Category: Parenting

What Parents Should Know About Technology and Depression

What Parents Should Know About Technology and Depression

Today’s kids are the first generation to grow up fully immersed in technology. This has advantages and disadvantages, with an undeniable downside being increased mental health disorders. While technology can be fun for parents and kids alike, there are ties between technology and depression that parents should know about.

The Connection Between Technology and Depression

Recent research found that depression among kids increased by more than 25% in the past decade, leading to lowered self-esteem.

Though there are several possible contributing factors, it’s undeniable that the increased use of technology takes a toll on children’s mental health. The internet is better able to connect us and help us learn, but it’s also a platform for bullying, insecurity and toxic ideas that can be especially harmful to still-developing minds.

Cyberbullying is common among kids online. They often don’t realize the true impact their words and actions have. It’s easy to hide behind a user name and computer screen to make a mean comment or threaten someone else. Kids often bully because they are still figuring out how to handle social situations and feel like being mean will put them at the top of their social ladder. Bullies are often insecure. By tearing someone else down, they can feel better about themselves. Bullying among adults also often happens online, normalizing it for kids.

Social media often shows kids the “best” photos and experiences, making them self-conscious about their appearance and abilities. Fancy filters can erase blemishes, giving kids unrealistic expectations for how they should look. Children often follow the accounts of celebrities they like and don’t realize people are in charge of making them appear glamorous.

Screen time keeps kids from other activities that nurture their bodies and minds. Research shows that the average kid engages in four to six hours of screen time daily. Being sedentary for this long increases the risk of developing depression.

How to Help Kids Avoid Depression Tied to Tech

Several things can contribute to mental health issues, and you can only do so much to prevent them. However, changing your child’s technology habits can reduce or eliminate depression symptoms. Here are some things you can do.

Limit Their Time

Children from 2-5 years old should only have under one hour of screen time per day, and older kids should not be on for more than two. Two hours is also the standard recommended time for adults. Kids under 2 should only have occasional screen time.

Even if you set a timer, they might have more exposure than you realize. Televisions in the background of other activities can catch their eye, and unattended devices could lead to sneaky behaviors. As easy as it can be to hand your child a device while trying to do something else, another distraction could preserve their well-being.

Encourage Physical Activities

Getting your kids moving distracts them from technology and can improve their physical and mental health. Research shows that regular exercise can help prevent and treat symptoms of depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Children are more motivated to exercise when they do something they love. Sports, dancing, martial arts or just playing outside encourages them to enjoy themselves without using technology. Many sports teach children important life skills without them knowing it, such as responsibility, honesty and emotional control.

Teach Them About It

It’s important to monitor your child’s social media use, but you can’t protect them from everything. Between school and extracurricular activities, they’re likely to see or experience mean or inappropriate content. One of the best things you can do is teach your children about what they may encounter.

Everyone wants to protect their kids, but it helps to tell them about cyberbullying, filters and photo alterations, different morals and beliefs, and responsible posting. That way, they’re equipped with the knowledge to confidently navigate television, video games, internet searches and social media. They can better understand what enriches them and what doesn’t when they guard their hearts and minds against negativity.

Helping Kids Use Technology Wisely

The connection between technology and depression in children is hard to ignore, but that doesn’t mean you should ban it. These days, kids need to know how to navigate the vast amount of content and connections made through tech. Limiting their time and equipping them with the right mindset and life skills reduces their risk of mental health conditions now and in the future.

Cora Gold - Editor in ChiefAuthor bio:  Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of women’s lifestyle magazine, Revivalist. She strives to live a happy and healthy life with her family by her side.
Follow Cora on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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How a Parenting Plan Can Help Secure Your Child’s Future

How a Parenting Plan Can Help Secure Your Child’s Future

When parents separate a parenting plan becomes one of those essential, but often neglected, things to help both parties navigate the care of their children.  It takes a less than ideal situation and breaths hope into the future. It creates order and brings security to the child because their wellbeing is always the first priority when done properly.

A parenting plan can help set forth the rules and regulations for how you and your ex-spouse will co-parent your child. It can also help resolve disagreements and disputes between parents. If you are considering creating a parenting plan or have already created one but are having problems implementing it, you should consider meeting with a lawyer.

Just as important is accessing the living arrangements of the child, a parenting plan determines the rules and regulations of how you and your ex-spouse will co-parent.  It will help resolve disagreements and disputes that may arise. It can be a complicated matter, so you may want to consider consulting a lawyer to do it properly.

If you have questions about parenting plans or other family law matters, consider contacting a professional that specializes in family law. They can help you protect your rights and the rights of your child.

What Should Be Covered in a Parenting Plan?

A effective parenting plan may cover a variety of issues.  As mentioned, the child’s wellbeing should be at the forefront of all discussions.  From there, the best compromises can be made resulting in the least harm to both families involved.

Issues to be added to the parenting plan include:

  • Custody and visitation schedules
  • Holidays and special occasions
  • Transportation arrangements
  • Communication methods between parents
  • Structure for Decision making
  • How discipline will be handled
  • Financial responsibilities

No family is the same.  Every child has a different level of needs.  Modifications can be made if the parenting plan is not working properly in certain areas as time progresses. This includes new needs that arise as children grow.

If you and your ex-spouse get along well and can communicate effectively, you may not need a detailed parenting plan. However, if you have a more contentious relationship, a more detailed parenting plan will be beneficial.

The Importance of Creating a Parenting Plan

A parenting plan is crucial because it can help reduce conflict between parents. It can also provide stability for children.

A parenting plan can also help prevent child custody disputes from escalating into legal battles. If you and your ex-spouse can agree on a parenting plan, you may be able to avoid a costly and time-consuming court battle.

In addition to addressing the immediate needs of your child, a well-crafted parenting plan can lay the foundation for long-term stability. For those navigating more complex familial landscapes, the assistance of a Long Term Care Planning Lawyer can be invaluable in ensuring all aspects of your child’s future are considered. By integrating professional legal advice, parents can create a robust framework that supports their child’s evolving needs over time, thus offering peace of mind for both parties involved.

Of course, even if you have a parenting plan, there is no guarantee that conflicts will never arise. However, a well-crafted plan can help minimize the gravity of disputes. Simply put, a parenting plan provides a roadmap for resolving disagreements, not how great or small.

Essential Factors to Consider when Creating a Parenting Plan

There are many factors to consider when creating a parenting plan. However, some of the most important include:

  • The age of your child
  • Your work schedules
  • The location of your homes
  • Your child’s schooling
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Religious upbringing
  • Holidays

Securing your child’s future stability and well-being should be your top priority when creating a parenting plan. That said, it is also essential to consider your needs and interests.

Because kids need both of their parents for love, nurturing and to feel affirmed and accepted.  The parenting plan ensures each parent can spend ample time with each child involved.  It may not be equal time due to work hours of each parent, but it can be stress free quality time as laid out in the plan.

Receiving Help from an Experienced Family Law Attorney

Creating a parenting plan can be challenging. However, it is a structured way to discuss and pay out what life will look like for your family.  There are many variables and things get even more complicated when blended families are in the mix.

A family law attorney has experience to guide you thought the pitfalls that many couples face when beginning the frame work for their own parenting plan.  Legal help can also help to protect the rights of everyone included, including your child.

When Should A Parenting Plan Be Put In Place?

A parenting plan should be discussed and implemented whenever there is a change in the custody arrangement. This could be due to a divorce, separation, or the death of a parent. A parenting plan can also be created even if parents have never been married.

It is important to remember that a parenting plan doesn’t need to be only for parents getting divorced. It can be a good idea for any couple to have a parenting plan, especially when there is natural conflict within the family. Even if parents great along great, a child may be challenging to deal with throughout the stages of their own life.  This will help ensure everyone is on the same page regarding child-rearing decisions.

A parenting plan can also be helpful if one parent plans to move out of state. Even if both parents agree on the move, it is still a good idea to have a parenting plan in place. This will help ensure that the child’s needs are still being met even if they live in two different states.

Final Words

Planning and securing a child’s welfare and future is essential for all parents. A parenting plan can be a helpful tool in ensuring that a child’s needs are being met even if the parents are no longer together.

For more guidance, speak to a proficient family law attorney if you have any questions about parenting plans or other family law matters.

Facing issues related to having your own children, read how safe surrogacy is for your future-child.

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Implementing a Healthy Home Routine With Your Teen

Implementing a Healthy Home Routine With Your Teen

It’s easy to fall into unhealthy habits as a teenager. Whether it’s hormones, managing new emotions, or something else teens navigate, finding anything to cope, whether healthy or not, is common. But guiding your teen toward a healthier, more productive lifestyle is one of your greatest responsibilities as a parent.

In this way they’ll able to healthily cope with whatever life throws at them.  Implementing a healthy home routine with your teen is a good first step.

A healthy home routine benefits your teen in various ways.   Let’s explore some of the most significant below.

The Benefits of a Daily Routine for Your Teen

Your teen needs a daily routine in their home life. Without one, they’ll miss out on developing key skills and traits that will help them flourish now and in adulthood. These skills include:

  • Discipline
  • Consistency
  • Confidence
  • Independence
  • Self-care
  • Responsibility

A daily routine also establishes a sense of security and comfort in the home. They know what they can expect at home. They can rely on opportunities to grow and care for themselves in a way they can’t outside the home.

Moreover, a home routine helps your teen live healthier. They’re on a regular sleep, exercise, and eating schedule that supports their mental and physical health. In addition, they do activities that restore them emotionally.

A healthy home routine is highly beneficial for your teen and mustn’t be overlooked.

Tips for Implementing a Healthy Home Routine With Your Teen

Getting a restless teen on the road to a healthier and more productive lifestyle is a significant challenge to take on. But these tips can help you implement a healthy home routine with your teen without it being overwhelming.

Involve them in the process

Your teen will be much more likely to adhere to a routine if they’re involved in creating it. Involve them in the process from the beginning.

Before you actually develop the routine, sit down with them and have a conversation about why you want to implement one. Help them see the benefits of a healthy home routine and reassure them it isn’t a punishment.

Once you’ve had this conversation, move forward with designing their routine. Ask them what they want to include in it. Compromise on the activities they aren’t crazy about. Attach times to each activity. And talk about how you’ll adjust their routine when needed.

Establish core morning practices

Your teen’s home routine must start in the morning. A good start to their day is imperative to ensuring the rest of it goes just as well. Establish core morning practices that will help prepare them for school or whatever they have planned for the day.

Core morning practices can include:

  • Waking up and stretching
  • Reciting affirmations
  • Picking out an outfit to wear
  • Eating a healthy breakfast
  • Gathering what they need for the day
  • Taking a shower and performing personal hygiene tasks

Anything else essential to a good start to the day — add it to your teen’s morning practices.

Add some responsibilities to their routine

It can’t be all fun and games in your teen’s home routine. Adding some responsibilities to it is a must if you want them to develop the skills and traits mentioned above.

Start with homework. Block off a couple of hours for homework and eliminate distractions during this time. Daily chores are also essential to include in their routine. You don’t have to load them up with a huge to-do list. Instead, choose a couple of chores that are challenging yet doable for your teen. Some examples include:

  • Doing their laundry
  • Picking up their room
  • Taking the dog on its daily walk
  • Taking out the garbage
  • Doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen

Don’t shy away from adding responsibilities to your teen’s home routine.

Make sure they feed their souls

Yes, chores and homework are important. But so are activities that feed your teen’s soul. In other words, your teen’s routine should include activities they’re passionate about, that help them find their authentic self.

For example, your teen might enjoy gaming. Gaming is a great way to develop their cognitive ability, socialize, have fun, and unwind. Allocating some time to gaming in their home routine is a good idea. So long as it’s only some time.

It’s essential to help your teen establish healthy gamer habits if they want to incorporate gaming into their routines. This means setting a time limit for gaming, supervising their play, and understanding the signs of when gaming is becoming unhealthy.

Let your teen choose a few activities to include in their routine that they really enjoy. And make sure there are healthy boundaries around how they enjoy these activities.

Develop a night regimen

One of the most important parts of your teen’s home routine is what they do at night. It’s so important for them to get a good night’s sleep each night. Their body and mind have time to recover. A good night’s rest also sets the tone for the next day.

Include a bedtime regimen in your teen’s home routine. Create the best sleep environment in their room. Choose a concrete time for lights out. Make sure they brush their teeth and wash their face. Limit screen time well before bedtime. Finally, add a relaxing activity like reading or meditating to their night regimen.

Make sure your teen ends their routine with practices that help them achieve a good night’s sleep.

A healthy home routine for your teen is integral to their growth. Consider the tips above when creating one to ensure it’s as impactful as possible.

About the Author
About the AuthorKatie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in education, mental health, family lifestyle and online safety. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. You can follow her on Twitter.

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6 Creative Ways To Help Your Kids With Education

As a parent, you want to give your children the best possible education. But it can be hard to know how to help them make the most of their studies. Fortunately, there are many creative ways you can support your child’s educational journey and encourage them to reach their full potential.

From setting up an inspiring study space in your home to introducing fun activities that will teach important skills, here are 6 creative ways you can help your kids with education.

1. Offer Online Studies As An Option

With so many options for online learning, you can open up a world of possibilities for your child’s education. Look into the various courses available, and help them decide which one will be best suited to their needs and interests. A full-on online high school education, about which you can learn more at, can provide your child with the knowledge and skills they need to become successful in their chosen field. Kids are also more likely to stay motivated in an online setting since they can work at their own pace and get help from instructors whenever they need it.

2. Set Up An Inspiring Study Space

Motivation and concentration are essential for any student’s success, so creating a supportive study space in your home is crucial. Make sure the room is well-lit, quiet, and free of distractions such as TV and video games. Place comfortable furniture that promotes good posture, like a desk and ergonomic chair, and add some motivational items such as inspiring quotes or posters. Encourage your child to personalize the space with items that make them feel relaxed yet energized when studying.

3. Incorporate Fun Learning Activities

Learning doesn’t always have to be boring! Incorporate fun activities into your child’s studies by introducing educational games, puzzles, and projects. These can help make the learning process more enjoyable while also helping them master complex concepts. You could also plan field trips with a learning focus, such as museums or gardens, which will introduce them to new ideas and cultures. Additionally, you can get creative with how you approach learning topics. For example, if you’re teaching geography, play a game of virtual “travel bingo” or encourage them to build their own miniature city from recycled materials. By making the most of educational experiences, your child will be able to retain more information than they would with traditional methods.

4. Encourage Creativity

Creativity is an important skill that kids should be encouraged to explore. Allowing them to express themselves in creative ways helps boost their confidence and promotes critical thinking skills. Give them some time each day where they can work on activities like drawing, painting, or music without any pressure of doing well or meeting expectations. Fun projects such as creating a homemade instrument, making up stories and writing them down, or inventing new games can help foster creative thinking. Ask them about their ideas and provide positive feedback to show your support – by giving kids the confidence to explore their own interests, you’ll be helping them develop important skills that will last a lifetime.

5. Offer Regular Support And Encouragement

Success in Student Education

Your child’s success in education is not just about their ability to learn, but also their attitude. Make sure you are providing them with regular support and encouragement throughout the learning process. You can do this by having regular check-ins around their studies, offering help when needed, and praising them for even small achievements. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in boosting their confidence and helping them succeed. It’s also important to communicate your expectations around their learning but try to do so in a supportive manner. Showing understanding and patience when they make mistakes can help your child stay motivated and confident while learning.

6. Keep An Open Mind To Different Learning Styles

Every student learns differently, so be open to trying different approaches with your child that match their learning style. Some children may benefit from visual aids such as videos or diagrams while others may prefer hands-on activities or study through discussion. Being flexible will ensure that your child is getting the best possible education tailored to their needs. And while it’s important to stay focused on their education, don’t forget to provide them with downtime too. Balance is key to a healthy learning environment and having time away from studies can help improve concentration levels.

By creating an inviting study space and incorporating fun activities, offering support and encouragement, and understanding the different ways that kids learn, you’ll be helping your child find success in their education. With the right tools and guidance, they can achieve great things.

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