Category: Social Media Safety

How Social Media Is Making Kids Grow Up Too Fast

Many parents feel like their children are growing up too fast with the help of social media. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram give kids access to endless information and content. Kids today know more, but they are also at risk of encountering ideas that may affect the speed of their psychological and social development.

While some of the things they see aren’t necessarily harmful, the biggest question is how to ensure your young ones are interacting with content that is age-appropriate and conducive to their development. Here’s how social media is making children grow up too fast and what you can do about it.

Ways Social Media Making Kids Grow Up Too Fast

While helpful educational tools and people are producing interesting content that can benefit people of all ages, misinformation and dangerous content will inevitably abound in that same space. According to an All About Cookies survey, 50% out of 1,000 parents felt that the internet makes kids grow up too fast.

Here are a few examples of what kids are exposed to on social media and how it can cause them to skip pivotal stages of their growth:

Risky behavior: Since the prefrontal cortex is the last to mature, your child’s emotional and impulsive regions are still developing, which means they may have higher impulsivity and lower ability to weigh potential risks carefully. While influencers can be grown adults who know the consequences of their actions, kids may put themselves in unnecessarily risky situations for the thrill and excitement they see online.

Makeup and fashion: Younger children are learning how to do their makeup and may want to dress according to adult fashion trends, whereas pretend makeup and fruity lip gloss may have sufficed in previous years. This may make kids feel they must alter their appearances to be considered presentable or beautiful.

Eating disorders: Anyone can post about their exercise or eating habits online, and it isn’t always healthy. Content ranges from information about intermittent fasting and juice cleanses — which may be helpful for adults but pose health risks to children — all the way up to models who eat raw liver and half-boiled chicken to keep in shape.

Comparison: Constant exposure to curated content depicting success, beauty and happiness may make kids feel their lives are less than others. The pressure to live up to unrealistic standards for online validation may contribute to adolescent body image issues, low self-esteem and anxiety.

Mature content: The more children are active online without limits to what they see, the more they will encounter inappropriate content in the form of violent videos, suggestive imagery and music, and adult jokes.

Fostering Healthy Social Media Use

While social media may be causing kids to grow too fast, there are ways to support your little ones limit social media’s influence, teach them how to think critically, and decide how it impacts them and their choices. Some people suggest they shouldn’t use social media at all, but keeping them away is almost impossible. The best thing you can do is review your little one’s social media accounts and access them occasionally.

You know how your child understands the world, and what they need to be healthy emotionally and mentally. Content that’s appropriate for them may not be so for another child.

Be transparent with your kids, create a safe and open space to discuss what they see, and guide them on healthy social media usage. Teach them to think critically, recognize their mental and emotional states, and take breaks as necessary. Too much screen time can negatively affect mental health, so they must get away for a time. Encourage alternate, extracurricular activities like reading physical books and joining clubs more than spending time on a screen.

Why It’s Important to Develop Healthy Social Media Habits

When you think about how much time kids spend online, you see social media’s impact on their growing minds. Their reasoning abilities are still developing, so they may have challenges differentiating between reality and staged content.

In addition, a still-developing prefrontal cortex means they’re still learning how to regulate their emotional responses to social rewards. With positive shares, likes and comments readily available for people who represent themselves in certain ways, they may feel they must be the same way to be liked or valued in society.

Popularity online may cause children to skip the pivotal awkward stage where they figure out who they really want to be as they grow. Receiving constant likes and comments is different from a compliment from a friend in person and may wire their brain to follow the social rewards of online popularity.

Help Your Kids Use Social Media Healthily

Social media is here to stay and although it has adverse effects, there are also many ways it can be helpful, positive and educational. The key is to help your children develop good habits that support their mental and emotional health as they grow.

Cora Gold - Editor in ChiefAuthor bio:  Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of women’s lifestyle magazine, Revivalist. She strives to live a happy and healthy life with her family by her side.
Follow Cora on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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Does Social Media Decrease Kids’ Attention Span?

Does Social Media Decrease Kids' Attention Span?

We live in a digital age, with new technology developing faster than we can keep up. Information and entertainment are available at our fingertips through the Internet. As a result, many people have gotten used to the instant gratification that comes with scrolling social media–especially kids who have grown up with it.

It often seems like kids can’t focus as well as they used to, which some think is a result of social media and screen use. Does social media decrease kids’ attention? The answer is more complicated than you might think.

Where Do Attention Spans Come From?

Everyone gets distracted, often at certain times of the day. It’s why energy drink advertisements talk about “that 2:30 feeling” or “the afternoon slump.” You’ll have periods when you feel more productive and energetic and others where almost anything can bring you out of the task at hand. The same goes for kids.

When babies are born, their brains have 100 billion neurons. While they arrive well-equipped, they spend their early years learning to make connections between those neurons. Your child’s brain develops as they have interactions and experiences.

We take in more information in the first five years of life than the rest of it put together. The brain will create new connections throughout the first decade, and its cells will grow.

How Social Media Affects Children’s Attention Span

Kids get easily distracted because their brain uses all the input around them to create a neural network that will guide their thoughts and actions throughout their life — social media or no social media, that would be the case. However, social media can often make it worse.

Sleep Deprivation

Circadian rhythm affects our kids’ attention span. When tired, children are less likely to pay attention to things. Adults need between seven and nine hours each night, but kids need between nine and 14 hours, depending on their age and routine.

Since their brains take in so much information during the day, a good night’s sleep is vital to correctly processing it. If not, they could get stuck processing yesterday’s information as they’re exposed to even more. Staying up late on social media is a major distraction that can cut into precious sleep time.

Plus, blue light from screens can impact sleep quality. The light suppresses melatonin — a hormone needed for deep, adequate sleep. Experts recommend putting away all devices two to three hours before bed, so their brain has enough time to unwind before sleep.


Both kids and adults with devices can fall into scrolling social media as a habit. What started as something to check in on a few times a day became something we look at in any free moment. For some, having a device within reach makes them want to check their Facebook or Instagram accounts or scroll through TikTok.

Devices are an easy, quick fix for overwhelmed parents. A phone or tablet can be a savior on a road trip or when waiting for an event. However, the more kids get used to filling that empty time with streaming and social media, the more their brains will fall into the habit of always using it.

There’s a reason experts recommend limited screen time for kids. Too much multimedia multitasking with social networks, games and videos can negatively impact sensorimotor development, executive functioning and academic abilities. Getting into a habit of accessing the devices can prevent them from learning emotional regulation, environmental observation and other vital skills. With constant stimulation, the brain never gets the chance to get creative.

Kids and adults are now getting many small bits of information instead of a few long segments. When kids aren’t used to listening to a lesson or playing a lengthy game, they’ll find it harder to focus when they need the discipline to be academically and professionally successful.

Time management is one of the most essential skills for academic success. However, many students struggle with focus and tend to procrastinate, often wasting time on the Internet.

Social media can become an addiction for some kids, where their brains release dopamine when checking a platform. The desire to do it takes them away from experiencing the moment.


While some social media platforms have kids-specific apps that filter out vulgar language or photos, they can’t filter out the comparisons that begin at a young age. From toddlerhood, kids notice when someone else has something they don’t.

The fear of missing out can distract kids from what they have and the path ahead. Everyone is different, but impressionable young minds don’t always see it that way. Teenagers, in particular, face risks of cyberbullying over their posts and strive to mimic influencer attitudes and experiences — even if they don’t represent who they are.

Anxious comparison affects the attention span by putting the nervous system on edge. Research shows that anxiety from social media can create similar symptoms to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It keeps their mind from focusing on learning, chores or even entertainment. Social networking sites’ different posts, photos and hashtags constantly occupy them.

Helping Your Kids Improve their Social Media Activity

It’s clear how social media impacts attention spans, especially among children. Working with kids to improve their habits and lengthen their focus is important. Practicing being away from screens and engaging in longer activities with them can help them break the habit. Make a few small changes and the difference in their attention span may surprise you.

Cora Gold - Editor in ChiefAuthor bio:  Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of women’s lifestyle magazine, Revivalist. She strives to live a happy and healthy life with her family by her side.
Follow Cora on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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TikTok’s Hidden Corners: Parental Insights into “For You Page” Algorithms

TikTok's Hidden Corners: Parental Insights into FYP Algorithms

Even though TikTok has already come under scrutiny for exposing unsuspecting underage users to unsuitable content, and creating conditions that can lead to online bullying, it remains one the key contributors to today’s mental health crisis.

While the app has tightened up security and increased restrictions and controls for young TikTok user accounts, there remain clever and subversive workarounds.

These issues can grant your children access to inappropriate content.  On TikTok’s “For You Page”, for instance, no matter what the user ‘feeds’ the algorithm, there still might be scenes of gore, harmful pranks, or other antisocial behaviors. There are also TikTok privacy issues explored later in this article, which are not new.

Let’s walk you through everything you need to know about the “For You Page” algorithms. We will provide guidance that will help you take proactive steps to navigate safe uses of TikTok together with your child, leading the way towards having an open conversation about online safety and privacy concerns.

How For You Page Algorithms Work

One of the reasons TikTok’s algorithmic system of selecting content for users to view is so effective is that its ultimate purpose is to attract more daily users to the platform.

This means that the app is designed in such a way as to keep viewers coming back for more, spending increasing amounts of time each visit and engaging with the app ever more frequently. Some point towards this as a system that promotes addiction and the app has been likened to a number of highly addictive substances for this reason.

Using machine learning processes, the algorithms determine users’ tastes and preferences to highly specified degrees. After just a few hours of engaging with the app, sophisticated algorithms will have analyzed the user’s engagement to determine their taste in music, their mood, their likelihood to take drugs, and even their sexuality.

This information is then fed back into the app, providing highly personalized recommendations on the “For you” page, designed to entice the viewer to keep engaging with more content.

This can become an endless cycle, as the more videos a TikTok user watches, the more accurately the TikTok algorithm can predict which videos will be most likely to keep them engaged.

This cycle can target sensitive and impressionable users, feeding them potentially harmful content and making them further addicted to the app itself.

Fake Content Can Fool Unsuspecting TikTok Users

But all of that is just the tip of the iceberg. The For You page also tends to be full of ads prompting users to download a game or an app.

While every parent can sniff out manipulation tactics such as fake ads like this, kids won’t think and will gladly click on the link to get their next dose of excitement.

This can lead to data theft, account infiltration, and even a cyber attack on your whole home network. So if you’re using your work laptop to connect to your WiFi, best believe hackers will be after those financial reports, too.

The Most Common Risks of TikTok FYP Content

While TikTok is intended to be safe for children over the age of 13 only, in reality, this is not the case. A recent report has revealed that as many as 1.4 million children younger than age 13 have bypassed in-app security measures and been able to access TikTok.

This leaves young users vulnerable to a host of possible risks associated with TikTok FYP content. Let’s take a look at a few of the most worrying.

Unsecured Data Collection

We’ve all read about the allegations that the Chinese government has been collecting data via TikTok, and while the evidence remains inconclusive, there are lingering doubts about national security.

Over half of all 50 states in the United States have banned access to TikTok on government-issued devices as of April 2023. And while federal employees can still access the app on their personal devices, this level of concern does raise some alarms when it comes to protecting the sensitive data your kids are unwittingly sharing, just by watching videos.

As we’ve mentioned above, each video your child watches reveals information not just about what kinds of videos your child likes, but about who they are. This sensitive data has a cumulative effect. The more information the algorithm gathers, the clearer a picture it has of who your child is and what makes them tick.

That information, put into the wrong hands, can be highly dangerous, making your child vulnerable to phishing attacks and potentially compromising their overall cybersecurity.

Purposefully Pushing Harmful Content

For young TikTok users, one of the greatest dangers presented by TikTok FYP content is that deep personal vulnerabilities can be exploited – with extremely harmful results.

Teenagers and preteens who search for things like “losing weight” or “depression” will be entered into an algorithmic equation that floods their personalized page with potentially harmful content.

This content can lead to serious damage; twisting and distorting young TikTok users’ views of what their body should look like, how they should be expected to feel and act, and how they should view people in a gendered context.

Content that promotes misogyny, eating disorders, and even self-harm can have a severe impact on impressionable viewers. Since the algorithm is designed to anticipate users’ interests and desires, it can prey on common insecurities and fears, keeping young viewers hooked and engaged in dangerous content.

Fake Celebrity Accounts

Another thing parents should be wary of is content requiring their kids to engage with the poster (usually a minor TikTok celebrity).

Aside from the usual risks of your children communicating with older strangers, many of these profiles are often a product of synthetic identity fraud—a growing danger involving criminals creating carbon copies of celebrity profiles to communicate with younger fans and steal their information or even extort them.

Young users drawn in by the exciting allure of their favorite influencers will not be wary of a convincing fake and can easily be tricked into sharing sensitive information. If your child provides their home address or school schedule, this could even lead to kidnapping or physical harm.

How to Keep Your Kids Safe on TikTok

Let’s face it, restricting your child’s access to one of the most highly addictive social media apps out there may not be a walk in the park. However, it’s important that you work together with your child to find a realistic solution.

Having a frank, open, and honest conversation with your kids about the potential dangers that TikTok FYP content presents can help illuminate where you are coming from, and can make them feel more ready to engage in a cooperative negotiation.

In a wider sense, you could also try bringing up the topic of Tiktok at the next school meeting – these are collective issues facing society, so including social media safety in curricula would be a great step toward finding solutions.

Explore the options available to you when it comes to in-app parental controls, and also try safeguarding your home internet network (this is a good idea in any case). Navigating the risks together with your child can help pave the way for a safer, more communicative mode of engaging with social media- and with each other.

Final Thoughts

With its keen insights into the desires and fears of young users’ inner worlds, TikTok’s For You page represents a widespread threat.

Personalized promoted content can exploit vulnerabilities and introduce your children to harmful content. Phishing, fake accounts, and spam ads can expose your internet network and devices to malware or spyware, compromising your overall cybersecurity. And unsuspecting young TikTok users may fall prey to the schemes of bad actors pretending to be someone they are not.

In order to keep your child safe on TikTok, engage with them directly. Let them know that your concerns are legitimate by citing real-world examples, without scaring them too much, of course.

Use parental controls and restrictions, and try to understand where your child is coming from. After all, they are attached to an app that is, according to some analysts, designed to keep users addicted and ready for more.

About the Author:
Ryan Harris is a copywriter focused on eLearning and the digital transitions going on in the education realm. Before turning to writing full time, Ryan worked for five years as a teacher in Tulsa and then spent six years overseeing product development at many successful Edtech companies, including 2U, EPAM, and NovoEd.

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10 Things to Consider Before Sharing Pictures of Your Child on Social Media

Things to Consider Before Sharing Pictures of Your Child on Social Media

Thanks to social media, sharing life with others is just a click away. Yet, it’s vital to pause and reflect, especially when it involves pictures of your children. Yes, those adorable baby smiles or innocent fun moments are tempting to share, but have you considered the implications?

Usually, our focus is on teaching kids the basics of social media safety.  But it’s easy to forget that this powerful tool is ours to handle responsibly as well.  This guide will walk you through essential considerations before posting your little one’s pictures on social media.  Let’s delve into multiple aspects that will help you make informed decisions.

10 Things to Consider Before Sharing Pictures of Your Child

Your children are their own people, and they deserve to have a say over whether or not pictures of themselves can be posted on social media. After all, everything on the internet is permanent.

1. Sharing Could Have Long-Term Effects on Your Children

Think carefully about potential future repercussions before sharing your child’s images online. You never know how shared content might evolve in decades to come. In the digital era, these pictures will remain online indefinitely, potentially impacting their personal and professional life.

2. Blur the Background to Hide Other People’s Kids

A lot of parents may not know this, but it’s actually legal to share pictures of other people’s children online without their parents or child’s consent. To be safe, you should use background blurring techniques to ensure that only your own children are visible in your photograph.

3. Never Share Anything That Could be Considered Embarrassing

Keep in mind that what might appear cute to you now could be embarrassing for your child in the future. Simple images like bath time or tantrum moments can cause unease years later. By being considerate and cautious, you can help protect your child’s online persona.

4. Consider How Sharing Photos Could Warp Their View of Online Safety

Regularly sharing photos of your child online could impact their understanding of privacy and online safety. It may indicate to them that it’s normal to disclose personal information. Teach them prudent sharing habits by setting a good example with your own social media behavior.

5. Don’t Share any Personal Information or Suggestive Photos

Avoid sharing any pictures that disclose personal information or feature your child unclothed, even if partially. Besides infringing on their privacy, such images can easily fall into the wrong hands or be used maliciously. The internet is a useful tool, but it’s crucial to tread cautiously for your child’s safety.

6. Avoid Revealing Locations and Typical Routines

Avoid Revealing Locations and Typical Routines
Photo by Piron Guillaume

Be cautious when it comes to revealing locations and habitual routines in pictures. Geotagged photos or posts detailing your child’s school or park can serve as a roadmap to their daily life. Minimize risk by keeping such details offline, thereby strengthening your family’s safety.

7. Children May Not Know How to or Can’t Properly Give Consent

Unless you appropriately teach your children how permanent the internet is, it’s difficult or impossible for children to give consent. This is especially true if they’re young. And if you post photos of your child online without their consent, it could cause them to develop trust issues.

8. Beware of the Potential Backlash from Other Parents

There are plenty of parents who don’t like the idea of other people sharing their own children online, primarily for the reasons stated in this article. If you’re going to post pictures of your kids on social media, just be prepared for a potential backlash from other parents or groups.

9. Up Your Privacy Settings on Social Media

Leverage privacy settings offered by social media platforms to control who sees your posts. By reviewing and adjusting these settings, you can limit content visibility to trusted, selected individuals. This isn’t foolproof, but it creates an additional layer of safety for your images.

10. Consider Using More Private Social Networks

Instead of widely used platforms, consider sharing your child’s milestones on smaller, more private networks. There are family-friendly apps that prioritize privacy and offer better control over who sees the content. Selecting the right platform is a crucial step toward safer sharing.

In Conclusion…

The joy of sharing your child’s precious moments online comes with its own set of responsibilities. It’s essential to navigate this digital landscape cautiously for your little one’s safety. Remember, you are the first line of defense in protecting their digital footprint.

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