Category: Well-Being

Filtering the facts: Is fluoridated water safe to drink?

Filtering the facts: Is fluoridated water safe to drink?

In 1945, authorities in Grand Rapids, Michigan chose to increase the fluoride content of the area’s water supply to 1.0 ppm. It became the first city in the US to implement large-scale water fluoridation. Between this first instance and 2008, it’s believed over 72% of US citizens with access to public water have received fluoridated water in their primary water supplies.

There are compelling arguments both for and against the addition of fluoride to public drinking water. Some experts claim the compound is a safe and effective way to prevent tooth decay and improve dental health, while others suggest there may be a link between fluoridated water and serious health complications. Either way, the topic has sparked fierce debate for many years.

With one Harvard-backed study finding a link between fluoridated water and reduced IQ scores in children, and others suggesting a connection between water fluoridation and the development of bone cancer in young males, the public’s concerns are understandable. To help readers make some sense of this matter, it’s important to filter the facts. So, is fluoridated water safe and healthy for children and adults to drink?

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a chemical compound that combines the element fluorine with another substance, usually a salt or metal. Common compounds like calcium fluoride are used in the manufacturing industry, though fluoridated water contains three compounds said to improve dental health:

  • Sodium fluoride
  • Sodium fluorosilicate
  • Fluorosilicic acid

Fluorides are naturally occurring compounds, commonly found in soil, water and air samples around the world, but the levels of these substances are usually much lower than in fluoridated drinking water. Fluoride levels in rivers, lakes and surface waters typically equal 0.1-0.2 ppm.

Why is fluoride added to drinking water?

The addition of fluoride to drinking water has been proven to protect teeth from decay. Naturally occurring bacteria in the mouth produce acids when introduced to sugars. These acids can eat away at the minerals on the surface of the tooth, weakening the structure and causing cavities.

Fluorides are easily absorbed into the blood via the digestive tract when consumed, typically collecting in areas high in calcium such as the bones and the teeth. For this reason, the regular consumption of fluorides can help to prevent tooth decay by gradually strengthening the teeth. This is also why fluorides are often found in dental products like toothpastes and mouthwashes.

Is fluoridated drinking water regulated?

Since the 1960’s, the United States Public Health Service (PHS) has recommended that all public water supplies contain 0.7mg/L of fluoride to aid in the prevention of tooth decay. Though the addition of fluoride to drinking water is not required by law in every state.

As overexposure to fluoridated drinking water can contribute to a dangerous build up of fluoride in the bones (skeletal fluorosis), the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed a national drinking water standard. This permits no more than 4 mg/L of fluoride to be present in any public drinking water systems.

In addition, a secondary standard has been developed by the EPA recommending no more than 2 mg/L to protect young children from overexposure to fluorides. For comparison, natural levels of fluorides in water sources like springs, rivers and lakes are often equal to about 0.1-0.2 mg/L.

Possible health effects of drinking fluoridated water

Though the consumption of fluoridated water is considered safe by many national authorities, overexposure to fluoridated water has been shown to increase the risk factor for several health conditions. Most of these conditions are of particular concern to children aged 8 and below.

Skeletal fluorosis

Skeletal fluorosis is a serious condition caused by exposure to high levels of fluoride over many years. It leads to weakened bones, joint pain and stiffness.  Skeletal fluorosis can also contribute to muscular impairments in younger patients as the thickening of the bones impacts development.

Kidney damage

Excess exposure to fluorides can contribute to kidney disease, as any build up of fluorides in the soft tissue can increase the risk of fluoride toxicity. Kidney damage has been recorded at fluoride levels as low as 1 ppm in animals, with skeletal fluorosis patients facing elevated risks.


Osteomalacia is a bone-softening disease proven to be caused by overexposure to fluorides. In the 1970’s, scientists discovered excess fluorides in water used for dialysis were causing severe osteomalacia in patients. Later studies conducted with animals have also shown similar results.


Some studies suggest exposure to fluorides from a young age may increase the risk of subjects developing osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer. Researchers think excess fluoride in the growth plates of developing bones may cause abnormal cell growth, eventually leading to cancer.


Research has shown a link between fluoride and neurotoxicity in animals, with a study backed by the Harvard School of Public Health finding children in high-fluoride areas demonstrated significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in areas with low levels of fluoridated water.

How to avoid drinking fluoridated water

At present, around 73% of the US population is served by water systems containing fluoridated water, with some states mandating the fluoridation of public water systems by law. This means any US citizens wishing to avoid drinking fluoridated water must consider alternative means.

Bottled water

The easiest way to avoid drinking fluoridated water is to switch to drinking only bottled waters. However, the FDA allows a maximum fluoride level of 2.4 mg/L even in products said to contain no added fluoride. Brands like JUST Water have been shown to contain natural fluoride levels as low as 0.2 mg/L, illustrating a simple way to get clean water delivered direct to your home.

Filtered water

Alternatively, fluoridated water can be filtered via reverse osmosis, deionization or through the use of activated alumina. However, these methods will only remove up to 90% of the fluoride in water. It’s also important to note that activated carbon filters are not able to remove fluoride.


Though many national authorities insist fluoridated water is safe to drink, studies have shown links between overexposure to fluoride and the onset of serious health conditions, especially in children and young adults. If citizens wish to avoid drinking fluoridated water, it’s advisable to switch to bottled waters containing natural fluoride levels or to invest in effective filter systems.

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Fire Hazards in Kindergartens: Crucial Tips for Fire Safety

Fire Hazards in Kindergartens: Crucial Tips for Fire Safety

In the hustle and bustle of a kindergarten environment, one crucial aspect that is easily taken for granted is fire safety. With numerous potential fire hazards lurking within these lively spaces, it becomes imperative for teachers, parents, and administrators to be equipped with an essential process to mitigate any risks.

Ensuring the safety of young children is paramount. Therefore, prioritizing fire safety in kindergarten settings requires proactive implementation strategies.

Fire Safety in Kindergartens

Here are some of the most common fire hazards found in kindergartens and how you can enhance fire safety measures within educational institutions. We also encourage a review of and focus on  teaching about home fire hazards to ensure the safety of our children in all settings.

Crucial Safety Tips:

  1. Electrical Fire Hazards
  2. Storage and Handling of Flammable Materials
  3. Safety Drills and Emergency Procedures
  4. Adequate Fire Extinguishers and Alarms

By understanding these invaluable tips for fire safety, we can ensure that our little ones are protected from harm while they embark on their exciting journey of early education.

1. Identifying and Managing Electrical Fire Hazards

Identifying and managing electrical fire hazards is the first step in ensuring the safety of children in kindergarten environments. With numerous potential fire risks present, teachers, parents, and administrators need to be equipped with knowledge on how to mitigate these dangers. Common electrical fire hazards found in schools may include faulty wiring, overloaded outlets, and malfunctioning appliances.

To enhance fire safety measures within educational institutions, it is important to prioritize regular inspections of electrical systems and equipment by qualified professionals. Teachers should also receive training on how to recognize signs of electrical hazards such as flickering lights or unusual sounds from electronic devices.

Additionally, implementing strict policies regarding the use and maintenance of electrical equipment can help minimize the risk of fires caused by negligence or misuse. Overall, detecting electrical fire hazards requires a proactive approach that includes education, regular inspections, and proper maintenance protocols.

2. Implementing Fire Safety Drills and Emergency Procedures

Implementing fire safety drills and emergency evacuation plan procedures is a required part of ensuring the safety of children in any school environment. Systematically conducting fire drills can familiarize both staff and students with evacuation procedures, helping them to calmly and efficiently evacuate in the event of a real fire.

These drills should be practiced at different times of the day to ensure that all children are prepared, regardless of when a fire may occur. For young children new to school, it’s a good idea to notify them when the first fire drill of the year will take place.  This way it won’t come as a shock and cause fear and panic. Subsequent drills throughout the year can be conducted at random times without notice, but kids will be familiar with what is happening.

In addition to fire drills, it is important for teachers and administrators to have well-defined emergency procedures in place, including protocols for notifying emergency services and safely accounting for all children.

3. Ensuring Proper Storage and Handling of Flammable Materials

Proper storage and handling of flammable materials is critical in maintaining fire safety. Flammable materials, such as cleaning agents, paints, glues, and fuels should be stored in designated areas away from heat sources or ignition points. Teachers and staff must be aware of these hazardous substances and ensure their proper storage. Storage areas where flammable materials accumulate should be monitored to ensure they are kept tidy.

Regularly inspect the condition of flammable material containers to check for leaks or damages that could lead to accidents. Adequate ventilation should also be provided in storage areas to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors.

Furthermore, educate teachers, parents, and administrators about safe handling practices for flammable materials. This includes using only approved containers for storing these substances and ensuring they are tightly sealed when not in use. By implementing these measures diligently, kindergartens can greatly reduce the risk of fires caused by flammable materials.

4. Creating a Fire-Safe Environment with Adequate Fire Extinguishers and Alarms

Another important aspect of creating a fire-safe environment is ensuring that there are adequate fire extinguishers and alarms installed throughout the school. Fire extinguishers should be easily accessible and regularly maintained to ensure their effectiveness in case of emergency. Moreover, having working smoke alarms placed strategically can provide an early warning system in case of any potential fires.

Fire blankets have also been proven effective to safely put out small fires on stoves or in a science lab.  By prioritizing the establishment of a comprehensive fire security measures that includes necessary equipment as well as effective training programs, kindergartens can create a secure learning environment.

Fire Safety Summary

Fire safety in kindergarten settings requires proactive implementation strategies, such as regular fire drills and a safety plan with well-defined emergency procedures. Practice ensures adults and kids alike understands escape routes and helps to ingrain this knowledge for everyone involved.

Educating all parties about potential hazards specific to these environments is crucial for mitigating risks effectively. The role of administrators to ensure warning systems and fire extinguishers ensures small fires can be put out immediately.

By consistently maintaining safe facilities and providing ongoing training on fire safety awareness for teachers and janitorial staff, kindergartens can create a secure environment where children’s well-being remains top of mind.

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Beyond Companionship: Unveiling 3 Life-Enhancing Benefits of Pet Ownership for Kids

Beyond Companionship: Unveiling 3 Life-Enhancing Benefits of Pet Ownership for Kids

While pets are a lot of work, they provide so much joy for the whole family. Having a furry, scaly, or feathered friend offers many benefits for children. The type of pet you decide upon is a big decision for sure, but well worth it everyone in your home.  Here are five that could change your child’s life for the better.

1. Comfort

Kids have big feelings, and it can be hard to communicate them with adults. At the same time, it’s easy for even the best parent or caregiver to sometimes dismiss those emotions’ physical and mental impact. A pet can fill the void left when humans can’t meet your child’s needs by letting them pet, snuggle or play with them.

Animals are also excellent listeners. They don’t judge us, which is helpful when kids face frustrating or embarrassing situations. Kids can vent their thoughts and feelings to their pets. They can share their secrets and ideas that they aren’t yet uncomfortable sharing with friends or adults. In this way, they act in place of stuffed animals but can respond with their warmth, friendly licks and vibrant personalities.

Many animals can instinctively tell when we’re in distress and provide healing comfort. Dogs and other mammals can get protective and give emotional support from their owners and others.

2. Responsibility

Teaching kids responsibility when they’re young plays a vital role in how they adjust to adulthood. Playing a role in their pets’ care is a great way to introduce responsibility.

Feeding, bathing, brushing and cleaning up after pets are some of the tasks your kids can take on, depending on their age and development. Domestic animals rely on humans to meet their needs and teaching this to your child at a young age can help instill a sense of empathy and selflessness. Animals have different needs, which can segway into teaching about the different abilities and needs of humans.

Kids love their pets, which can serve as a motivator for them to accept the responsibilities. Getting used to following through in other areas such as school and their hobbies.

3. Life Lessons

Things aren’t always easy with pets. They can get sick, have behavioral challenges, and will eventually pass away. These are hard lessons, but that doesn’t mean the pet ownership experience isn’t worth having. Understanding this can build resilience in young ones and provide opportunities to broach hard topics while you’re there to guide them through.

Life has many joys and curveballs, and animals can help kids understand them. Through birth, teaching, care, aging and death, pets can help children learn hard truths in a way that still gives them the joy of connecting with them.

Some caregivers think that replacing a goldfish or hamster when they pass away so their child doesn’t know. However, research shows the long-term benefits of letting your child grieve their loss. Plus, if your child discovers the deception, it could create distrust.

Tips for Getting Your Child a Pet

Animals need you to commit to loving and caring for them. You can’t discard them when things get hard. If you want to adopt or purchase a pet for your child, there are some steps you can take to create the best experience possible.

Give Them Prior Experience Around the Species

If your child expresses interest in a specific pet, don’t rush out to get it before letting your child spend time around another one. Expose them to dogs, cats, guinea pigs, snakes, birds or any other animal before bringing one home to keep. Your kid might have a different reaction than either of you expect.

Know the Expenses

The cost of pets can add up and knowing you can afford them is vital. While adoption and purchase fees vary, you can expect to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a pet who lives several years.

You’ll need equipment, food, training, vet costs, habitats and stimulation through toys and treats. A low-maintenance pet is best if you want to spend less, but it’s essential to speak with someone with experience with an animal to get an idea of the total cost.

Consider the Future

A pet might suit your family’s current lifestyle, but what about in 10,15 or 20 more years? Some pets have a lengthy life span, and you’ll need to consider whether you can care for them a decade down the line. If you want to travel a lot, move to the city or change to a busier career, a high-maintenance or long-living pet probably isn’t best.

Gauge Their Commitment

Kids aren’t capable of taking care of everything when it comes to pets. You’ll likely be as or more hands-on than them. However, if you want your child to participate, it’s best to determine their likelihood.

Giving your child small responsibilities can help you decide whether or not they’re at a point where getting a pet will benefit them. A regular chore or completing their homework with minimal supervision are minor tasks. If your child is too young or needs to practice handling routines, waiting might be good.

Make It Exciting

Children grow to mirror their parents in different situations. Even if you’re not thrilled with the pet you get, staying positive and excited about them can enhance your child’s experience. They’re not just animals. Big or small, they’re part of your family and will likely be their best friend. A positive attitude can make a big difference and improve the quality of everyone’s life with a new pet.

Embracing the Benefits of Pet Ownership for Your Child

Pets have so much love to give and kids are often more than willing to respond to that love. Having one can teach them about life and provide a healthy emotional outlet. The lessons they learn through pet ownership will remain as they grow.

About the Author
Ava Roman (she/her) is the Managing Editor of Revivalist, a women’s lifestyle magazine that empowers women to live their most authentic life. When Ava is not writing you’ll find her in a yoga class, advocating for her children or whipping up something delicious in the kitchen!

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Top 6 Sports for Kids to Play and Their Benefits

Sports are not just a source of physical activity; they are also a fantastic way for children to develop essential life skills, make friends, and have a blast. But with so many options out there, how do you decide which sport is right for your child?  Join us as we explore the top 6 sports for kids to play and the incredible benefits they offer.

From teamwork to physical fitness, these sports also have unforeseen benefits, such as building resilience against challenging life situations, such as bullying.

Soccer: The Global Game

Also known as football in most parts of the world, soccer is the king of sports when it comes to global popularity. It’s a fantastic activity for kids because it encourages teamwork, coordination, and endurance. Kids learn to work together to achieve a common goal: scoring goals. It’s also an excellent way to boost cardiovascular health, as players run up and down the field throughout the game.

Soccer helps develop dexterity.  Soccer is more than just a game; it’s a social event that connects people across the globe. Children not only bond with their teammates but also make friends with players from other teams. This global connection fosters a sense of unity and broadens their horizons.

Golf: A Sport for the Mind and Body

Golf may not seem like an obvious choice for kids, but it offers several benefits that make it a great option. It requires focus, concentration, and patience, to help kids develop valuable mental skills. The physical aspect of golf is also important; it promotes steadiness and muscle strength. With different clubs for different shots, golf allows kids to use their creativity and problem-solving skills.

It’s also a sport that teaches etiquette and sportsmanship, as players must adhere to rules and show respect for other players on the course.  You can also easily find all the useful information on golf equipment and how to get started in this sport at Golf Insider UK and similar trusted online sources. So, if your child is interested in golf, don’t hesitate to give it a try.

Basketball: Shoot for the Stars

This high-energy sport will keep kids on their toes. It promotes physical fitness, focusing on speed, agility, and hand-eye coordination. Dribbling and shooting hoops require precision while playing defense improves strategic thinking.

Basketball is also a fantastic sport for building self-esteem. Scoring a basket is a moment of pure triumph, and even missed shots teach valuable lessons in perseverance. The fast pace of basketball makes it an ideal sport for kids with boundless energy, and they can dribble basketball at home without disturbing the whole family with silent dribble basketballs.

Martial Arts: Discipline and Respect

Martial arts, such as karate, judo, BJJ, or taekwondo, are excellent for teaching kids self-discipline, respect, and self-defense. While it might not seem like a traditional team sport, it’s still very much about collaboration and respect for fellow practitioners. Kids martial arts classes emphasize goal setting and personal development.

It’s a fantastic choice for building confidence and self-control. Martial arts are not just about physical prowess; they’re about mental and emotional growth. Kids learn to channel their energy positively, control their emotions, and respect their instructors and peers.

Swimming: Dive into Excellence

Swimming is a life skill, a sport, and a fun activity rolled into one. It’s a common family activity in many settings.  It’s ideal for kids because it promotes total-body fitness, and flexibility. Plus, it’s an essential safety skill. Whether your child swims competitively or just for fun, they will develop strong cardiovascular stamina and muscular strength.

The water’s buoyancy is easy on young joints, making it a low-impact sport. This is an excellent option for kids who may have physical limitations.  Beyond fitness, swimming is a sport that promotes water safety. Kids who learn to swim gain confidence in the water, which is crucial for their safety. It’s a life skill that can potentially save lives.

Gymnastics: Balance and Grace

Gymnastics is a wonderful choice for kids who want to explore their physical capabilities and improve their flexibility. It helps them develop balance and strength. In addition to physical benefits, gymnastics teaches discipline and perseverance. Young gymnasts learn to set goals and work tirelessly to achieve them. It’s a sport that celebrates individual achievements, making it perfect for kids who thrive on personal challenges.

The artistry of gymnastics offers children a unique form of self-expression. Whether they’re gracefully gliding on the balance beam or showing power in their floor routine, it allows them to showcase their individuality.

Golf, Soccer, Swimming and Martial Arts are amoung the top sports for kids.

In conclusion, sports offer an incredible array of physical, mental, and social benefits for kids. So, whether your child is a future soccer star, a budding basketball legend, or an aspiring gymnast, there’s a sport that can help them grow, thrive, and have a ton of fun.

Encourage them to explore, try new things, and see where their passion lies. After all, the goal is not just winning but ensuring that they enjoy every moment of their journey through the world of sports. Remember, it’s about the joy of playing and the valuable life lessons learned along the way.

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