Category: Well-Being

How To Create Natural Play Environments For Young Kids

How To Create Natural Play Environments For Young Kids

Kids spend twice as much time indoors as their parents do. But even when kids go outside to play, most have access to traditional playing space that comprises a traditional swing, slide, and a couple of climbing structures.

Playing in traditional playgrounds isn’t necessarily negative; it won’t boost a kid’s imagination, activeness, creativity, and problem-solving skills or make them want to play outside longer.

And this is where natural playgrounds come in, to help engage younger children. Having natural play environments will help kids reconnect with the great outdoors. The beauty of natural play environments is that they are easy and affordable to create. Even with limited space, natural play environments allow kids to find ways of engaging with whatever natural materials they are provided.

Before creating a natural playing environment for your kid, consider checking out a nature based playground, focusing on all the benefits it offers young kids. Next, create a positive attitude towards dirt by finding solutions to ensure your kids won’t bring dirt back into the house.

So, if you are looking to encourage outdoor exploration, discussed below are some key elements that will guide you in creating a natural play environment that is safe and fun. Happy reading!

Consider Creating A Sensory Garden

One main component of consideration when setting up a natural play environment has to be your kid’s five senses. Nature is filled with different opportunities for kids to use their senses. Creating a sensory garden will draw your kid’s attention to all that grows around them.

And since sensory gardens are to be explored through taste, smell, sight, touch, and hearing, the following are great ways of awakening those senses.

  • Sound– nature has different exciting sounds from birds, animals, and the swaying of trees on a windy day. However, if your backyard isn’t close to nature, consider adding things such as wind chimes. Additionally, consider making instruments with a rhythm that can be played outside.
  • Smell– plant different greenery and flowers that’ll produce pleasant smells. Young kids like to take time to smell all the scents around them.
  • Touch– when it comes to touch, there are different options available around you. For instance, dirt is a great way of allowing kids to explore nature. You can set up a mud bucket or have a wheelbarrow for kids to push around.

Another great way of feeding your kid’s sense of touch is by creating a sandbox allowing them to build and dig around to their heart’s content. Expand the textures by getting sticks for the play space. Sticks offer versatility; kids can use their imagination to create endless possibilities. Most kids use sticks to build, write, draw, stack, or sort them into sizes and types.

  • Sight– if you love flowers, your kids also enjoy looking at flowers. All the different colors and sizes of flowers offer fun ways for kids to learn about them.
  • Taste– having a garden gives kids a great chance to engage with nature while still getting healthy food. Some great plants to incorporate in natural play environments include thornless berries, snap peas, beans, strawberries, etc.

Provide Safe Access To Water

Given the opportunity, kids will play with water all day long. As a result, consider providing safe access to water by adding a water source to your space. However, note that you’ll need to supervise your kid anytime they are around water.

Consider encouraging kids to pour the water on the ground, watch it flow, water the plants in the garden, mix it with soil, splash in it, or explore in any other safe way. But when allowing your child to enjoy the water, set your limit and teach them to be respectful of the source of their fun by not being wasteful.

Add Real Tools

Creating a natural play environment comes with encouraging kids to garden. So, when gardening, provide lightweight and safe tools for young kids. You can easily find miniature tools fit for young kids. For instance, you can get a small rake and broom that’s short and manageable that kids can use to help with yard work.

Set Aside Quiet Spaces

With everything to do, young kids get tired and might need time off. As a result, you need to create a space where kids can be still and rest. One great way is by adding a shelter that expands the possibilities. A wooden play house or bean teepee is among the best choices.

Inside the home, ensure there is a place for kids to do arts and crafts with all the resources available.  Your child may like to draw or paint. And let’s not forget that about the long winter months when play outside is limited.

Whichever option you settle, make sure the space is quiet without distractions and suitable for resting the body and mind. That’s a vital element in every natural play environment.

Here’s a quick video showing a good example of a natural play environment:

Bottom Line

You don’t have to stress about the space if you want to create a natural play environment for your young kids. Any space can hold great opportunities for your child to have memorable childhood experiences. Using the elements discussed above will make your kids enjoy playing in any natural environment.

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Child Support Requirements for Post-Secondary Education

Child Support Requirements for Post-Secondary Education

Parents with intact marriages do not need to bother about the requirements for child support for their child’s post-secondary education, but what about divorcees or parents in a similar relationship? The case is different, and many factors are weighed to determine a parent’s requirement for post-secondary support.

Post-secondary or post-minority education, such as college, university, or other advanced education programs, is categorized under section 7 or special expenses. And while both divorced parents might voluntarily agree to take care of the post-secondary education expenses, other times, a parent mostly a custodial parent, might raise such a request, or any party in a 50/50 custody child support agreement can do so.

The age for a post-minority child varies across the states in the US, some 18, some 19, others 21. Also, laws like the divorce act and the family law act affect these requirements. Courts can also adjust requirements based on factors such as the parent’s financial circumstances, the child’s needs, and the child’s eligibility for loans or grants. A family lawyer can provide guidance in navigating these adjustments to ensure fair and appropriate arrangements are made.

The court also checks the child’s good academic standing, program cost, willingness to remain under his parent, and other possible factors. Therefore, this article will show you the basic requirements for states in the US.

Requirements for Child Support for Post-Secondary Education across States in US

There are three categories for post-secondary support in the US, namely;

  • States that do not require post-secondary educational support, namely; Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, District of Colombia, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, Wyoming, Kentucky, and Wisconsin.
  • States that require post-secondary educational support are; Hawaii, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, and Washington.
  • States requiring post-high school education support and have some stipulations: Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia.

You can check the financial support required for your State’s post-secondary educational expenses below.

States that do not Require Post-Secondary Support for Educational Expenses in the US 

States that do not Require Post-Secondary Support for Educational Expenses in the US

Alaska – The majority age for Alaska is 18 years, and following the Dowling rule does not require Post-secondary school support for the majority except for disabled children.

Arizona – While the majority age in Arizona is 18, post-secondary financial support is required for disabled children and children who are still in high school at the time of clocking 18. If the child in high school is emancipated for reasons other than clocking 18, the legislature does not cover that child.

Arkansas – The majority age in Arkansas is 18. At this age, except for mentally and physically disabled children, the legislature does not require any parent to cover financial and educational costs.

California/Delaware/Maine – Child support for educational expenses is only required for incapacitated children and children who turn 18 while in high school. For a majority child in high school, the grace for this support terminal when the child clocks 19 or at the child’s high school graduation; anyone that comes first.

District of Colombia – Unlike previously listed states, the majority age is 21, and the support ceases once a child exceeds 21. Though, the court requires it in exceptional cases like the case of a disabled child.

Florida – Post-secondary education support is required for mentally and physically incapacitated children past majority age or a dependent high school child between 18-19, or with good academic records. Also, the statute allows courts of competent jurisdiction to decide on increasing or decreasing support for a dependent child until the child’s age is 21.

Idaho – Idaho requirement is exactly like California, but it is decided by the court whether to favor the requirement when a child clocks 18.

Kansas – The post-secondary school support for educational costs is only required if the parents agree.

Kentucky – Post-secondary support for educational costs is only required for a mentally or physically incapacitated child.

Louisiana – In Louisiana, child support for educational purposes is terminated once a child is a majority or emancipated, except till 19 for a secondary school child with good standing and dependent on a parent.

Mississippi – The age of majority is 21, and support terminates at 21 unless the child marries or is recruited into the army.

Nebraska – The majority age in this State is 19, so educational costs are supported till age 19.

New Mexico – The court has no right to enforce post-secondary support for educational expenses. Their majority age is 18.

Nevada/Oklahoma/Ohio – Post-high school education costs only last until a child ages 18 or 19 if still in secondary school.

Pennsylvania – Post-secondary education support is not required.

Rhode Island – The court can order post-secondary educational support for high school students for 90 days or more after their eighteen birthday but not beyond their nineteen birthday.

South Dakota – supports paying post-high school education costs only last till a child clocks 18 or 19 if still in secondary school.

Tennessee – The statute in Tennessee allows parents to provide post-secondary support till a child is 18 or till a child in high school or his class graduates from high school.

Texas – Post-high school education expenses only last until a child ages 18 or 19 if still in secondary school.

West Virginia – Support can last more than the majority age (18) unless the child has physical or emotional disabilities.

Wyoming – A child can be supported until 18 or 20 years if still in high school or its equivalent.

Kentucky – Support can last more than the majority age (18) unless the child has physical or emotional disabilities.

Wisconsin – supports paying post-high school education expenses only last until a child ages 18 or 19 if still in secondary school

States that Require Child Support for Postsecondary Education Support (PES) and with Stipulation

States that Require Child Support for Postsecondary Education Support

Colorado – The Colorado legislature does not require PES after a child is 19 unless the parties agree. Otherwise, the child is physically or mentally disabled, or the child is still in high school.

Connecticut – Support end at age 18 unless the child is in secondary school, unmarried, and still living with one of his parents. This exception ends after the child finishes 12th grade or reaches 19. The court can also compel support for a child in exceptional cases.

Georgia – The support for post-minority in Georgia terminates once a child reaches majority age, dies, marries, or after emancipation.

Maryland – Supports last till 18, or 19/graduation, if the child is in high school. The court may check the court order or existing separation or property settlement agreement to determine if a case is appropriate.

Michigan – After a child reaches a majority, a court can still order for support of a full-time student until the child is 19 years and a half.

Minnesota/ North Carolina – Allows support for a child till 18 or 20 if the child is a high school student or disabled.

Montana – Allow support for a child till 18, or 19/graduation if still in high school, and more than 19 if disabled.

North Dakota/Virginia – The support last till 18, or 19/graduation, if the child is in high school. The court may extend this support in critical situations.

Utah – A child can become a post-minority child when he clocks 18 or gets married, and the support end then. The court can extend this period for exceptional cases.

Vermont – The support end at the majority age; 18. But support ends at 21 if the child is still in school, college, university, or vocational training. Also, during the statutory period, a trial court can increase the postsecondary educational cost the husband remits, notwithstanding the stipulation incorporated in the divorce judgment allowing paying child support beyond the statutory timeline.

States that Require Post-Secondary Support for Education Expenses in the US

Hawaii – The support terminates when the child reaches 19 years. Also, a 3-month notice must be sent before the clocks 19. When the child is a full-time student in a college or university before age 19, the court has to be notified by the child or the custodian parent not to suspend the support.

Indiana – In Indiana, there might be a child support order to pay a summation of the education costs in higher learning institutions where necessary. Where it is not the case, child support ceases when a child is 21.

Iowa – In Iowa, the extent of post-minority support depends on the child’s financial capability, age, and self-sufficiency to cater to his need. Hence the trial court might order child support for a child age 18 – 21 if the child is a full-time student, has accepted an admission, or has a good academic standing.

Massachusetts – After the majority age of 18, support can be extended to 21 if the child stays with either parent and is already enrolled in an educational program. The court can also order an extension till 23 if the child is dependent on the parent because of the course the child is enrolled in, but not beyond the undergraduate degree.

Missouri – While support lasts until 18, Missouri requires support for a child enrolled into a higher institution until the child is 22 or graduates, whichever comes first.

New Hampshire – Support lasts till 18, or when the child completes secondary school above 18. Marriage, emancipation, and joining the army can also terminate support.

New Jersey – Support last till 19 years and till 23 if the child is still in high school, college, or disabled.

New York – Support last till 19 but can also be extended to 21. In most cases, the court determines whether to place a child support order for post-high school educational support for college, private school, or special academic programs.

Oregon – Support last till age 18. However, it can be extended to 21 for an unmarried child in high school or college.

South Carolina – Support last till 18. But a family court can request parents to cater to a child’s high school or college education in cases where the child’s attitude indicates that he or she will benefit from college. Or the child has good academic standing, or the child has to go to school, or the parent can afford the cost of the education.

Washington – Support last till 18 and may extend above that if the child still depends on a parent. Based on many factors, the court determines whether the adult child is dependent on the parent for cogent necessities of life.

Note:  You might need to consult an attorney or click here for better clarification if you are confused.


Since these requirements from parents vary, it is essential for divorcing parents to keep themselves updated with changing statutes in individual states. Also, parents can agree to cater to their child’s educational expenses beyond the laws.

Additional Resources

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5 Digital Resources for Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness in Kids and Teens

5 Digital Resources for Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness

The topic of mental health has never been more relevant in public discourse, but one group of people still aren’t getting their due attention: children. The mental wellness (or lack thereof) of today’s kids and teens will determine humanity’s future, so it’s imperative that we shed more light on the mental struggles of those age groups.

Here are five digital resources you should try to fight the stigma of youth mental illness and foster a supportive environment for kids who need help.

1.  Coping Skills for Kids

Kids have trouble expressing their mental states because they don’t have the maturity or experience to know how they should react. As a result, they often resort to emotional outbursts that leave their mental health worse off than before. The usual response to a child’s meltdown is to let them get the emotions out of their system, followed by an obligatory “calm down” the parents and possible punishment.

However, a tantrum might be more complex than adults think. It could be a cry for help and a sign of deeper problems. Adults must demonstrate proper coping skills so kids can avoid future outbursts and channel their emotions in a more constructive way. That’s where “Coping Skills for Kids” comes in.

“Coping Skills for Kids” has many mindfulness resources to help children calm down and voice their feelings. Teaching kids healthy coping skills early on will help us understand and appreciate what they’re going through and find a solution before it leads to more mental decline.

2.  Anxiety Relief (Psych Central)

Anxiety is the second-most prevalent mental condition among children after ADHD, but it’s also the most misunderstood condition. Parents might see common symptoms of anxiety in their children – irritability, constant worrying, trouble concentrating, sleeping problems, etc. –  and assume they’re simple growing pains that all kids experience.

All kids have their emotional and behavioral pitfalls, but that doesn’t mean you should brush off the telltale signs of anxiety so easily. Instead, you should help your children seek anxiety relief with resources from Psych Central. This site has guides to help parents flesh out their kids’ anxiety along with quizzes and inspirational stories.

These resources also help parents improve their awareness of anxiety, depression and other common mental issues. Identifying the symptoms before they cause further damage is crucial to a child’s healthy development.

3.  The Media and Body Image (Mirror-Mirror)

TV, the internet and social media have had disastrous effects on youth body image. Kids are exposed to supermodels, professional athletes and other idealized versions of people from a young age, establishing unrealistic expectations and causing harmful body image disorders – body dysmorphia, anorexia and bulimia, to name a few.

Although we usually associate body image issues with girls, boys are just as susceptible. Boys are just less likely to ask for help than girls due to long-standing social norms. This problem is one of the many stigmas about youth mental health that need addressing.

Mirror-Mirror is a platform that highlights the causes and effects of body image disorders – both in boys and girls. The site excels at demonstrating the media’s various tactics and how young people respond to them. This information is crucial for parents, as they must monitor what their children watch and take swift action to eliminate harmful content that might lead to mental health issues.

Excessive media consumption is bad for a child’s development no matter what they’re watching. As the adult who controls what your kids consume, you must do your part to deconstruct the false reality that the media has built. Mirror-Mirror can help you along the way.

4.  Recognizing Learning Disabilities in Teens (Parenthetical)

People have raised many valid criticisms about the modern education system, but we don’t pay quite as much attention to the students within the system. Learning disabilities are also much more prevalent in kids and teens than we realize. Some studies estimate that one in five students has a learning disorder and millions of cases go unidentified.

Rather than placing full blame on the system, parents and teachers must pay more attention to spot learning disabilities and provide students with a more suitable educational setting. “Parenthetical” from the University of Wisconsin-Madison provides resources to help adults recognize learning disabilities in teens and tweens.

UW is one of the best schools for psychology in the U.S., often collaborating with the National Center for Learning Disabilities to carry out research. Parenthetical is a blog with information from both organizations to educate adult mentors about youth mental disorders and the best ways to deal with them.

5.  Erika’s Lighthouse

Continuing with the emphasis on learning and education, Erika’s Lighthouse is a non-profit organization that raises awareness about youth depression through programs in school communities. These programs are built on four pillars:

  • Classroom education
  • Teen empowerment
  • Family engagement
  • School policy and staff

Early identification and intervention are vital for helping young people address their mental struggles, but this task can look different as kids get older. Erika’s Lighthouse covers specific age groups, moving from introductory programs about depression to deeper discussions about body image, suicide and other topics that become more relevant in the teenage years.

These programs also connect family life with school life. Ending the stigma around youth mental health requires close collaboration between parents and teachers, and Erika’s Lighthouse gives you the resources to do so.

Keep Fighting the Good Fight

Today’s children face extreme pressure from parents, schools and the media. The only way we can improve their collective mental health is by rethinking all three factors. These five resources will help you keep fighting the good fight and create a more supportive world where kids can be open and honest about their mental health.

About the Author
Ava Roman (she/her) is the Managing Editor of Revivalist, a women’s lifestyle magazine that empowers women to live their most authentic life. When Ava is not writing you’ll find her in a yoga class, advocating for her children or whipping up something delicious in the kitchen!

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How to Help Children With ADHD Successfully Study at Home

How to Help Children With ADHD Successfully Study at Home

Helping children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) successfully study at home can be incredibly challenging. This is because children with ADHD have trouble focusing for long periods, aren’t keen on details, and don’t want to engage in activities that take a lot of mental effort.

Studying requires all three of these things, and children diagnosed with ADHD aren’t exempt from studying because of their difficulties. So, we must find ways to make study sessions at home more enjoyable and productive for their unique needs.

Here are eight of those ways below:

Create a Designated Study Space

For a child with ADHD to successfully study at home, a designated study space is a must. A designated study room or corner for your children can help them be more productive. It can also help their brain know it’s time to focus on their studies every time they enter this space.

Decorate their designated study space with calming colors. Adopt a minimalist style. Be sure there’s room for exercise and play. Finally, kid-proof the space and make it as safe as possible.

When you use this study space with your children, be mindful of how you use your time in it.

Manage Time Attentively

Managing time attentively is a secret weapon in helping children with ADHD study effectively. Break up the time your child spends studying in a way that supports their unique needs.

For example, incorporate regular breaks in every session to ensure your children don’t get overwhelmed with the mental effort it takes to study. You could also introduce time management techniques to them, like the Pomodoro method, to limit distractions and procrastination.

Also, incorporating play into studying can help children with ADHD successfully study at home.

Incorporate Play into Studying

One of the best things you can do in a study session with a child with ADHD is incorporate elements of play into it. Children with ADHD need ways to release energy, especially during study time.

Making time for physical exercise, outdoor play, and creative activities can improve your children’s focus and help them control their emotions and impulses.

Take breaks to play during every study session. Also, incorporate fun, hands-on activities that help your kids learn the topic their studying.

Ask Teachers for Advice

Tapping your children’s teachers for advice on how to help them study and learn better is a brilliant move. Your children spend a lot of time with their teachers throughout the week. So, they likely know a lot about how your children learn best with ADHD.

Set up meetings with your children’s teachers to gain insight into how to use what’s working at school and home. Ask them specific questions about how to help your child retain information better and what kind of environment might be best for them to study in at home.

Enlist the Help of a Tutor

Not only is asking teachers for advice wise but so is enlisting the help of a tutor who primarily works with children with ADHD.

You can reach out to your child’s school and ask for information on tutors in the area. You can also search for tutors specializing in working with students with ADHD on the internet. Interview potential matches and introduce them to your child during these meetings to see how they connect.

You may have to cycle through a few tutors before finding the right one, but it’s worth the work.

Explore Using Digital Tools

Digital tools can also positively influence your children’s study sessions because they can help keep them focused and engaged.

For example, you can gamify studying to stimulate their brains and keep the process exciting. You can use projectors or your television to amplify a lesson. You can also use different apps to make studying more manageable.

Whatever digital tools you use to help your children with ADHD study, ensure they’re kid-friendly and easy to use.

Create a Circle of Support

Creating a circle of support comprised of other parents with children with ADHD can help you gather ideas for how to make studying better for your children at home. You’ll also have people who genuinely understand what you’re going through to lean on when times get tough.

It might also be a good idea to add a behavior specialist or counselor to your circle of support. A study on ADHD revealed that “about 6 out of 10 children had received some type of behavioral treatment or skills training.”

Behavioral therapists can help you find studying methods that work for your children’s particular needs. They can also help your children manage the frustrations and emotional triggers people living with ADHD often face.

Be Inherently Positive

Your circle of support can also help you become inherently positive, especially in situations when parents also are dealing with ADHD. Positive thinking and communication are integral to successful studying at home with children with ADHD.

The last thing you want to do is be frustrated or angry with a child navigating ADHD. Being that way can make them feel hopeless and inadequate. Instead, learn to lift them up at all times. Work on your mindset. And grow your patience as well.


It isn’t easy helping children with ADHD successfully study at home, but it’s essential if you want them to thrive. So, use the tips above to create a positive, productive study environment at home for your children to give them the best chance at excelling in their education despite being diagnosed with ADHD.

About the Author
About the AuthorKatie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in education, mental health, family lifestyle and online safety. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. You can follow her on Twitter.

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