Category: Well-Being

The Benefits of Learning Toys Designed for Child Development

From the infant stage, babies start learning from their surroundings. The curiosity among children keeps them exploring things they see, hear, and touch. Toys help kids learn things in a better and more engaging way. Learning toys are great examples that aid in overall child development and stimulate essential life skills.

Educational or learning toys are designed to activate and enhance cognitive and physical milestones among kids. From pretend play, babies start imitating real-life activities and are given appropriate toys; they quickly learn motor, social, intellectual, emotional, and linguistic skills. Learning toys come in different forms, each for specific child development.

This guide focuses on the importance of learning toys, their kinds, and their benefits. So read along and pick the best learning toys for your children.


Learning Toys – An Overview

Educational or learning toys are objects designed to stimulate kids’ senses to make them learn new things. Learning objects boost kids’ imaginations and motivate them to learn and explore basic life concepts through play.

Although toys are made to entertain kids, each toy teaches kids at least something. For instance, a musical toy boosts toddlers’ hearing sense and urges them to respond to different sounds. Kids may repeat the sound they hear or dance to the music as a response. Learning toys are available for every age, which is why it is vital to pick age-appropriate learning toys for your children.

5 Benefits of Learning Toys Designed for Child Development

Playing is fun, and learning toys make kids willingly participate in educational games and play. Learning toys help kids to observe and experiment while teaching them the cause and effect of their actions.

Here, we will mention five benefits of learning toys that effectively boost child development.

Develop Fine and Gross Motor Skills

From stimulating hand-eye coordination to encouraging kids for physical activities, toys play an important role in fine and gross motor skill development. Fine motor skills involve controlling hands and fingers to pick and handle objects. In comparison, gross motor skills trigger larger muscle movement.

While playing with toys, such as stacking toys, kids pick the objects with their hands and stack them carefully with the help of their vision or sight. This activity results in hand-eye coordination development. Similarly, the Montessori frame set is an excellent play and activity pack to develop gross motor skills among children.

Benefits of Learning Toys Designed for Child Development

Best Toys to Develop Fine and Gross Motor Skills

  • Infants: Play Gym, Water Activity Mat
  • Toddlers: Ride On Toy, Push n Pull Toys
  • Preschoolers: Climbing sets, Mini Trampoline, Hand Puppets
  • Juniors: Scooty, Bicycle
  • Teens: Badminton or any other Sports Kit, Frisbee

Boost Concentration

A newborn is like a blank canvas, as infants have too much to learn and explore. Little do we know, but toys start playing their instructive role as soon as a child is at the infant stage.

Yes, you read it right.

You must have put or seen hanging toys on your baby’s cots or play gym.

Do you know what they do?

Hanging toys promote kids’ concentration, helping them to reach the milestone of one of the primary senses – sight. Babies concentrate on hanging toys’ movements, and their imaginations take them to the fantasy land.

Best Toys to Boost Concentration

  • Infants: Nursery Mobile
  • Toddlers: Ring Stack Toy
  • Preschoolers: Puzzles, Blocks
  • Juniors: Mechanical Toys, Construction Toys
  • Teens: Science Toys, Board Games

Promote Imagination

Imagination is the happy place for children where anything can happen. In other words, imagination alone is enough for a child to play. To visualize this scenario, try giving your toddler a spoon and see them pretend to play with the common household object.

Learning toys boost children’s imaginative power by allowing them to think out of the box and let their imagery and fantasy drive the play.

Best Toys to Promote Imagination

  • Infants: Textured Objects, Flashcards, Cloth Activity Book
  • Toddlers: Play Sticks, Magnetic Tiles, Charades
  • Preschoolers: Play Dough, Figurines
  • Juniors: Kitchen Set, Doll House, Doctor Set
  • Teens: K’nex, Legos

Advance Problem Solving Abilities

Cognitive abilities are learned in childhood but help us throughout our lives. Learning toys engage kids in logic and challenge their minds to solve a specific problem. Playing with a learning toy positively develops problem-solving skills among kids. And, as kids attentively take part in play, they don’t feel like being forced to solve a problem. Critical thinking practices increase the IQ of kids. Several researches have proved that kids with learned problem-solving skills perform better academically than those who never had played with educational toys.

Best Toys to Advance Problem-Solving Abilities

  • Infants: Activity Boards
  • Toddlers: Shape Sorting Toys, Color Cards
  • Preschoolers: Phonics Toys, Writing Gadgets
  • Juniors: Science Kit
  • Teens: Crossword Puzzles, Tabletop Role Playing Games

Encourage Creativity

Creativity is the only element that keeps your thoughts fresh and alive. Creative play is the imagination out into action. It is also related to cognitive skills, as exploring ideas and applying those ideas for a better outcome of where they may be implemented is what creativity is all about. Learning toys makes kids creative. While playing, kids set their own rules and create strategies to win a game – here is when your child becomes a creative thinker.

Best Toys to Encourage Creativity

  • Infants: Rattles, Colorful Mobiles
  • Toddlers: Play-Doh, Kinetic Sand
  • Preschoolers: Pretend Play Toys
  • Juniors: Art and Craft
  • Teens: Fort Kit, Costumes and Accessories

Ending Lines

Though learning is a basic human instinct, some help in learning would encourage motor and intellectual development – that’s where learning toys come into action. Accessibility is also important when playing at tables.  Children should be able to able to willingly participate and do not get tired. Even studies say that a child’s only profession is play. Kids engage in educational activities while playing with learning toys and enjoy problem-solving scenarios while reaching major mental and physical development milestones.

If you are a parent or a Montessori teacher, you must provide children with age-appropriate learning toys. Because if you give a toddler chess to play, what possible outcome would come?

Author Bio: Hadiya has expert-level knowledge about cyber security solutions as she has been writing online safety guides for more than 5 years. Her goal is to educate her readers about online safety in the best and the easiest way possible. Follow Hadiya on LinkedIn

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How to Build Self-Esteem in Teens for Good Mental Health

How to Build Self-Esteem in Teens for Good Mental Health

From body image issues to peer pressure and academic difficulties, teens face different challenges. These can affect their self-confidence, which can lead to negative self-talk and the fear of failure. You can promote self-esteem in teens to help them deal with their everyday challenges.

What is Self-Esteem?

Self-esteem refers to how a person sees, feels about, and values themselves. Teens with healthy self-esteem are more likely to be confident, have a more positive mindset, and have healthy relationships with others. Moreover, they have the ability to face challenges in life and bounce back from failures.

Having healthy self-esteem is different from being overly confident or feeling superior to others. People who have high self-esteem will view themselves positively, but also in a realistic manner. They accept that they can make mistakes and have flaws, but know that they can improve and grow.

Why is Self-Esteem Important in Teenagers?

Adolescence is an important part of life because this is when a person goes through big changes — not just physically but emotionally and socially as well. During this period, teens are learning to become more independent and make decisions for themselves. By having a positive self-concept, they are more likely to make good choices and endure life’s challenges.

During this period of big changes, teens need the support of their parents and caregivers in developing healthy self-esteem. This is because a teenager’s self-esteem can influence their performance in school, relationship with adults and peers, and mental health.

For example, teens who have low self-esteem might easily feel discouraged by low exam scores, making them believe that they’re not smart enough. This can reduce their motivation to study. On the other hand, teens with healthy self-esteem will accept their mistakes and use them as an opportunity to learn more.

What Factors Can Influence a Teenager’s Self-Esteem?

How a teen sees and feels about themselves can be influenced by the following factors:


A teen’s inner voice creates an internal monologue as they go through their day. This voice could tell positive things that motivate them to be better persons, but it could also be unhelpful self-talk that could bring down their self-esteem.

Negative or distortive thoughts can impact how a teen sees themselves especially if they become a constant pattern of thinking. One example of a thinking error is ‘all-or-nothing’ thinking, where a person sees things in black or white, and not something in between. For example, something could either be good or bad, right or wrong, or a success or failure.

This kind of thinking can lead to perfectionism, which is unrealistic and unattainable. When a teen can’t achieve what they think is ‘perfect’, it can lead to hopelessness, the avoidance of challenges, and doubt in their abilities.


A teen’s perception of themselves is also shaped by the environment they live in, especially during childhood. Children are dependent on their parents and caregivers, so how they are treated or seen by adults will influence how they think of themselves.

For example, a child who is acknowledged for their best efforts even if they don’t win first place in a competition may develop a positive view of themselves. They will learn that they can grow regardless of the results they get.

Life experiences

A teen’s life experiences have a significant effect on their self-esteem. Discrimination, criticism, bullying, family problems, trouble fitting in with peers, or an illness can influence how a teen sees themselves.

Traumatic life experiences may lead a teen to question their self-worth and doubt their decisions and capabilities. When they view themselves poorly, their self-esteem also decreases.

Social Media

When used mindfully, social media can help teens improve their connections with their family and friends. It can also boost their self-esteem by providing an avenue for expressing their talents and creativity.

However, social media can also be detrimental to a teen’s self-esteem. When they constantly see other people’s accomplishments and ‘perfect’ bodies, it’s easy to develop unrealistic expectations for themselves. They end up comparing themselves to other people’s picture-perfect lives, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy, negative body image, anxiety, and depression.

How Can I Tell If My Teenager Has Low Self-Esteem?

Having low self-esteem can hugely impact a teenager’s life, so it’s important for parents and caregivers to know the signs:

Negative Self-Talk

“I’m so stupid,” or “I can’t do anything right” are just some examples of negative self-talk that you might hear from your teens.

While feeling down from time to time is normal, constantly engaging in negative self-talk might be a symptom of low self-esteem in teens. Instead of motivating them to do better, this can just discourage them from achieving their goals.

Fear of Failure

Teens with low self-esteem are more likely to avoid challenges because of a fear of failure. This is due to unrealistic expectations for themselves and believing that they are not skilled or knowledgeable enough. Teens who have low self-esteem might also have trouble receiving constructive criticism.

The fear of failure can lead to several problems, such as procrastinating on their homework, avoiding difficult tasks, and letting go of opportunities.

People Pleasing

A people pleaser is someone who has no clear boundaries and has difficulty saying no.

Teens who like to please others will prioritize other people’s needs. This is common in teens who have low self-esteem because they might think that their needs and wants are important.

Difficulty Accepting Compliments

A teen with self-esteem problems might also have trouble responding to compliments because they think that they don’t deserve it. For instance, you might hear them downplay compliments or even change the topic when someone praises them.

How to Build Self-Esteem in Teens

While beliefs about themselves are hard to change, it doesn’t mean that self-esteem can’t be built and developed over time. With your help, you can help your teen achieve healthy self-esteem.

How to Build Self-Esteem in Teens

1. Provide unconditional support and love

Although teens are at the age when they’re looking for independence, it’s still important for parents to be available for their children. Your teen needs your support now more than ever when they are still trying to find their own path in life.

They need a healthy environment where they are loved and cared for, so they can also learn to love themselves. When they know that you believe in them, they are also more likely to believe in themselves.

2. Focus on their strengths

It’s easy to get discouraged when the people around you always point out your weaknesses. That’s why you can shift their perspective in life by helping them focus on what they can do.

For example, sit down with them and think about the things they are good at. They might excel in art, science, or sports. Help them cultivate their confidence by providing support for their interests.

3. Set realistic goals

It’s normal to wish for good things for your children, but it’s also important to set realistic goals that they can achieve. When they fail to meet unrealistic expectations, they might feel disappointed and inadequate, which can lead to low self-esteem. Next time, they might end up feeling discouraged because they think that they will fail.

When setting goals with your teen, it’s important to start small — especially if they are already suffering from low self-esteem. With each small win, you can help them slowly build their confidence back. They also need the freedom to make mistakes, because it’s a normal part of growth.

4. Celebrate their achievements

Teens with low self-esteem might have difficulty accepting compliments because they don’t feel good enough. That’s why it’s helpful to teach your child to celebrate their achievements.

Celebrating their achievements doesn’t have to be all about the results, but their effort and progress too. By letting them understand the value of their hard work, they won’t always focus on the outcome. This way, they are more likely to try and improve even if they make mistakes or don’t succeed.

5. Encourage positive self-talk

Teens with low self-esteem might find it difficult to avoid having negative thoughts. Positive self-talk, which involves talking to yourself in a more kind and compassionate manner, can help boost your teen’s self-confidence and self-worth. When practiced daily, it can also help them reduce stress and overcome obstacles in life.

One way to practice positive self-talk is to change negative thoughts so they become positive. For instance, a teen might feel frustrated because they got a lower score on an exam than expected. Instead of thinking, “I’m so stupid. I studied for hours but got a low score,” it might be more helpful to think, “It’s alright because I know I did my best. It’s not that bad because I still passed. I can look at what I did wrong and do better next time.”

As a parent, you can also encourage positive self-talk by practicing it yourself. Be aware of your child’s negative thoughts and help them realize when they are being too critical of themselves. Better yet, have conversations on what they are feeling, so you can practice positive self-talk together.

6. Avoid comparing them to others

They may not say or show it, but teens value your opinion. This means that if they often experience being compared to others, they might develop low self-esteem. Remember that each teen is different, and comparison will just make them think that they are inferior to other people.

Instead, it might be more helpful to know more about your child’s strengths. Be proud of what they’ve accomplished and the effort that they put into their work. Instead of comparing them to others, it’s better to use their past self as a standard, so they can see how they’ve grown over time.

7. Provide them with constructive feedback

You can help your teen correct their mistakes by providing them with suggestions that can help them make improvements, instead of focusing on the problem. Be objective and direct, and provide specific examples of how they can make something better. The most important thing is to be encouraging and open to help.

Teaching your teen how to respond to feedback gracefully can help them adjust better in school and in the workplace. This begins by helping them realize that mistakes are not something to be scared of, but a chance to become better.

Help Your Teen Achieve Success By Promoting Healthy Self-Esteem

Having healthy self-esteem can help your teen improve their academic performance, build healthy relationships, and overcome obstacles in life. Helping them change negative thoughts about themselves can take some time. With some practice, you can help them develop a more positive opinion of themselves by following the steps highlighted above.

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3 Benefits to Adding Rooftop Gardens to Elementary Schools

Benefits to Adding Rooftop Gardens to Elementary Schools

Ensuring the children we watch over have the best education in grade school is essential for their future, and adding a rooftop garden will help our efforts. Read on to learn more about the benefits of adding rooftop gardens to elementary schools and how they will sprout opportunities for growth among our children.

Convenient Outdoor Activities

Children need outdoor activities to help them stay active and burn energy to prevent them from feeling antsy in the classroom. However, recess may be a ways away, and having a place to visit outside but close to the building’s interior will make it a convenient place for outdoor activities.

Consider adding a rooftop garden to the school for kids to have an outdoor space that’s interactive and interesting. The garden will become a favorite spot for children to visit since it’s outside an has greenery that adds life to the space. The children will also have an activity that allows them to use their energy constructively if they tend to the garden.

Use as much of the roof’s space as possible for a wider area where students may walk around and see numerous plants. Make sure protective barriers are in place around the perimeter to keep children away from the roof’s edges. You could activate the fifth façade by designing the rooftop with high-performance materials, providing a more visually appealing yet sturdy barrier that surrounds the garden and keeps the kids safe.

Natural Learning Opportunities

The life science behind growing plants is valuable for children to learn. Biology, botany, ecology, environmental sciences, and Earth studies are some possible subjects kids could learn from interacting with the garden.

Planting a garden together is a fun way to teach kids about nature; tending to it teaches them how plants and vegetation grow and inspire them to develop an interest in our environment. Consider learning opportunities focused on rooftop plants to teach children about certain science chapters.

Visual examples that kids may learn from, such as growing violets, will help them learn new lessons easier. You could add the lessons to your teaching plan for an interesting portion of your Spring curriculum.

A Positive Impact on Children

Exposing young students to positive influences will help them develop a positive mindset. A benefit of adding a rooftop garden to elementary schools is its positive effect on children. Kids will have a better time focusing on feeling calm among the plants.

Children who feel stressed in the classroom will enjoy a break in the garden—they’ll see the stillness of the plants and hear the quiet sounds outside and mirror them. Once they return inside, they’ll feel more attentive and willing to listen and learn, especially in lessons related to the garden.

Gardens are wonderful installations and make an excellent addition to elementary schools. Advocate for a rooftop garden for your kids and help them benefit from some extra greenery on their school grounds if you’re an educator, parent, or someone involved in children’s education. Their time in the garden will last for years to come.

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The Fun and Functional: A Guide to Smart Watches Designed for Kids

A Guide to Smart Watches Designed for Kids

Smart watches aren’t just for adults anymore. They’ve scaled down in size but scaled up in functionality to fit comfortably on your child’s wrist. These tech gadgets are more than just cool accessories.

These tech-savvy accessories are designed to be fun and functional, making them kid-friendly while offering peace of mind to parents.  This is why we have developed this comprehensive guide to inform you more about these amazing wearables!

More Than Just a Timepiece: The Innovative Design Features of Kids’ Smart Watches

Have you ever wondered what makes your child’s smartwatch unique and engaging? It’s more than a timepiece. It’s a carefully engineered gadget designed with your child’s interests, safety, and learning in mind.

Remember when watches were for telling time? Well, those days are far behind us. Today’s kids’ smart watches are packed with innovative features. From GPS tracking to educational games, all wrapped in a fun, kid-friendly design.

These high-tech devices can offer real-time location tracking, allowing you peace of mind knowing your child’s whereabouts. They also provide interactive learning tools, helping your little ones develop essential cognitive skills while having fun. For a more refined look, some models even offer leather watch straps, combining durability with style. What’s more, these watches are built tough and designed to withstand the rough and tumble of everyday child’s play.

But that’s not all. Many smart watches are also designed to encourage physical activity with built-in step counters and fitness challenges. They’re like a mini personal trainer, promoting a healthy lifestyle from a young age.

Isn’t it time we looked at our children’s watches as more than timepieces? As parents, we can harness the power of technology to enrich our children’s lives. And with so many innovative design features, smart watches for kids are a great place to start.

Bridging the Gap Between Fun and Functionality: The Interactive Elements in Kids’ Smart Watches

These high-tech timepieces are designed to bridge the gap between fun and functionality, offering a host of interactive elements your child will love.

1. Educational Games: Who said learning can’t be fun? Today’s smart watches have educational games that help your child learn while playing. From puzzles to calculators, these watches offer an engaging way to boost cognitive skills.

2. Fitness Challenges: We all know how vital physical activity is for our children’s health, right? So, wouldn’t it be great if their watch could encourage them to move? Well, many smart watches do exactly that. They feature fitness challenges and step counters to motivate kids to stay active.

3. Social Connectivity: With a smartwatch, your child can stay connected with friends and family. Kids’ smart watches often have messaging features that allow them to exchange messages and photos with approved contacts. All while providing parents with peace of mind.

4. Customization: Your child can express themselves as they wish. Thanks to the many customization features available – from interchangeable straps and watch faces to personalized wallpapers – kids can make their watch their own.

As you can see, kids’ smart watches are far from simple time-telling devices. They’re interactive, educational, and fun gadgets that cater to your child’s needs and interests. So next time you’re looking for a gift that combines fun and functionality, consider a smartwatch. It is the perfect blend of learning and play your child needs.

Parental Controls and Privacy: How Smart Watches Are Designed with Parents in Mind

As a parent, one is always thinking about their child’s safety and privacy. These concerns extend to the tech gadgets your little ones use. But here’s some good news: Kids’ smart watches are designed with you – the parent – in mind. Let’s explore how:

1. Parental Control Features: Ever wished you could oversee what your child accesses on their device? With kids’ smart watches, you can. Many models offer parental control settings, allowing you to judge the usage of the device. Such features are quite beneficial, and a smartwatch isn’t really a smartwatch without it.

2. Real-Time Location Tracking: As a parent, there’s nothing more reassuring than knowing where your child is, right? That’s why many kids’ smart watches come equipped with GPS tracking. You can monitor your child’s location and even set up ‘safe zones’ – areas where your child can go. If they step outside these zones, you get alerted. Now, isn’t that peace of mind at its best?

3. Data Privacy: Are you concerned about who might access your child’s data? You’re definitely not alone in this worry. Fortunately, manufacturers of such smart watches understand the importance of data privacy and take it very seriously. They go the extra mile to ensure your child’s information remains safe and private. With advanced encryption techniques and secure networks, these smart watches provide additional protection, giving you peace of mind. Rest assured that your child’s data is in good hands!

4. Emergency SOS Feature: Imagine your child being able to alert you instantly in an emergency. With the SOS feature on a smart watch, they can. One press of a button, and you’ll receive an alert on your phone.

5. Communication Controls: Want to control who your child can call or text from their watch? You got it. Most smart watches allow parents to pre-approve contacts, ensuring your child only communicates with people they trust.

So, as a parent, you’re not just a bystander in your child’s digital experience – you’re an active participant.

Final Thoughts

Kids are our future, and what better way to empower them than by giving them access to the latest technology while keeping them safe and secure? Investing in a kids’ smartwatch equips your children with skills to help them thrive in this ever-evolving technology filled world. Plus, there’s a great selection of such watches on the market, so you can find something that meets your needs and budget.

From educational games to real-time location tracking, kids’ smart watches are helping to bridge the gap between fun and safety. So why not consider gifting one to your child? Not only will they have a blast using it – they’ll also get to experience the immense benefits of technology. It’s a win-win!

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