Category: Parenting

Looking For a Family Dog? 8 Best Dog Breeds For Kids

Best Dogs for Kids

As a parent, I have had the joy of raising my own children with dogs. We have raised several breeds of dogs over the years, but one thing is for sure – no matter what breed you raise or adopt, your life will be better for it.  The unconditional love that our family pets show us is beyond amazing!

Kids are drawn to animals and vice versa, so consider adding some furry friends to your family’s dynamic if you are looking for ways to enhance your child’s development and overall well-being.

Experts say: “Protecting kids from pets is probably one of the worst things we can do as parents. Petting a dog lowers your blood pressure and reduces stress, while the unconditional love you get from a pet can be an excellent way to teach your children about trust.”

In fact, it’s been scientifically proven that “pets have been shown to reduce blood pressure as well as other serious health conditions such as heart failure, depression and asthma. In addition, pets provide psychological benefits such as increased self-esteem, elevated social interactions and reduced risk for loneliness – all factors that contribute to better overall health”.

Family Friendly Dogs

Here are 8 of the best breeds for children:

1) Golden Retrievers

Goldens have a “soft mouth,” meaning they can carry an egg in their mouths without breaking it. As such, kids love to climb all over them and pull on their fur. They are patient, kind, loving dogs that get along well with everyone (humans and other animals included). Golden’s make awesome family pets, but be aware that they shed quite heavily. Some Golden Retrievers need breed-specific dog food, so make sure you have it prepared.

2) Beagles

I know several families who have raised beagles over the years. I still think that beagles are awesome! They are active, smart, gentle and always searching for food…  If you’re not careful with your training (and discipline), your Beagle will become your child’s best friend and a nightmare for you. The good thing about beagles is that they are easy to train, often house trained by eight weeks of age, and very smart. To aid in the training process, you can consider using outdoor dog grass for balconies, providing a convenient and accessible potty area for your Beagle. With their intelligence and eagerness to please, Beagles can quickly adapt to using such designated spaces.   However, watch out because these little guys can get into just about anything!

3) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This breed is another one that I love having around the home. It originated in the UK and has become very popular in the United States. They are gentle with children and other pets, eager to please their owners and incredibly affectionate. Kids should always help socialize this dog from an early age to ensure they grow up to be even-tempered and well adjusted. If you’re not prepared for the grooming requirements of this breed (they need regular haircuts), then do not adopt them… Or at least don’t let your kids near them!

4) Bearded Collie

Also known as ‘Beau’s’ these giants were originally bred as herding dogs. They have the classic droopy eyes and facial fur that is instantly recognizable on TV or anywhere else you might see one… These gentle giants love children, adults and other animals (including cats!). However, it’s important to teach children how to be gentle around dogs – even if they are very friendly and well-trained.

Beardies need a lot of exercise and will benefit from lots of toys and playtime! They also need brushing daily, so make sure you have the time to dedicate to them… If you do, you will definitely not regret this family pet choice – they really are awesome. You can check out this breed guide to learn all about bearded collies.

5) Basset Hound

Basset Hounds are one of the best family pets! As with most hound breeds, these dogs are good-natured, patient and very affectionate. They’re quiet too which makes them great if you live in an apartment or townhouse. One of their few drawbacks is that they need a lot of exercises to remain happy, active and healthy… So having a big backyard or being able to take them on lots of walks every day is important for this breed.

6)  Miniature Schnauzers

Miniature Schnauzers are incredibly loyal, intelligent, agile and have a great temperament. They will be quite happy living in small spaces as long as they are given sufficient attention from their owners (this breed easily gets bored). Generally friendly with strangers (and other animals), the only downside to this breed is that they’re not very good around young children. This can be due to their unmanageable size or fast movements – either way; watch your child’s safety if you bring this pet into your home!

7) Pug

Pugs are another low-shedding breed, making them the perfect pet for allergy sufferers. They are also easy to train and most enjoy being around children. Some owners complain that they grow up to be stubborn little dogs with a mind of their own but I disagree – most pugs are very loyal and loving towards their owners, including kids. You will have to watch how much they eat though, pugs gain weight notoriously fast!

8) Yorkie Terrier

Also known as the ‘Yorkie’, these little dogs are incredibly loyal, affectionate and devoted. They don’t require much exercise (if any at all depending on your home environment) so they’re great for people who live in small apartments or condos. What they do require however is lots of love and attention from their owners! As with all terriers, Yorkies need consistent training, specific Yorkie dog food, and discipline starting when they are very young puppies. If you can provide this strong leadership early in life, the bond that will form between you and your dog will last for many years to come.

Researching Breeds

There you have it! 8 of the best family dogs that I know of. Take your time researching breeds before you bring any dog into your home, especially if you have children or other pets. Find a breed that fits in well with your lifestyle and remember to always supervise kids around dogs – no matter how trustworthy they are!

As with any breed or pet that you choose for your family, it’s crucial that kids understand the basic safety rules (for example: don’t stick fingers in dog’s mouths; don’t run near dogs; always ask before touching; keep all food out of reach etc.)  So educate yourself as much as possible about pet’s breed and their specific traits before you decide to bring them home.

Additional Resources on Pets

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Tips For Parents Who Are Experiencing ADHD Symptoms

ADHD Symptoms in Parents

Parenting is a challenging enough task to handle on its own. When a parent has ADHD symptoms, the task of parenting effectively can seem insurmountable. However, parents with ADHD are not alone in their struggles. Many parents learn how to cope with ADHD symptoms and raise a family effectively.

This post will explore some tips for juggling ADHD and the responsibilities of parenthood.

But, before we begin…

Take a moment to praise yourself. You are here because you want to be a better parent. You, like many good parents, acknowledge that there are always ways we can be better, more effective parents. The fact that you are reading this shows your desire to improve your parenting skills and that desire to be better is a quality all parents should possess, regardless of ADHD diagnoses.

What are Common ADHD Symptoms Experienced by Parents?

ADHD symptoms are characterized by difficulty maintaining attention, mental fogginess, a lack of organizational skills, and impulsivity (among other symptoms, such as restlessness and an inability to relax). If you have ever been a new parent, you’ll know that some of these symptoms are unavoidable whether or not you have an ADHD diagnosis.

New parents often experience higher stress levels and suffer from a severe lack of sleep. This can lead to short-term symptoms that appear to mimic the symptoms of ADHD – forgetfulness, a lack of clarity, and trouble with executive functioning, to name a few.

Now, add chronic sleep deprivation and increased stress to an already existing ADHD diagnosis, and the difficulty of being a parent with ADHD becomes more apparent.

Usual Treatments for ADHD in Adults

Generally, ADHD is treated with a combination of therapy and medication. Medications are usually stimulants and help patients focus on tasks and improve executive function. The therapy, typically cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), is designed to help patients realize the relationship between thoughts and behaviors.

Medication and Therapy Cannot be Crutches

Medication and therapy are essential, but sometimes they aren’t enough on their own. Medication is highly effective in managing symptoms during the day, but the effects of stimulants wear off after regular working hours. Parenting is a 24/7 job, and Mom or Dad is always on call.

When the day job is over, parents must see that activities and tasks are completed, they must pay bills, and make sure meals are on the table. A parent with ADHD can’t be on stimulants all the time because, like any medication, stimulants have side effects.

ADHD Usually Leads to Other Disorders

It is no stretch of the imagination that people diagnosed with ADHD often also receive diagnoses of depression and anxiety. Because it is hard to work a full-time job and be a full-time parent while managing ADHD symptoms, parents with ADHD often struggle with burnout and depression. They may question their self-worth and their ability to be a good parent.

So, how can parents with ADHD better manage their symptoms?

How Can Parents With ADHD Protect Against Burnout and Depression?

  1. Acknowledge and accept that you can’t be the perfect parent all the time. As parents, we need to take time to engage in self-care. We cannot effectively take care of others if we first don’t see to our own needs.
  2. Take time to exercise. Exercise has been proven to help improve focus, attention, and thinking skills. It is often recommended as an additional treatment for ADHD alongside therapy and medication. While any type of exercise is good for improving overall health, specifically cardiovascular exercise is considered best for managing symptoms of ADHD.
  3. Take advantage of your little helpers! Let your children help you manage some safe and easy tasks at home, like setting the table, taking out the trash, or doing the dishes. Your children will feel like a part of the household and might learn to look forward to lending a helping hand. Plus, as your children grow, they can handle more involved tasks.
  4. Use lists! If you are struggling with executive functioning after your medication has worn off, rely on lists to help guide you through the obligatory tasks of parenting.

ADHD is Hereditary

ADHD is an inherited condition. If you have ADHD, your children will likely exhibit some of the symptoms of ADHD as well. Likewise, if you feel distracted, foggy, impulsive, and prone to mood swings, and one of your children has an ADHD diagnosis, you may want to consider seeking out an ADHD diagnosis online or through an in-person evaluation.

Though it is undoubtedly more challenging to manage the responsibilities of being a parent while also handling the symptoms of ADHD, with some self-love, patience, and a management plan, you can succeed in both roles.

ADHD AuthorAbout the Author:

Roni Davis is a writer, blogger, and legal assistant
operating out of the greater Philadelphia area.

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6 Physical Indoor Games Your Kids Can Play at Home

Fun Indoor Activities for Kids

Keeping children active has become somewhat of a challenge nowadays. Everywhere you look, you may find a child sitting with a device in hand, no longer running and playing like in the old days. Another concern is that living spaces are becoming smaller by the minute as parents struggle to afford large houses with gardens.

People became painfully aware of how small their living quarters were during the pandemic.  Children need physical activity to strengthen their bodies and minds. And being able to play some fun games at home to do just that may be the perfect solution for parents.

Here are some indoor games your kids can play at home that could improve their physical health and more:

1. Do-It-Yourself Obstacle Course

The simplest things in life could turn out to be the best, as in the case of a roll of tape and string. These two uninteresting items could quickly turn a hallway into an obstacle course of note. Just tape some line in place from one wall to the other and watch the kids have hours of fun.

All major muscle groups are involved in navigating through the obstacles, and of all of them, the core muscles could get a great workout. The movement of the head in all directions could assist the body’s sense of balance to develop too.

This helpful site may have similar activities to try at home, and the valuable fitness information should spark even more ideas for the whole family.

 2. Rolling With The Nose

Crawling can be therapeutic and rehabilitative to the body and brain. The core muscles play a crucial role in supporting the body, and it makes sense to include many activities daily that’d promote this muscle group.

Children love to have races of any kind, and including some physical activity while doing it could give their wellness a significant boost. Tape a start and finish line on the floor, as long as it’s family-friendly flooring, give each child a tennis ball that they need to push to the finish line with their nose, and watch the action unfold.

There’ll be belly laughs for sure with this easy and fun physical activity. Everyone will soon see that crawling isn’t an activity reserved for babies only.

 3. Making Chores Fun

Ever wish you could have some help around the house? Why not give the kids some chores to do for the day while blasting some fun tunes to dance through them!

Doing chores usually wouldn’t get children excited, but the health benefits they get from doing them are incredible. Heavy work activities like pushing, pulling, and carrying could build muscle mass and develop their tactical sense. Focus on making it fun and dance the day away together.

4. Indoor Skating

Speaking of chores, a game that could be added to the fun day could be indoor skating. Get the children to skate around the room using old rags or dryer sheets, and you’ll have a perfectly polished floor as quickly as saying snap.

The skating motion is a great way to exercise the leg muscles and get them off the couch for more productive activity.

 5. ‘The Floor Is Lava’

This game is more than a funny trend on social media as it has health benefits. Put some cushions on the floor or tape some paper rocks in place for children to move over. Focus and attention are developed by finding the best route from one side of the room to the other while their bodies get a workout from stretching and reaching for that next safe spot.

 6. Bean Bag Toss

These versatile bags are easy to make at home with around 30 grams of dry rice, corn, or wheat sewn in-between two patches of fabric around 2 inches on all sides. Because they’re relatively harmless to home décor, the bags can easily be tossed around the room for various activities.

Improve upper body coordination and grip of the hand muscles by including this activity at home. Give children a target like a bucket to aim for and see how many bean bags they can successfully toss to the other end of the room.

Fine motor control of the hand muscles is necessary for their development and academic success. Without these tiny muscles and the coordination of their shoulders and arms, children would struggle to hold a pencil, let alone write.

 Bringing It Home

Physical activities don’t have to be a bore, and they can be fun for all ages. Instead of being couch potatoes, kids can get up and get their daily exercise and have fun while being at home. Mix it up by having a different activity each day, and children will never even notice that they’re getting a workout!

We’ve discussed indoor games at home.  Now, explore games kids can play in your backyard on a trampoline.

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6 Important Money Habits to Teach Your Teens

Important Money Habits to Teach Your Teens

As parents, you want nothing but the best for your children, especially when it comes to matters that affect their future. But for that to happen, you’ll need to lay the foundations that will help them build a better life for themselves –  this includes financial literacy and building good money habits.

Your teenagers will already have a good grasp of what money is and what it can do; you may have already discussed with them how to use a debit card responsibly.   Still, you need to play a more proactive role in their financial education and ingrain in them money habits that will prepare them for the real world.

Teaching your children these eight money habits as early as possible will increase their chances of becoming financially-responsible adults: 

1. Creating a Budget

 It’s very important for your kids to learn about budgeting and money management while they’re young and the stakes are still very low.

If your teenager has some form of cash flow, either from an allowance or doing part-time jobs, you can start teaching them how to allocate money for their expenses and then document everything that’s coming in and out. You may also use your own household budget as a teaching tool or develop a fictional income-expenses scenario if you’re not comfortable with divulging your financial information to your children. 

2. Saving Money Regularly

Once your teen is familiar with the concept of cash flow and how to keep track of their expenses, it’s time to teach them the value of “paying yourself first” or setting aside a specific percentage of their allowance or earnings from side hustles.

You can encourage this habit with a savings account. They will be more motivated to save when they can see for themselves how their money grows the more they save. 

3. Financial Goal-Planning

Saving and spending money wisely are crucial factors to financial success, but goal planning is even more important.

Ask your teenager to write down their goals for the future – it could be a big purchase, travel plans, college or the kind of life they want to lead – and then educate them on what they need to do to achieve those goals. When they have a clear vision of where they want their money to go or what they plan to achieve with it, they’ll be able to plan their finances more effectively.

Teach budget skills for daily living as well as preparing for the cost of college.

4. Delayed gratification

The new generation is growing up in a buy-it-now society where people just go ahead and purchase whatever they want without second thoughts. This is why it is important to teach children the concept of delayed gratification, so they don’t just spend their money aimlessly.

It can be very hard to say no to your children, but making them save or work for the stuff they want will help them appreciate the value of things. Ask them to do extra chores for extra allowance or do odd jobs around the neighborhood for additional spending money. This way, they will understand the connection between working and money.

5. Distinguishing Good vs Bad Credit

As much as you want your kids to avoid debt at all costs, it’s important for them to understand that not all debts are bad.

Credit cards and other forms of consumer debts can be very risky when they borrow beyond your means. However, it is okay to take out a loan or a mortgage if they’re going to use it to acquire assets, develop your skills, or build wealth over time. But also teach your child how to get out of debt with a proper strategy as early as possible, as this will give you peace of mind.

6. Investing

 As they prepare for higher education, start talking to your teens about investing and the power of compounding interest.

One good way to kick off investing for kids is with a high-interest savings account, which they can use for funding short-term financial goals. From there, introduce them to stocks, bonds, Roth IRAs and how these investment options can grow their money faster and help them fulfill their more expensive and long-term financial goals.

About the Author:

Samantha Green is the Content Marketing Strategist for the MCA award-winning app, BusyKid, the first and only chore and allowance platform where kids can earn, save, share, spend, and invest their allowance. A mom of two, she enjoys spending time with her kids and reading books to them.

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