Category: Human Interest

Top 14 Benefits of Learning Music

Benefits of Learning Music

Why is music important? Music is amongst the few universal and eternal pleasures of life. Playing a musical instrument or singing is a delightful, meditative, and rejuvenating experience. Apart from the sheer joy of it, there is a great importance of music training in other aspects of life.

Here are the top 13 significant benefits of learning music, no matter your age or level of musical  proficiency.z

1. Improves Intellect & Memory Power

You need to recognize different lyrics, tones, and sounds. Thus, in the process of learning music, you enhance your reasoning skills, phonetics, and knowledge of the language. Learning all this new information and remembering them naturally sharpens your memory and intellect.

2. Enhances Problem-solving & Mathematics

There is an intelligence called spatial intelligence, which is responsible for the recognition and arrangement of stuff. During music training, you need to arrange various elements together. The tune, lyrics, and musical notes all need to align with each other. You can choose to learn music to sharpen your math skills.

3. Makes You Result-oriented

When you sign up for the music training, you commit yourself to focus, organizing, and memorizing the technicalities to perfection. The cluster of these qualities and some other qualities are known as executive functions. It becomes your second nature by the end of your training.

4. Increases Confidence & Self-worth

Both learning and performing music are meditative and enlightening experiences. You get the opportunity to express yourself in front of other people. It increases your confidence. Being proficient in music gives you a feeling of self-worth. You value yourself more as a learned musician who is different from the crowd.

5. Boosts Emotional Intelligence

Performing arts like music gives an opportunity to see life from other people’s points of view. When you learn music, you become more empathetic, understanding, and sensitive towards others.

6. Develops Creativity & Imagination Power

Every art form compels you to create with your imagination. The same is the case with music. You develop your ability to think beyond the realities in front of you. Your problem-solving techniques become more innovative and experimental.

7. The Ability to Write Songs

Journaling, writing in a diary, or writing poetry is a away many people work out their thoughts and express themselves.  Learning music with the added ability to play an instrument opens up a world of expression through song writing.  It may become a lifelong passion or even lead to career as a performer.

8. Teaches the Value of Discipline

Increased discipline & persistence is one of the major benefits of music learning, especially for kids. They become more aware of the importance of attending lessons and practicing. It takes time to master the art of music. When you patiently wait to grasp the correct note and tune, it leads to increase in your persistence.

9. Helps in Achieving Academic Success

Contrary to the popular belief that learning music will distract students from their academics, various studies proved that it improves their test marks. We have already alluded to the close correlation between music and mathematics.   It also has many other benefits for students that help them improve in school and colleges. It will encourage more parents to let their kids pursue music.

10. Trains You in Team Work

Musicians and singers need to sync in to create a performance. When you are training for music, you develop the skills of coordination, communication, and comprehension. It is perfect for kids if they get this kind of exposure from an early age.

11. Enhances Social Skills

The importance of learning music is not limited to the art form only. It teaches you social skills. In a music class, you need to interact with other students. Especially kids play and learn in the same group. Their improved social skills enable them to thrive in social situations instead of getting social anxiety.

12. Expands Your Knowledge about Different Cultures

Music crosses the boundaries of cities, countries, continents, and cultures. A kid or adult interested in music becomes aware of different cultural norms around the globe. They get to know everything, from the Bagpipes of Scotland to the Tabla of India.

13. Sharpens Listening Skills

One of the underrated benefits of music training is it improves your auditory attention. You can differentiate amongst various sounds. And can choose to concentrate on whatever sound is essential for you to listen to.

14. Provides Stress Relief

Many studies proved the relaxing and soothing effect of music. Learning music can give you a nice getaway from other stressful parts of your daily life. It can be your daily vacation for a few hours away from your studies or professional engagements.

Author Bio
Reema Krishnan is a content creator at Acharyanet platform for Carnatic music learners where they can learn music from gurus through 400+ video lessons. Being a music enthusiast and a history buff herself, she is able to provide value for her readers and her content is well-received by musicians, music lovers, and music learners of all ages and at all stages. She loves to volunteer with music therapy groups and bakes up a storm in her free time.

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Keeping Your Creativity Alive with these Fun Ideas

Keeping Creativity Alive - Fun Ideas

You may be wondering why creativity is so important, other than the fact that is it a lot of fun. It is important because being creative can help you see things from a new perspective and solve any problems that you may encounter in your life. Research suggests creative people are more able to deal with uncertainty because they can think outside the box!

How Can Being Creative Help you?

Creativity increases our experiences, which in turn expands our knowledge and opens our eyes to a new way of experiencing the world, having fun, and gaining intuition, and adding spice to our lives. For many people, creativity equals making something – art and crafts, but it isn’t that is defining creativity into a very narrow box, when in fact, the foundations of the word mean to grow.

Essentially humans are born creative. We find ways to navigate life as we grow and discover creativity will give us ways around any obstacles we encounter. Being creative can also be fun. So make time for creative thinking next time you feel overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list make time for creative thinking. It might be that you discover new ways of getting things done!

Fun Ways to be Creative

Being creative can involve so many things. For example, it might be your son or daughter’s birthday, and you have an exciting idea for a birthday cake, or perhaps you want to create a family collage. Maybe you are missing spending time with your friends and family during this time of being confined due to the pandemic and are looking for fun, innovative ways to stay in touch. Try being creative by using your camera to record different videos or tell exciting stories through video, which you can share with the world!

Or you could even use VSTs to virtually produce music and impress others with your talent. It might sound complicated at first, but it is straightforward to send large videos. Imagine how thrilled your loved ones will be when they open the file and see the incredible masterpiece you have created, especially if it is funny. Research shows laughter is essential and is an excellent pick-me-up tonic.

Start a Blog

For those who like to write, why not start a blog?  It can be a fun way to share your passion for your interests.  There are a variety of blogging websites make it easy for anyone with a little computer knowledge to get started.  Adults, teens and kids alike will find blogging a great way to express themselves.  It goes beyond simply posting ideas on social media.  The first step is to figure out what to write about.  Do you want to tell stories, help people with a problem, write about cooking or share your love for animals?

How to Start a Blog

Here are some ideas help you to start your first blog.

Be Creative Using Your Camera and Video

The best thing about photography is that it captures moments. Take a moment to consider some of the creative shots you have seen, and ask yourself what made that shot stand out to you? What inspired you or made you laugh; invoked a feeling – a response. It stood out because it was different. It captured your imagination and was creative. So whether the shot was taken or filmed in an interesting spot or a special lens was used, or maybe they used a funky filter?

Whatever it was, it stood out to you. Now you feel inspired and want to try being creative by using your camera to record different videos or tell interesting stories through video, which you can share with the world! And send it to your friends and family. Once you have mastered moving your camera around, you will start to see endless creative possibilities. Then all you need to do is learn how to send large videos. You could even zip it and send it as an email attachment. Learning how to send large videos is easy, so don’t let it be a stumbling block!

Making Creative Choices

If you don’t fancy shooting videos or taking snaps, consider other ways to be creative with your time and connect with your family and friends – how about hosting a virtual Netflix or Zoom party? Or have a craft afternoon, make cookies, create a vision board, learn a new language, take a pottery class, or take a virtual tour of one of many attractions that have opened their doors virtually.

Girl at Pottery Class

Creativity is essential because it can help you see things from a new perspective and solve any problems you may encounter. You can be creative using your camera to record different videos or tell interesting stories through video, which you can share with the world! Then send them to your friends and family. Learn how to send large videos, and you can bring laughter to the ones that you love!

Do people call you the comedian in the family?   Try your hand at telling these original funny jokes written for kids.

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7 Games that are Beneficial for Kids of All Ages

Beneficial Games for Kids

Parents of this generation have now accepted the fact that digital games are an inevitable part of their kids’ lives. Be it a toddler or a kid in preteen age, children love to play games. Also, game development’s evolving advancement is leaving no stone unturned to provide kids with a massive number of diverse games with every passing day.

Wordle is a recent game that has taken the internet by storm and focuses on spelling and discovering the word of the day.  This simple and brief word game is a great way to get kids started at educational games that are fun and easy.  Still, our list of the seven games that benefit children dig deeper into games that are more involved.

How Do Games Benefit Children?

When we talk about online games, we cannot deny that they play a huge role in the cognitive development of today’s young generation. They are not just boredom busters. Depending upon which category they fall into, games provide an excellent source of improving creativity, hand–eye coordination, and multitasking. They also help with reading skills and boosts social development.

Games enhance children’s learning by keeping them motivated and equipping them with logical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. Certain games are proven to bring an improvement in memory and attention span. To sum up, online games are the perfect medium to teach kids a variety of skills just the way they like it.

With such an extensive number of games available online, it is tough for parents to pick the ones that are truly the most beneficial for children of all ages. Don’t worry, as we have got you covered with a list compiled just for you. We will suggest you seven games that will develop their brains and prove to be a significant source of infotainment.

1. Prodigy

Prodigy, a mathematics game for children aged three and up, busts the notion that maths is boring and difficult. Developers who have designed the game have done a brilliant job by making the subject fun to learn for kids.

A remarkable feature of the game is that the content is tailored according to the player’s strengths and weaknesses. This gives a customized learning experience and helps the child get improvement where needed.

Prodigy allows parents to create an account so that they can keep track of their child’s development and reward him for the progress. The game is available to play online, on iOS, and Android.

2. Minecraft

Kids with a penchant for constructive games now have their virtual freedom to build whatever they want with the highly popular game Minecraft. The popularity of this game isn’t perplexing, as the gameplay is extremely fun. It provides the children unlimited resources and challenges to fulfill their desire to explore and create whatever they wish.

You can build homes, castles, and even weapons to fend off monstrous enemies.

Minecraft helps develop strong emotional and social skills by evolving the sense of self-direction, collaboration, and withstanding pressures. Children above six years of age can easily play this game. As the game is multiplayer, parents are recommended to monitor children’s online activity by watching them play to keep them safe among the online community.

3. Dungeon Sweep

Adventure games like the Dungeon Sweep by Unlimited Gamez Mo, help in improving quick problem solving and logical reasoning in children. They provide a dose of fun while the analytical skills are developing alongside.

Set up in Catacombs’ gameplay, the player has to unlock special powers by finding the way through various challenges. These powers will eventually help him defeat the Master Wizard, with whom the final battle has to be fought. Dungeon Sweep is an action-packed game that will keep the kids on their toes, challenging their brains to overcome hurdles.

4. Endless Alphabet

The latest educational games are a fun online activity for kids designed to keep them entertained while imparting learning. Among a huge variety of learning games, Endless Alphabet is one such game that is suitable for children aged three and up.

With the animated monsters teaching the children how to read, speak, and write, the game is visually appealing as well as interactive. It is a great way to teach letters, words, and sentences to children in an engaging way so that they won’t get bored. The good thing about Endless Alphabet is that there are no failures, high scores, or stress in it, making it a happy and calm space to learn the language.

The game is available on Android, iOS, and online.

5. Scrabble Go

Scrabble has since long been a source to strengthen vocabulary in a fun way. Now, the virtual version of this game, Scrabble Go, is available for kids to play. The classic word challenge is a highly beneficial game to play as it will help children learn new words by encouraging them to find their meaning and use. It also develops analytical thinking, which is usually improved by puzzles and crosswords.

You can download this game from the Google Play store or the Apple App Store.

6. Sight Words

Teaching kids how to read is a challenging task for teachers and parents. But not when you do it through a fun game!

Sight Words app is a very helpful app that teaches the concept of learning words by recognizing them. Reading with sight words is very easy for kids as they learn them without memorizing their phonics and spellings. It builds the foundation for reading.

Although the game is designed keeping preschoolers in mind, it can be played by children up to 12 years of age who struggle with reading. The colorful, engaging game will definitely help your child with his/her reading skills.

7. Super Quiz by National Geographic Kids

Children have a special interest in wildlife and everything about it. Their thirst for knowledge can be quenched by the interesting Super Quiz by the National Geographic Kids. The quiz will open doors of imagination and provide them with knowledge about geography, animals, and a lot more.

Kids as young as six can play this game, or you can play with younger ones by asking them the questions that come up on the quiz. It will be a fun yet knowledgeable experience for the children and help them learn about biodiversity.

Summing Up

Several studies have proven that kids who play online games are adept at critical thinking. They are better performers and more creative. An informed choice of games for children will help them develop an enhanced cognition in a fun way.

All of the games mentioned above have their upsides in terms of developing multiple skills in children. You can check the satisfying reviews of these games by parents and teachers on various platforms. This will give you an idea of how advantageous these games can be for your kids or whether they are safe enough to let them play.

Author Bio:
About Michelle Joe: Michelle Joe is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences, and express herself through her blogs. You can find her on Twitter.

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Eight Great Things to Do with Kids This Summer

Things to Do With Your Kids This Summer

Whether you live in a city, a small town or the country, there are always fun things to do with kids if you just put your mind to it. There are places to explore and activities to take part in that are ideal during the summer holidays. It just takes a little thought and some planning to take advantage of the beautiful summer weather.

Here are eight great things to do with your kids this summer for before starts up again, no matter where you live. We’re talking about simple inexpensive and mostly free things families with kids can enjoy while staying safe.

1. Interact with nature

The summer months have the best weather to explore the outdoors with kids. Why not go on a bird hike with a bird watching book or wander in the wetland to see what is hiding in the vegetation. Go on a geocaching pirate treasure hunt and collect plant species. Kids also enjoy forest walks and nature play with their parents. Teach your kids how to press flowers, find a pet rock to decorate or create a nature collage from their explorations.

2. A star gazing party

Have you ever heard of a scavenger hunt in the sky? Download a star finder app and have a star party. The best thing about these apps is that you can find the locations of stars even during the day. Point it to the ground and you will see the exact location of stars you’ve never seen on the other side of the world. Of course, going out at night is even more exciting when kids can see the names highlighted of visible stars in the night sky. A star locator also helps you to find and follow the directions of constellations in the sky.

3. Camping in the backyard

Camping is what you make of it. You don’t have to go to a campground to have fun. Gather up some sleeping bags, a tent, and some flashlights. Bring out blankets and pillows from your bedroom. The kids will enjoy sleeping outside with you and there will be no complaints that there is nothing fun to do at home. It can also be inexpensive to buy a portable backyard fire pit and purchase a small bundle of firewood at a local store. If you don’t have a backyard, you can pitch a tent in your living room or basement.

4. Go for a walk

How far can you walk as a family within an hour? If you have a toddler, how far can he/she walk before getting tired? Challenge your kids to experiment on that. Kids love it when you take ordinary activities and give them a fun twist. Make a loop while you’re at it, or take a new route home just to spice things up. Go for a self-guided walking tour around your neighborhood.

If you are close to where you grew up, drive to the town or neighborhood and take the kids on a walking tour. This is your chance to talk about your children with real memories connected to where you used to play.

5. Teach them how to swim

Whether you go to a local pool or a local or faraway beach, teaching kids how to swim is also a great way to cool off while learning something new. If you cannot make it to a beach or a pool it may be worth looking into buying a small above ground backyard pool. It doesn’t take much water to teach kids the basics, including how to tread water, which is a basic survival skill all kids are taught while taking swimming lessons. Swimming is also a chance to bond as a family on more personal level while having fun. Swimming lessons in a formal settings are also something all kids should take for their own personal safety through life.

6. Hold a dance party

Teach your kids how to find a rhythm when dancing to a song. Share with them some fun dance moves that you learned when you were young. They will love experiencing your earlier life. Take turns as a family choosing each person’s favorite song to dance to. Or just sit in your living room and discover the music while each family member shares why each song is one of their favorites.

7. Teach them to cook

Cooking is an essential life skill that your young ones should possess. Download cooking tutorials or watch YouTube videos to learn recipes for different meals. If you have traveled outside the country and learned to cook a foreign meal, teach that to the kids. It’s also a great opportunity to teach kitchen safety. Who knows, maybe it will develop a routine of everyone taking turns helping with weekly meals.

8.   Plant a flower

Kids generally think that working in the yard is hard and boring. So why not start with teaching them how to plant a flower or plant. It can be an enjoyable positive experience learning how to dig a hole, fertilize the ground and plant a flower they can take care of. They will be able to watch it grow throughout the summer. It can also be a good segue into teaching your child how to pick weeds to keep all the plants healthy.

Next Steps

May this be a fun and creative summer that will build lasting memories for both your and your kids. Who knows, maybe it will inspired everyone in the family to come up with new ideas for great summer fun.

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