Category: Well-Being

How to Build Self-Esteem in Teens for Good Mental Health

How to Build Self-Esteem in Teens for Good Mental Health

From body image issues to peer pressure and academic difficulties, teens face different challenges. These can affect their self-confidence, which can lead to negative self-talk and the fear of failure. You can promote self-esteem in teens to help them deal with their everyday challenges.

What is Self-Esteem?

Self-esteem refers to how a person sees, feels about, and values themselves. Teens with healthy self-esteem are more likely to be confident, have a more positive mindset, and have healthy relationships with others. Moreover, they have the ability to face challenges in life and bounce back from failures.

Having healthy self-esteem is different from being overly confident or feeling superior to others. People who have high self-esteem will view themselves positively, but also in a realistic manner. They accept that they can make mistakes and have flaws, but know that they can improve and grow.

Why is Self-Esteem Important in Teenagers?

Adolescence is an important part of life because this is when a person goes through big changes — not just physically but emotionally and socially as well. During this period, teens are learning to become more independent and make decisions for themselves. By having a positive self-concept, they are more likely to make good choices and endure life’s challenges.

During this period of big changes, teens need the support of their parents and caregivers in developing healthy self-esteem. This is because a teenager’s self-esteem can influence their performance in school, relationship with adults and peers, and mental health.

For example, teens who have low self-esteem might easily feel discouraged by low exam scores, making them believe that they’re not smart enough. This can reduce their motivation to study. On the other hand, teens with healthy self-esteem will accept their mistakes and use them as an opportunity to learn more.

What Factors Can Influence a Teenager’s Self-Esteem?

How a teen sees and feels about themselves can be influenced by the following factors:


A teen’s inner voice creates an internal monologue as they go through their day. This voice could tell positive things that motivate them to be better persons, but it could also be unhelpful self-talk that could bring down their self-esteem.

Negative or distortive thoughts can impact how a teen sees themselves especially if they become a constant pattern of thinking. One example of a thinking error is ‘all-or-nothing’ thinking, where a person sees things in black or white, and not something in between. For example, something could either be good or bad, right or wrong, or a success or failure.

This kind of thinking can lead to perfectionism, which is unrealistic and unattainable. When a teen can’t achieve what they think is ‘perfect’, it can lead to hopelessness, the avoidance of challenges, and doubt in their abilities.


A teen’s perception of themselves is also shaped by the environment they live in, especially during childhood. Children are dependent on their parents and caregivers, so how they are treated or seen by adults will influence how they think of themselves.

For example, a child who is acknowledged for their best efforts even if they don’t win first place in a competition may develop a positive view of themselves. They will learn that they can grow regardless of the results they get.

Life experiences

A teen’s life experiences have a significant effect on their self-esteem. Discrimination, criticism, bullying, family problems, trouble fitting in with peers, or an illness can influence how a teen sees themselves.

Traumatic life experiences may lead a teen to question their self-worth and doubt their decisions and capabilities. When they view themselves poorly, their self-esteem also decreases.

Social Media

When used mindfully, social media can help teens improve their connections with their family and friends. It can also boost their self-esteem by providing an avenue for expressing their talents and creativity.

However, social media can also be detrimental to a teen’s self-esteem. When they constantly see other people’s accomplishments and ‘perfect’ bodies, it’s easy to develop unrealistic expectations for themselves. They end up comparing themselves to other people’s picture-perfect lives, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy, negative body image, anxiety, and depression.

How Can I Tell If My Teenager Has Low Self-Esteem?

Having low self-esteem can hugely impact a teenager’s life, so it’s important for parents and caregivers to know the signs:

Negative Self-Talk

“I’m so stupid,” or “I can’t do anything right” are just some examples of negative self-talk that you might hear from your teens.

While feeling down from time to time is normal, constantly engaging in negative self-talk might be a symptom of low self-esteem in teens. Instead of motivating them to do better, this can just discourage them from achieving their goals.

Fear of Failure

Teens with low self-esteem are more likely to avoid challenges because of a fear of failure. This is due to unrealistic expectations for themselves and believing that they are not skilled or knowledgeable enough. Teens who have low self-esteem might also have trouble receiving constructive criticism.

The fear of failure can lead to several problems, such as procrastinating on their homework, avoiding difficult tasks, and letting go of opportunities.

People Pleasing

A people pleaser is someone who has no clear boundaries and has difficulty saying no.

Teens who like to please others will prioritize other people’s needs. This is common in teens who have low self-esteem because they might think that their needs and wants are important.

Difficulty Accepting Compliments

A teen with self-esteem problems might also have trouble responding to compliments because they think that they don’t deserve it. For instance, you might hear them downplay compliments or even change the topic when someone praises them.

How to Build Self-Esteem in Teens

While beliefs about themselves are hard to change, it doesn’t mean that self-esteem can’t be built and developed over time. With your help, you can help your teen achieve healthy self-esteem.

How to Build Self-Esteem in Teens

1. Provide unconditional support and love

Although teens are at the age when they’re looking for independence, it’s still important for parents to be available for their children. Your teen needs your support now more than ever when they are still trying to find their own path in life.

They need a healthy environment where they are loved and cared for, so they can also learn to love themselves. When they know that you believe in them, they are also more likely to believe in themselves.

2. Focus on their strengths

It’s easy to get discouraged when the people around you always point out your weaknesses. That’s why you can shift their perspective in life by helping them focus on what they can do.

For example, sit down with them and think about the things they are good at. They might excel in art, science, or sports. Help them cultivate their confidence by providing support for their interests.

3. Set realistic goals

It’s normal to wish for good things for your children, but it’s also important to set realistic goals that they can achieve. When they fail to meet unrealistic expectations, they might feel disappointed and inadequate, which can lead to low self-esteem. Next time, they might end up feeling discouraged because they think that they will fail.

When setting goals with your teen, it’s important to start small — especially if they are already suffering from low self-esteem. With each small win, you can help them slowly build their confidence back. They also need the freedom to make mistakes, because it’s a normal part of growth.

4. Celebrate their achievements

Teens with low self-esteem might have difficulty accepting compliments because they don’t feel good enough. That’s why it’s helpful to teach your child to celebrate their achievements.

Celebrating their achievements doesn’t have to be all about the results, but their effort and progress too. By letting them understand the value of their hard work, they won’t always focus on the outcome. This way, they are more likely to try and improve even if they make mistakes or don’t succeed.

5. Encourage positive self-talk

Teens with low self-esteem might find it difficult to avoid having negative thoughts. Positive self-talk, which involves talking to yourself in a more kind and compassionate manner, can help boost your teen’s self-confidence and self-worth. When practiced daily, it can also help them reduce stress and overcome obstacles in life.

One way to practice positive self-talk is to change negative thoughts so they become positive. For instance, a teen might feel frustrated because they got a lower score on an exam than expected. Instead of thinking, “I’m so stupid. I studied for hours but got a low score,” it might be more helpful to think, “It’s alright because I know I did my best. It’s not that bad because I still passed. I can look at what I did wrong and do better next time.”

As a parent, you can also encourage positive self-talk by practicing it yourself. Be aware of your child’s negative thoughts and help them realize when they are being too critical of themselves. Better yet, have conversations on what they are feeling, so you can practice positive self-talk together.

6. Avoid comparing them to others

They may not say or show it, but teens value your opinion. This means that if they often experience being compared to others, they might develop low self-esteem. Remember that each teen is different, and comparison will just make them think that they are inferior to other people.

Instead, it might be more helpful to know more about your child’s strengths. Be proud of what they’ve accomplished and the effort that they put into their work. Instead of comparing them to others, it’s better to use their past self as a standard, so they can see how they’ve grown over time.

7. Provide them with constructive feedback

You can help your teen correct their mistakes by providing them with suggestions that can help them make improvements, instead of focusing on the problem. Be objective and direct, and provide specific examples of how they can make something better. The most important thing is to be encouraging and open to help.

Teaching your teen how to respond to feedback gracefully can help them adjust better in school and in the workplace. This begins by helping them realize that mistakes are not something to be scared of, but a chance to become better.

Help Your Teen Achieve Success By Promoting Healthy Self-Esteem

Having healthy self-esteem can help your teen improve their academic performance, build healthy relationships, and overcome obstacles in life. Helping them change negative thoughts about themselves can take some time. With some practice, you can help them develop a more positive opinion of themselves by following the steps highlighted above.

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3 Benefits to Adding Rooftop Gardens to Elementary Schools

Benefits to Adding Rooftop Gardens to Elementary Schools

Ensuring the children we watch over have the best education in grade school is essential for their future, and adding a rooftop garden will help our efforts. Read on to learn more about the benefits of adding rooftop gardens to elementary schools and how they will sprout opportunities for growth among our children.

Convenient Outdoor Activities

Children need outdoor activities to help them stay active and burn energy to prevent them from feeling antsy in the classroom. However, recess may be a ways away, and having a place to visit outside but close to the building’s interior will make it a convenient place for outdoor activities.

Consider adding a rooftop garden to the school for kids to have an outdoor space that’s interactive and interesting. The garden will become a favorite spot for children to visit since it’s outside an has greenery that adds life to the space. The children will also have an activity that allows them to use their energy constructively if they tend to the garden.

Use as much of the roof’s space as possible for a wider area where students may walk around and see numerous plants. Make sure protective barriers are in place around the perimeter to keep children away from the roof’s edges. You could activate the fifth façade by designing the rooftop with high-performance materials, providing a more visually appealing yet sturdy barrier that surrounds the garden and keeps the kids safe.

Natural Learning Opportunities

The life science behind growing plants is valuable for children to learn. Biology, botany, ecology, environmental sciences, and Earth studies are some possible subjects kids could learn from interacting with the garden.

Planting a garden together is a fun way to teach kids about nature; tending to it teaches them how plants and vegetation grow and inspire them to develop an interest in our environment. Consider learning opportunities focused on rooftop plants to teach children about certain science chapters.

Visual examples that kids may learn from, such as growing violets, will help them learn new lessons easier. You could add the lessons to your teaching plan for an interesting portion of your Spring curriculum.

A Positive Impact on Children

Exposing young students to positive influences will help them develop a positive mindset. A benefit of adding a rooftop garden to elementary schools is its positive effect on children. Kids will have a better time focusing on feeling calm among the plants.

Children who feel stressed in the classroom will enjoy a break in the garden—they’ll see the stillness of the plants and hear the quiet sounds outside and mirror them. Once they return inside, they’ll feel more attentive and willing to listen and learn, especially in lessons related to the garden.

Gardens are wonderful installations and make an excellent addition to elementary schools. Advocate for a rooftop garden for your kids and help them benefit from some extra greenery on their school grounds if you’re an educator, parent, or someone involved in children’s education. Their time in the garden will last for years to come.

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Consistency Is Key: How to Keep Up Your Fitness Routine Throughout the Summer

How to Keep Up Your Fitness Routine Throughout the Summer

Achieving a consistent fitness routine, especially during the ever-tempting summer months, can be quite challenging. However, with the right approach and mindset, staying on track and maintaining your fitness momentum throughout the season is possible.

Whether you’re an individual striving to keep fit or wondering, “What is the best certification for a personal trainer?” so you can help others on their fitness journey, understanding these strategies can make a significant difference.

Establish a Regular Routine

The first step towards maintaining your fitness routine throughout the summer is establishing a regular schedule. A consistent routine can make sticking to your fitness regimen easier by creating a sense of predictability and reducing the mental energy needed to decide when to work out.

Start by identifying a time of day that works best for you — be it early morning, afternoon, or evening — and consistently set aside that time for your workout. Try to treat this time as non-negotiable, just like an important business meeting or family commitment. This way, even when you’re on vacation or your schedule changes, you’ll already have a built-in habit that makes it easier to find time to exercise.

Remain Hydrated and Feed Your Body

The summer months can be deceptively draining. High temperatures and increased sun exposure can easily lead to dehydration and fatigue, both of which can hinder your fitness routine. Drink plenty of water before, throughout, and after your workouts. Also, remember to fuel your body with the right nutrients.

Consume balanced meals rich in protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.  This will give your body the energy it needs to properly maintain the intensity of your workout. Additionally, antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables can help combat inflammation and aid in recovery, keeping you ready for your next workout session.

For those seeking an extra boost of hydration and nutrients, innovative solutions are emerging to support active lifestyles. For example, mobile IV therapy in London offers convenient access to replenishing fluids and essential vitamins, ensuring optimal performance and recovery, even on the hottest summer days. Whether you’re an athlete or simply dedicated to staying active, exploring such services can be a valuable addition to your wellness toolkit.

Mix It Up with Summer-Specific Activities

Keeping a consistent fitness routine doesn’t mean you have to do the same workout day in and day out. In fact, changing up your exercise regimen can prevent boredom and promote a broader range of physical adaptations.

The summer season provides a unique opportunity to mix in summer outdoor activities you don’t have the opportunity to do year round. Things like swimming, surfing, cycling, e-biking, hiking, or beach volleyball all provide effective workouts. These fun games allow you to enjoy the warm weather and stay committed to your fitness routine without feeling like it’s a chore.

Listen to Your Body and Rest When Necessary

Consistency in your fitness routine does not equate to pushing your limits every single day. Mind your body and give it sufficient rest days to allow your muscles to recover and rebuild. Overtraining can lead to injuries, hinder progress, and potentially derail your fitness routine. Therefore, don’t underestimate the importance of taking a break when needed.

Rest days can also provide an excellent opportunity to engage in low-impact activities, such as yoga or stretching exercises, which can improve flexibility and promote overall body wellness.

Create a Supportive Network

Sticking to a routine is always easier when you have a support system. Reach out to friends or family who are also committed to maintaining a fitness routine. You could even consider joining a local sports club or an outdoor fitness class.

Exercising in a group can help increase motivation, create accountability, and make the process more fun. Furthermore, when you surround yourself with like-minded people, your commitment to fitness is more likely to stay strong.

Set Realistic and Specific Goals

Setting realistic and specific goals is one of the most effective ways to stay committed to your fitness routine throughout the summer. Whether running a certain distance, achieving a specific weight, or simply committing to a certain number of workout days per week, having clear objectives can provide the motivation needed to stay consistent. As you reach these goals, celebrate your achievements and set new ones to maintain momentum.

Leverage Technology

In our digital age, technology can be a great asset in maintaining your fitness routine. Fitness apps can provide new workouts, track your progress, and even remind you when it’s time to exercise.

Wearable devices can monitor your heart rate, sleep quality, and other fitness-related metrics. These tools can keep you engaged in your routine, provide objective measures of progress, and make it easier to adjust your workouts based on real data.

Summer Fitness Success

Implementing these additional strategies can ensure you maintain a consistent fitness routine throughout the summer.

With some planning and commitment, you can stay active, healthy, and fit all summer.

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Learning With Puzzles and Games

Learning With Puzzles and Games

Play is a fantastic way to foster your child’s creativity and build necessary skills like problem-solving and motor skills. Puzzles and games are excellent tools to foster play and get little minds working. Safari Ltd® has many options for great puzzles and games for every age.

Finding the right puzzle or game that matches the development stage of your child, or the child in your care, is foundational to keeping them engaged and challenged as they grow. These types of educational games make learning fun.  They are an engaging way to enhance learning by combining play with educational content.

Age Appropriate Puzzles and Games 

Puzzles and Games for 0-1-Year-Olds

Your zero to one-year-old can enjoy games just as much as other children. Consider letting them play with items such as sensory balls, magnetic foam blocks, Plus-Plus blocks, and other bright toys. Anything squishy, textured, has simple moving parts, and isn’t composed of small pieces is fair game to help these little ones learn through play.

Puzzles and Games for 2-3-Year-Olds

Two- and three-year-old toddlers love games such as fishing, ring toss, shape sorters, colorful blocks, cars and trains, jack in the box, and tapping games. Shapes that your child can stack, or sort and place into openings are fantastic options to develop fine motor skills.

Puzzles and Games for 3-5-Year-Olds

Safari Ltd® has a wide variety of puzzles and games for this age. 20-piece puzzles, cogwheel games, balancing chairs, matching games, bingo, and seesaws will all capture your child’s attention.

Puzzles and Games for 6-8-Year-Olds

This age can do larger puzzles, like 100-piece puzzles, as well as play simple board games. You can also try 3D puzzles with them, which are wood or cardboard pieces that come together to form animals or other shapes. Marble tilts, swim toys, doll houses, advanced matching games, and simple card games are also fantastic options. Safari Ltd® also has mazes that are fun at this age.

Puzzles and Games for 9+-Year-Olds

Children aged nine and older can enjoy the challenge of 300–1000-piece puzzles and more advanced 3D puzzles. IQ puzzles and games like Capture the Flag that require a lot of movement can help keep brains and bodies healthy. Complex dot-to-dots, color-by-numbers, and simple machine kits are awesome options.

The older your child gets, the more complex games they’ll be able to play. Depending on your child’s interests and needs, you can also consider buying science experiment kits or math games.

Board Games, Cards, and Online Games

Kids of this age can also play most board games out there. Try and choose board games involving strategy to get the best results, which can also include chess and checkers, or card games like Go Fish, Uno and classic online games like Solitaire.

Puzzles and Games for Teens

Safari Ltd® offers building blocks and Lego options for all ages. Building kits are perfect for older kids and teens. Not only are they fun, but they require attention to detail, reading comprehension, and creativity. They can also be saved and treasured or recycled into something new.

Where Can You Find Learning Toys?

The best way to find toys that will grab your child’s attention and that can also help stimulate learning and play is to look for stores and websites dedicated to selling these types of puzzles and toys, such as Safari Ltd®. They have a huge variety of options to help improve play and learning for your child of any age.

Additional Resources

Read about The Benefits of Puzzles in Early Childhood

PDF Download:  UNICEF Lego Foundation Learning through Play

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