Category: Parenting

Role of Multiplayer Video Games and Socially Challenged Children

Video Games and Socially Challenged Children

Have you ever noticed that children who participate in multiplayer online video games have their own language? They have their internal jokes as well. Many children will like this distinct culture. However, it might be difficult for children who struggle with social skills.

When playing a video game with other kids, these youngsters may have the same issues in actual social interactions. Continue reading to find out how to guide your youngster through internet video games.

Multiplayer online video game culture

Culture refers to a group’s shared habits, language, and values. For example, sports lovers divide the year into seasons based on their favorite sport: football in the fall and baseball in the spring. They are devoted to their teams and may binge-watch on holidays or days when many games are scheduled. They have their slang terms, such as GOAT (greatest of all time).

Kids playing multiplayer online video games similarly have a common culture. Summer is the season for heavy playing. Throughout the year, gamers pay attention to seasonal events. They also have their vocabularies, such as noob (new or bad player) and skin (the way a player looks in a game).

However, there is a significant gap between sports and video gaming cultures. The majority of sports enthusiasts are spectators. While it is becoming more popular to watch people play video games, most gamers are active players who participate. They observe what other players are doing and how they are acting in the game. As a result, they can bully, criticize, and exclude children, just as in the real world.

As a result, children with social skill issues may have the same negative experiences online as in real life. And most of the time, their parents are completely oblivious of what is going on.

Different types of online video games

In the United States, millions of children play video games. On the other hand, parents and caregivers have less or no familiarity with gaming than with school or sports cultures. Everyone has gone to school. Not every parent has played Call of Duty or other online shooting game.

Interaction with people is not required in all video games. On the other hand, Multiplayer online video games like Minecraft and Fortnite are among the most popular. Such games are where the distinctive characteristics of video game culture emerge since kids connect online.

Role-playing is prevalent in several of these games. Children typically take on the role of a character with unique abilities and proceed through a storyline. Some games, although not all, are centered on an adventure.

Multiplayer online games include one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Action-oriented: To win or get points, kids must fight, jump, dance, or do other activities throughout the game. From first-person shooter games to arcade games, this broad genre includes everything.
  • Cooperative: Children work together to attain a common objective. Kids compete against one another as they play. Fortnite Battle Royale is a competitive game where participants (typically around 100) compete to be the last one standing.

Minecraft, for example, is a sandbox game incorporating cooperative and action features.

Stumbling blocks for children who struggle with social skills

Video games have a lot of advantages for youngsters who have social skills issues. Games may be a lifesaver for youngsters who struggle to connect with their classmates in real life. A gaming hobby can lead to online friendships, but it can also lead to real-life friendships.

Simultaneously, gaming culture may be extremely difficult for children who have difficulty interacting with others. Here are a few of the most common stumbling blocks and how to assist your child in overcoming them.


For entertainment, some gamers may harass or antagonize other players. Trolling or cyberbullying is generally anonymous and unpredictable, and it occurs without notice. It may be quite distressing for children.

What you can do: If you discover that your kid is being harassed, you must take the game away from them as soon as possible. Trolls thrive on being seen. If your child fights back in the game, they may encourage further trolling. Most games offer a feature where your youngster may report a trolling gamer. Encourage your youngster to write a report in case of an issue.


In multiplayer video games, damaging remarks and trash-talking from teammates and opponents are common. Sometimes taunting is lighthearted and harmless. Other times, even between friends, it turns downright unpleasant.

What you’ll need to do: If your child has problems regulating their emotions, it’s critical to establish a clear rule prohibiting them from playing with trash-talking children. Even if they are unintentional, negative comments can significantly influence your child.

Online anonymity

Being anonymous might encourage teenagers to act in ways they might not with known people. Since no one recognizes who they are, they may be cruel. This is particularly true if they are aggressive.

What you can do to help: As a virtual playdate, encourage your youngster to play games with real-life pals. Another alternative is to find a gaming community that focuses on family-friendly games.

Complex social rules

Each game has its own set of social interaction guidelines. In games, just like in real life, social rules are generally not written. They may be difficult for children to comprehend. Other players may become enraged and offended as a result of their actions.

What may be done to help:

  1. Learn about the game’s nature, whether it’s cooperative or competitive. You might even need to play the game yourself a few times.
  2. Assist your youngster in understanding the social rules.
  3. Try to keep your youngster focused on one game for a time so that they may learn what is proper.

Hyper competition

A competitive environment is encouraged by most video game creators as a commercial tactic to keep a game popular. This might be difficult for children who struggle with impulsivity and self-control. If they’re having trouble in the game, they could grow irritable and upset.

What you can do: Remind your youngster that a game is simply a game if they aren’t as good as other children. Assist your youngster in recognizing their other skills.

Benefits of Playing video games

Significant research on the negative impacts of gaming, such as addiction, depression, and aggressiveness, has already been published for decades. We are not arguing that you should disregard it. However, a more balanced viewpoint is required to comprehend the influence of video games on the development of children and adolescents.

According to multiple studies, one general belief is that video gaming is intellectually lazy. However, such activity strengthens a range of cognitive abilities such as spatial navigation, logic, memory, and perception. According to the study’s authors, this is especially true for violent shooter video games. As per a 2013 meta-analysis, participating in shooting games improved the player’s ability to think in three dimensions, and academic courses focused on boosting the same skills.

The previous study has shown the importance of spatial abilities for success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Therefore this has significant implications for education and career development. Other sorts of video games, such as puzzles or role-playing games, do not induce similar improved thinking.

Playing video games may also help in developing problem-solving skills in youngsters. The more sophisticated video games, such as role playing games that teenagers reported playing, the more their problem solving and school grades improved the following year. Other studies found that playing video games, even violent games, increased children’s creativity.

Simple games, such as “Angry Birds,” which are easy to obtain and play, can boost players’ emotions, induce relaxation, and reduce anxiety. On the other hand, video games are good instruments for teaching failure resilience. Children develop emotional stability in their everyday lives by learning to cope with repeated failures in games.

Benefits for socially challenged children

The socially isolated gamer is another myth that the study debunks. According to the report, more than 70% of gamers play with a partner. Millions of people worldwide participate in enormous virtual worlds through video games like “Farmville” and “World of Warcraft.” Multiplayer games develop into virtual social groups. When this happens, players are required to make rapid judgments to decide who they can trust and reject and how to manage a group.

Children who play cooperative video games, even if they are violent, are more helpful in the long run to others while gaming than those who play competitively.

ADHD therapy: A prescription for gaming?

Studies have identified a technique to transform video games into therapeutic treatment. The FDA has chosen the first non-drug solution to assist children aged 8 to 12 years old having inattentive or combined-type attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is a prescription therapy that should not be used in place of other forms of ADHD treatment, medicine, or educational materials recommended by your doctor.

According to five studies examining over 600 youngsters, the game-based digital gadget strengthened attention. Even though it is a prescription, it is no longer covered by health insurance. It costs $450 for a three-month prescription. For families who cannot afford it, the companies may be able to assist them.

How Virtual Violence Impacts Children’s Behavior

Because science and common sense don’t often agree, it’s doubly rewarding when they do. When it comes to children’s exposure to violent media, science backs up what we already know. What they watch and play affects how they act. Not only does it affect their behavior, but unhealthy gaming also impacts their overall health.

Children exposed to greater violence in their virtual worlds—television, movies, and video games—are more likely to have violent thoughts, aggressive conduct, and angry sentiments in real life.

I believe most people would accept that whatever we do to minimize this violent conduct is worthwhile.

  • Try to minimize your children’s exposure to violent content if they are under the age of six. Children at this age cannot discriminate between fiction and reality. Even cartoon violence affects their perceptions of reality.
  • Learn everything you can about the content that your kids watch. Take a look at the available industry and Nonprofit ratings. Allow those ratings to assist you in deciding and filtering out what you cannot allow in your home. Remember that a child’s weakest argument is “all my friends are permitted to watch it.” Take a seat and play with your kids. You’ll have a better grasp of an essential aspect of their life and have the opportunity to include an adult viewpoint on what they’re viewing. You’ll undoubtedly have opportunities to discuss and explain your family’s values.
  • Examine your children’s games to see what they’re teaching them. Is violence becoming prevalent? Funny? Racist? Are users rewarded with money or status? Or are the severe, long-term effects of violence shown dramatically? You can give children a more realistic view of the effects of violence and the perspective they require.
  • Feel free to prevent your children from playing video games that encourage shooting, murdering, or injuring others. Video games may be effective instructors, teaching youngsters how to collaborate and support one another and multitask in specific ways. On the other hand, video games can encourage a sense of perpetual threat and a positive reward for aggressiveness. Violence does not need to be an element of entertainment in the gaming industry because there is so much exciting stuff.


Video games aren’t going away anytime soon. In reality, most experts think that the gaming business will continue to expand – and that it will increasingly target younger children. Make sure you’re participating if your child plays video games, especially multiplayer online games, so that you can assist resolve any issues.

Gaming culture might be complex for children who have difficulty interacting with others. When trolling or trash-talking occurs, it’s critical to shut the video game down immediately. Encourage your youngster to play online video games with their real-world buddies.

People have hoped and prayed for world peace, but no one anticipates aggressiveness or bloodshed to be eradicated from our lives. However, we know that assisting our children in selecting less violent entertainment may significantly impact their behavior for certain children, and that’s a great place to start.

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Wisdom Teeth Removal: When & Why Your Teenage Child Need it?

Winsdom Teeth Removal for Teenagers

Are you aware of possible dental health issues if wisdom teeth are not removed? Do you know when to take your kids to the orthodontist for wisdom teeth evaluation? Wisdom teeth refer to the third molar you get between 17 and 21 years of age and need to remove them varies in severity.

You might already be aware that most people opt for wisdom teeth removal. That’s because our mouths are too small for four additional molars. But do you know about the symptoms indicating the need for wisdom tooth extraction?

What are the Signs Indicating the Need for Your Child’s Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Not everyone who needs a wisdom teeth extraction will experience particular symptoms. But some most common signs and symptoms of this troublemaker are as follows:-

  • Infection and cavities in wisdom teeth and surrounding teeth as they are hard to clean.
  • Bad breath coming from the mouth.
  • Swelling on the face due to the swelling of the gums at the back of the jaw.
  • Gums can also feel tender and bleed sometimes.
  • Experiencing trouble in opening mouth.
  • Wisdom teeth pain along with pain in the jaw and gums.
  • Shifting of other teeth because of the eruption of wisdom teeth.

What if Wisdom Teeth are Not Removed?

Dealing with your teenager’s wisdom teeth is yet another step in the oral care of your child.  The wisdom teeth that create problems due to their abnormal growth are also known as impacted wisdom teeth. Not removing these impacted wisdom teeth may invite various dental issues. Some of them are mentioned below:-

  • Damage to Other Teeth: Our mouths are not designed to fit four extra molars. So these growing wisdom teeth can push other teeth around and damage them.
  • Cyst Development: A sac filled with fluid can develop near the wisdom teeth. It’s quite painful and troubling.
  • Jaw Damage: If these cysts are not treated, they can hollow the jaw and damage the nerves.
  • Aggravated Sinus: The pain and pressure of the wisdom teeth may result in congestion and sinus pain.
  • Tumor Development: Sometimes, a tumor can also develop with cysts around the impacted wisdom teeth.
  • Inflamed Gums: The development of an extra molar creates a disturbance in gums leading to inflammation and pain in the gums.
  • Decay of the Adjacent Tooth: The adjacent tooth gets most affected by the third molar as its root gets disturbed due to abnormal eruption of the teeth.
  • Bacteria and Plaque Build-up: Due to abnormal growth, the wisdom tooth and its adjacent area are difficult to clean. Thus often, plaque and bacteria get accumulated, leading to cavities and tooth infections.

At What Age do Kids Get Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth show up mainly between the ages of 17 and 25. But some kids may experience wisdom teeth pain early, and some may not know they have any third molars or not till they are 30. Therefore it’s crucial to visit your orthodontist for a wisdom teeth evaluation.

What is the Average Age for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

You can take your teenage kids for wisdom teeth evaluation to the orthodontist between the ages of 16 to 19. If they become older with wisdom teeth, their roots will strengthen. While it’s not a dental emergency, it becomes complicated to remove wisdom teeth in later years.  Therefore, putting it off may cause problems.

Your child can benefit from less lengthy and uncomplicated wisdom tooth extraction if it’s done in their late adolescence. They will also experience a faster recovery from the wisdom teeth removal procedure.


Keep an eye on the symptoms of wisdom teeth eruption in your kids. Earlier sections explained how advantageous an earlier intervention could be for them. Moreover, wisdom tooth extraction is essential for their dental and overall wellbeing.

This procedure is not among the most complicated dental surgeries. An experienced dentist will suggest wisdom teeth removal only when necessary. Sedition is also offered to patients to minimize their anxiety regarding the pain. So there is no reason to hesitate in visiting your dentists for wisdom teeth removal for your kids.

Author Bio:  Dr. Anu Isaac, DMD, runs a successful dental practice in Salem, MA. Dr. Isaac strives for quality on a daily basis and this commitment to quality is reflected in her constant pursuit of advanced training. Her firm belief that even experts need to stay updated about what’s new in the dental field, enables her to provide every patient with optimal oral care. As the founder of Coral Dental Care, she is dedicated to creating healthy, beautiful smiles for her patients and also to educating dental and non-dental communities with her engaging articles on all things related to oral health, recent dental innovations, and latest treatment modalities.

Read about 7 ways to cope with braces as a teenager.

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How to Identify Speech-Language Milestones and Facilitate Growth at Home

Identifying Speech Language Milestones in Children

As parents and guardians, we have a crucial obligation to secure the wellness of our kids. Part of that tough job includes knowing exactly how to keep track of and encourage physical, cognitive, linguistic, and social growth, specifically in the early years of life.

We will talk about general speech and language anticipated from birth to 36 months and give suggestions to assist moms and dads in supporting their children’s advancement. As these are generalized, remember that each child develops at their own rate.

If problems persist for the past couple of months, look for specialist support. There are different ways pediatric speech therapists assist parents in developing ways to support child development.

Birth to 6 months:

During this young age, your infant ought to react to sight as well as sounds. Babies will undoubtedly babble, squeal, laugh, and utilize various cries for various needs. Throughout this early stage, talk during the day, describing what you see, what you are doing, and where you are going. Respond to your baby’s articulations and facial expressions, as these are their attempts to interact! Begin reading aloud daily, using vibrant, repetitive/rhythmic passages and a vibrant voice. Babies react well to parentese, which is talking in a sing-songy voice.

7 to 12 months:

By age 1, children generally respond to their name and recognize things by label, point or grab wanted items, comprehend simple instructions, and make use of motions. Speech may include a lot more complex babbling, 2-5 early words, and a replica of noises. To encourage language development at this age caretakers must respond to squealing, model great speech, incorporate nursery rhymes or easy songs right into regimens, educate the names of familiar people and day-to-day things, take the child to new locations, and also play straightforward games such as “peek-a-boo” as well as “pat-a-cake.”

1 to 2 years:

Between 12-18 months, many children reply to ‘no’, understand basic commands and concerns, point to a few body parts, make animal sounds, use 10-30 words meaningfully, and begin to integrate words.

By 24 months old, kids can generally adhere to two-step commands, use at the very least 50 words, start to ask what, who, and where questions, and also make use of two-word sentences. Speech sounds anticipated by this age include p, b, m, h, w, and vowels.

To promote language development at this age, caregivers should attempt to:

  • encourage, reward, as well as praise efforts to speak
  • narrate acquainted routines
  • talk simply, plainly, and slowly
  • discuss new circumstances before you leave, while there, and once again when back in your residence
  • model ideal eye contact
  • describe what your kid does, really feels, and also listens to
  • play kids music

This is a terrific age to develop a day-to-day reading routine. Your child can participate by picking publications, turning pages, pointing to photos, and naming things they see. Parents, guardians, and caregivers can engage children by making remarks, asking easy concerns, and checking out the exact same book in various methods.

2 to 3 years:

As young children grow, they develop speech and language skills promptly. They seek verbal communication with others as well as establish more complex play plans, engaging in pretending to have fun with themselves and others. Your 2-year-old should develop three-word utterances, know how to hold a book upright, as well as show an exploration of writing versus drawing.

Children do best when playing with familiar adults and also various other peers. It is vital to make time to play and participate in shared activities with your youngster daily. If your child is not able to communicate with unfamiliar people or not yet utilizing basic sentences by age 3, it may be time to seek aid from an experienced expert.

Paula Acuña, M.A., CCC-SLP, is a licensed bilingual (English-Spanish) speech-language pathologist. Her practice, Ms. Paula, SLP Bilingual Speech + Language Services, offers bilingual evaluations, speech therapy, consultation, and training to meet diverse client needs. Paula and her team are dedicated to providing effective, individualized intervention to support children, adults, and their families via in-home, on-site, and telehealth services.

Read how text to speech readers can help overcome learning issues.
Learn about speech therapy for stroke and traumatic brain injury.

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How to Find Safe Job Opportunities for Your Teenage Kids

Tips on How to Find Safe Job Opportunities for Your Teenage Kids

As a parent, you want to do everything in your power to help your children find success in life. And while it’s important to encourage them to explore their interests and find their passion, it’s also crucial that you help them find safe and responsible ways to make money.

For some people, the idea of their child having a job is terrifying. But with the right approach, a job can be a great way for your teen to learn responsibility and independence.

In this article, we will present you with five tips on how to find safe jobs for your teenager so they can grow up learning what it takes to succeed in life.

Start with Part-Time Jobs

Most teens start with part-time jobs. This is a great way for them to get their feet wet in the workforce and see if they’re interested in a particular career field. It’s also a great way for them to learn about responsibility, time management, and customer service.

If your teen is unsure of what they want to do, starting with a part-time job is a great way to explore different career options. They can talk to people who work in various fields and find out what they like and don’t like about each profession. This can help them narrow down their choices and figure out which career path they want to pursue. Use scenario-based interview questions to help your teen prepare for job interviews. Don’t hesitate to give them tips and advice on how to dress, speak confidently and prepare answers.

Consider Internship Opportunities

Internships can be a great way for teens to get their foot in the door of their chosen career field and start building their resumes. Many internships are unpaid, but many options offer a modest wage. There are more than enough interesting internship opportunities to be found both locally and internationally – it just takes a little bit of digging. Many global communities offer unique internship opportunities for teenagers all over the world.

For instance, the UN offers a variety of internships for students aged 16-19 years old in fields such as human rights, journalism, and environmentalism, while Masa in Israel offers internships in a wide variety of fields, for Jewish teenagers all over the world. Applying for internships in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem is a great way to learn about Israeli culture and make lifelong friends. So whether your teen is interested in music, fashion, science, or law, there’s sure to be an internship opportunity that’s perfect for them.

Research the Company Before Applying

Even though some teens are often eager to start working and make money, they must take the time to research any company they’re considering working for before applying. There are many scams out there that prey on unsuspecting teenagers, so it’s crucial to be vigilant in checking out potential employers.

One of the best ways to research a company for their first job is to check with the Better Business Bureau. The BBB can tell you if there have been any complaints filed against the company, and they can also give you information about the company’s rating. Another good resource to consult is the internet. Many websites allow employees to post reviews of their employer. This can be a great way to get an idea of what the company is like from an employee’s perspective.

Check for Safe Work Conditions

Before accepting a job, your teen must check the work conditions to make sure they are safe. Many jobs, such as those in the food service industry, can be dangerous if the proper safety precautions aren’t taken. It’s also important to be aware of any potential environmental hazards in the workplace

If your teen is applying for a job at a restaurant, for instance, they should ask about the policies regarding food safety. They should also inquire about the company’s safety policies and procedures. If there is an accident, will the company have insurance? What is the procedure for filing a claim? The same goes for any other type of job. Your teen should ask about the company’s safety policies and procedures, just to be sure that they are fully aware of what they’re getting themselves into.

Make Sure the Job is Appropriate for Their Age

It’s important to make sure that the job your teen is considering is appropriate for their age. Jobs such as babysitting, pet sitting, or lawn care are great options for younger teens, while jobs such as waiting tables or working in a retail setting may be better suited for older teens.

Be sure to take into account your teen’s maturity level when considering job options.  For instance, if your teen is extremely responsible, they may be a good candidate for a job as a teacher’s aide. On the other hand, if your teen is still working on their responsibility skills, a job that requires them to be punctual and organized may not be the best fit.

Safe Job Opportunities For Your Teenage Kids

Whether your teen is just starting their career exploration journey or they already have a specific job in mind, there are plenty of great tips in this article to help them out. By following these tips, your teen can be sure that they’re making safe and responsible choices when it comes to their job hunt.  Learn how students can create a recommendation letter to help them as they begin applying for their first job.

Beware of Job Recruitment Scams

If you receive an unsolicited job offer, do not respond.  Responding confirms your contact information is active, which can make you a target for further scams.  Do not click on links or download attachments.   Scammers often include malicious links that can steal personal data or install malware on your device.

Another sign of a job scam is when so-called recruiters often try to pressure victims into responding quickly.  They claim that positions are filling up fast.  This sense of urgency prevents victims from thinking critically before taking action.

Just because a job offer highlights high pay, great benefits, and flexible hours, does not necessarily mean that it’s a legitimate opportunity.  Scammers use overly enticing job descriptions to lure you in, often making unrealistic promises with no real job behind them.

Basically, if you are not seeking a job.  Ignore everything.   If you are looking for a job or interested in new opportunities, research the job or company listed online without interacting with the potential scammer and without clicking on links. 

Legitimate companies seeking applications for a job will use traditional methods to promote their jobs, such as a legitimate job site.

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