s tech life allows you to take charge and strike the right balance of screen time. Remember to encourage the child to exercise and socialize. Over to you, mums and dads!

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