Category: Well-Being

Off the Screen, Into the Wilderness: Why Kids Need to Play More Outside

Why Kids Need to Play More Outside

A frequent social media joke pokes fun at how people today blink their eyes in wonder when they finally step outside. Modern folks spend too much time on screens, and it’s children who suffer most of all from our changing lifestyle. All this technology hasn’t freed us — quite the opposite — and many kids grow up never encountering true wilderness.

The trend stops with your children. Here’s why kids need to play more outside and how to get them off their screens and into the wilderness. Even if this wilderness is you own back yard.

It Benefits Their Mental Health

There’s a mental health crisis in America, and the young are not immune. If anything, they’re hit harder than ever. One in six kids between the ages of 2 to 8 have a diagnosed mental or behavioral disorder, and diagnoses of concerns like anxiety and depression get more common as kids get older.

Studies show that spending 120 minutes in a natural setting each week — just two short hours — has significant mental health benefits.

Spending time outdoors benefits your child’s mental health in the following ways.

1. Develop Agency

Agency, a sense that your actions can create positive change, is crucial to mental health. Without it, your child might feel like external controls dictate their life, and they are powerless to influence the outcome.

Most of a child’s life is controlled by adults. However, free outdoor play lets them become anything they desire, if only in their imagination. They’re free to make up the rules to their games and do whatever their creativity drives them, creating a sense of agency along the way.

2. Relieve Stress

Kids aren’t immune to stress, which can impact their physiology much like adults. Multiple studies have shown a link between a traumatic childhood and increased chronic illness as adults. That’s because stress throws multiple body systems out of whack, including your nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Gazing at natural scenes can lower stress levels — immersing yourself is even better.

3. Ease Depression

Sunshine is a natural antidepressant. The next time your child feels down, go outside on a sunny day and take a brisk walk together — even for two to three minutes. You can both feel the boost.

It Improves Their Physical Hardiness

Physical fitness matters. It makes it easier to weather life’s storms and survive invariable mishaps. For example, you probably want your little one to learn to swim before taking off on a canoeing adventure, but physical fitness can help them in other scenarios, too.

Active, outdoor play improves physical agility and strength. It also combats the childhood obesity epidemic and creates a healthy love of exercise kids can carry for life.

It Teaches Them Real-Life Skills

Heading outside with your kids gives you the chance to pass on some skills or learn something new together. Whether you go to your own backyard, visit a community garden or travel to a playground, being in nature opens up plenty of learning opportunities.

Playing outside can teach your kids the skills they need to feel confident in their ability to thrive. Consider these activities:

  • Gardening: Learning how to grow and preserve your own food is fabulous for developing agency. Younger kids can learn about plant life cycles and how a seed becomes a sprout then a plant.
  • Building: Playing outside creates space for older children to learn carpentry, how to repair simple machines, or change oil and tires — life skills that matter. Younger kids can interact with blocks or sand outside to start developing these skills.
  • Caring for nature: Time outdoors teaches kids how to live in harmony with nature and to use its resources respectfully. Whether you head out to your backyard oasis, or journey on the path and off the grass at your local park, you’re teaching your kids how to love our planet.

It Connects Them to What Really Matters

It’s easy to lose sight of what really matters in today’s world. Increasing work demands coupled with childcare leave many parents scrambling.

Spending time outdoors with your children creates space to nurture your relationship. You and your child can look back and fondly remember the time you took an entire afternoon to find cloud animals with them and pick buttercups at the playground.

You can’t put a price tag on human connection, but it makes up much of the glue that keeps us going through life’s challenges. Teach your children to cherish nature and time together by turning off the distracting gadgets and spending time outdoors to simply be.

Why Kids Need to Play Outside More

People today spend far too much time on screens. Children aren’t immune, and addiction to gadgets can stifle them developmentally and leave them at risk of mental health problems.

Consider these reasons kids need to play outside more and get yours off the screen and into the wild. Spend a few hours in nature together this weekend, and watch your moods improve and bond grow stronger!

About the Author
Ava Roman (she/her) is the Managing Editor of Revivalist, a women’s lifestyle magazine that empowers women to live their most authentic life. When Ava is not writing you’ll find her in a yoga class, advocating for her children or whipping up something delicious in the kitchen!

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Applying Sociology to Community Development: Promoting Social Cohesion and Well-Being

Promoting Social Cohesion and Well-Being

Community development is a complex field that requires knowledge and understanding of many different areas. Sociology can be incorporated into community development to promote community cohesion and well-being. Today, we will explore how sociology helps inform community development by addressing various issues.

These include poverty, inequality, power structures, decision-making processes, and collective action. It will also look closely at sociologists’ role in advocating for social justice within communities — locally and globally.

By delving into this issue from a sociological perspective, we will gain insight into strategies that can help us develop stronger relationships between people living in local neighborhoods or across regions worldwide.

Explanation Of The Concept Of Social Cohesion and Its Importance For Communities

Expert Amy Wilkins in Longmont, CO, says social cohesion refers to a community’s unity and sense of togetherness. A community can be a group of people who live in the same area or share common values and interests. It is characterized by a shared sense of belonging, mutual trust, and a willingness to work towards common goals. Social cohesion is essential for building strong communities because it fosters a sense of solidarity and promotes social inclusion.

When people feel connected and valued by their community, they are more likely to participate in community activities, engage in civic life, and support each other during difficult times. Therefore, communities must prioritize social cohesion as a foundation for promoting social well-being and resilience.

Identifying Key Factors That Create Strong Social Bonds In A Community

Tightly-knit and resilient communities often have strong social bonds between members. But what creates these bonds? It turns out there are several key factors. One of the most important is a shared sense of identity and purpose – when a community has a vital common goal, it helps to bring people together and create a sense of belonging. Regular social interactions and activities, such as community events and gatherings, also play an essential role.

Trust between members is crucial for building strong social bonds. When people feel they can rely on their neighbors and community members, they are more likely to form enduring connections. In short, a sense of purpose, social interactions, and trust are critical ingredients for creating strong social bonds within a community.

Strategies To Foster Inclusive Dialogue And Cooperation Between Citizens

In today’s polarized political climate, finding common ground and creating meaningful dialogue between citizens with differing opinions and beliefs can be challenging. However, fostering inclusive dialogue and cooperation is more critical than ever before. One strategy is to create safe spaces for conversations and encourage active listening. By genuinely hearing each other’s perspectives and respectfully sharing our own, we can build mutual understanding and find areas of agreement.

Promoting diversity and inclusion within our communities can help ensure all voices are heard and valued. Through intentional efforts and a willingness to engage with each other, we can bridge divides and work towards a brighter future for all citizens.

Examples Of Successful Initiatives That Have Achieved Social Cohesion In A Variety Of Contexts

Social cohesion is vital to any community, and successful initiatives that foster this cohesion are invaluable. Such initiatives can take many forms, depending on the context, but their goal is to unite people. For example, in the United States, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and a focus on empowering BIPOC communities have significantly promoted racial unity.

In Germany, a “Meet Up!” project has successfully integrated refugees into society by pairing them up with locals. In India, the “Anaadi Foundation” brings together children from different caste backgrounds and provides them with learning opportunities. These initiatives show us that we all share a common desire for unity regardless of our cultural environment.

The Role Of Government In Promoting Social Cohesion And Well-Being

Amy Wilkins says the role of government in promoting social cohesion and well-being is critical to the success of any society. Governments have the power to create policies and implement measures that foster a sense of community and ensure that all members of society have access to essential services and opportunities. By promoting social cohesion, governments can strengthen individual bonds, mitigate conflict and increase community cooperation. This, in turn, can lead to enhanced well-being as individuals feel more connected and supported by their society.

Whether it’s providing access to healthcare, education, or employment opportunities, the role of government in promoting social cohesion and well-being is paramount. It is clear that without government intervention, these essential services are often not available to everyone, leading to a breakdown of social cohesion and weakened well-being. Therefore, governments must prioritize policies that promote equality, opportunity, and equity for all members of society.

Evaluation Of Current Programs For Community Development Through An Applied Sociology Lens

Community development is a topic that has gained a lot of attention in recent years due to its impact on the social and economic growth of various societies. Applied sociology offers a unique lens to evaluate current community development programs, allowing for a deeper understanding of the underlying social processes and power dynamics. When evaluated using this approach, programs can be assessed regarding their effectiveness and potential impact on the communities they serve.

This critical analysis helps identify which programs are working and which need improvement. Through a sociological perspective, key issues such as social inequality, community cohesion, and public participation can be identified and addressed, leading to better outcomes for the communities in question.


Applying sociology to community development is essential for cultivating social cohesion and achieving successful outcomes. It enables us to understand distinct populations’ unique needs, values, and perspectives, identify structural and institutional barriers that impede progress, foster inclusive dialogue between citizens, and create effective strategies for promoting well-being.

It is clear from the evidence presented in this blog post that communities can benefit substantially when governments prioritize their collective welfare by recognizing and responding to local concerns.

From understanding collective identities to inspiring collaboration through public engagement, sociology allows us to address social inequalities while developing a shared sense of purpose. By recognizing these dynamics, we can create sustainable initiatives for social transformation that will strengthen the resilience of our communities over time.

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Cyberbullying on TikTok: Recognizing Signs and Ensuring Your Child’s Emotional Safety

Cyberbullying on TikTok: Recognizing Signs and Ensuring Your Child's Emotional Safety

TikTok has been in the news off and on these past couple of years. Mainly, the discussion keeps coming back to the issue of harvesting of user data. It’s possible that the Chinese government could access sensitive user information on devices where TikTok is installed.

As a result, the US Federal Government has banned the use of the app on all government devices and the State of Montana even passed legislation implementing a total ban on TikTok for its residents.

Although the privacy concerns are alarming, TikTok has also been in the news for its devastating effects on the mental health of its users, especially teens, and preteens who use the app for multiple hours per day. It’s highly addictive even for adults due to the constant barrage of short relevant and interesting videos catered for each individual user.

There are still many studies being done on the effects of social media on the mental health of teens and preteens.  However, one of the biggest mental health problems concerning social media, and specifically TikTok, is a result of cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is a major problem across all social media platforms, including TikTok. It’s estimated that there is a 64% chance that a TikTok user under the age of 18 will experience cyberbullying on the app. That is quite an alarming statistic given that roughly 32.5% of all TikTok users are between the ages of 10 and 19.

So, what exactly is cyberbullying and what does it look like on TikTok? Let’s answer these questions as well as discuss some of the ways to recognize if your child is being bullied online and what you can do to ensure their emotional safety.

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is a behavior that consists of repeated and intentional posting of photos, information, and/or rumors and lies about another person on social media and other online platforms. The posts can consist of live streams, videos, photos, text, and direct messages that are intended to be offensive and inflict psychological harm on an individual.

Victims of cyberbullying can often feel anxious, angry, depressed, embarrassed, scared, and sad. Additionally, victims of cyberbullying can receive threats to their safety and be the target of physical attacks.

All of these factors can be extremely damaging to an individual, especially an adolescent during their physical, emotional, and psychological development. The damage can be so great that adolescent suicides linked to cyberbullying have become a major concern. Teen online therapy is an excellent option for addressing the emotional challenges caused by cyberbullying, providing a safe space for teens to talk about their experiences.

According to an NIH-funded study of 10,000 adolescents, the participants who experienced cyberbullying in their lives were four times as likely to also report suicidal thoughts.

The worst part of cyberbullying is that a cyber-bully can send and share images, videos, and texts without ever physically facing the other person. The digital aspect of cyberbullying in a way removes the human aspect from the equation making cyberbullying incredibly easy to do for a bully who doesn’t need to witness or experience firsthand the consequences of the online abuse.

What does cyberbullying look like on TikTok?

Cyberbullying on TikTok can come in many forms. Whether it’s intimidation, verbal abuse, blackmail, or another type of cyberbullying, TikTok can be dangerous to children if certain precautions are not taken.

Additionally, cyberbullying not only can come from peers like other children from school or the neighborhood, but it can also come from strangers of any age from anywhere in the world. It is scary to think that an adult male in another country could be verbally abusing your teenage daughter and causing her to feel anxious or depressed about her looks.

The most common form of cyberbullying on TikTok comes from users commenting on content. When a person uploads a video onto the platform, users can leave comments. Although those comments can come with praise and support, often those comments can be mean, hurtful, and even dark. Negative comments about how someone looks or acts can be psychologically damaging, especially for people who are younger and may already suffer more from self-esteem and emotional issues.

Another form of cyberbullying on TikTok includes uploading pictures or videos of victims being abused in person. Bullies can live-stream or record a video of them verbally abusing and even physically assaulting another person for others to watch and participate in by leaving hurtful comments and spreading the content. When live-streamed, this form of bullying can be extremely dangerous as often adolescents can be motivated to take things too far when they are being egged on.

Lastly, some forms of cyberbullying on TikTok can be extremely harmful and take abuse to a whole new level. The same ways that cybercriminals use tactics such as social engineering, which has been one of the biggest cybersecurity-related risks in the past year, to gain the trust of unsuspecting victims can be used to gain the trust of your child to obtain personal information from them.

Information such as where they live, how old they are, where they go to school, or what their sexual orientation may be, can be used to bully, intimidate, or blackmail your child to do things they don’t want to do, or worse yet, actually put them in danger of kidnapping or sexual assault. Sexual predators may be able to “groom” your child for sexual abuse through TikTok by posing as someone of a similar age, with similar interests, or pose as someone they may admire.

What signs should you look for to recognize if your child is being bullied online?

The signs that your child may be suffering from cyberbullying on TikTok are similar to the signs you may see if they were suffering from any other type of bullying. They may seem more anxious, agitated, depressed, or sad, and essentially, they may not act like themselves. They can also seem avoidant and no longer interested in things that they normally love to do including spending time on TikTok, playing sports, and participating in other after-school activities.

Additionally, your child could make some comments about how they are feeling or that they are having problems with someone on TikTok which could be very revealing. Make sure to always listen to your child and read between the lines to help determine if they are hiding something from you such as being bullied online.

Also, if you know your child is using TikTok to create content, you may want to have your account so you can review comments that other users are making. As discussed before, the most common type of bullying that occurs on TikTok is through hurtful negative comments filled with insults, derogatory terms, and threats. By creating your account, you can actively see who is commenting on your child’s content and what they are saying.

What can you do if your child is being bullied on TikTok?

If your child is being bullied on TikTok, you may think the easiest thing to do is just delete the app. However, that is not always possible, especially if your child wants to continue to create content and participate in the TikTok community.

The best way to address cyberbullying on TikTok without deleting the app is to make the account private. If your child is under the age of 16, then the account should already be private, however, sometimes children lie about their age. Either way, by making a TikTok account private, your child will only receive direct messages from people they know.

With a private account, you can approve or deny follower requests as well as manage who is allowed to comment on your content. You can even use a comment filter to automatically filter out comments containing specific keywords that you indicate as offensive.

After you make your child’s TikTok account private, another thing you can do to help protect your child from cyberbullying on TikTok and other platforms is to install and use parental monitoring apps. There are many parental monitoring apps available that allow you to monitor who your child is talking to on social media, and what is being said, while even allowing you to create a list of trigger words that will send you a notification anytime your child sends or receives a message containing one of those words.

Lastly, if you suspect your child is being bullied on TikTok, it is time to open up the lines of communication to help them through this tough situation before it spirals out of control and lasting emotional and psychological damage is done.

About the Author:
Ryan Harris is a copywriter focused on eLearning and the digital transitions going on in the education realm. Before turning to writing full time, Ryan worked for five years as a teacher in Tulsa and then spent six years overseeing product development at many successful Edtech companies, including 2U, EPAM, and NovoEd.

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Why Pickleball is the Perfect Sport for Kids to Stay Active

Why Pickleball is the Perfect Sport for Kids to Stay Active

Although pickleball has been around for decades, it was very much a niche sport and relatively unknown by the masses until the last few years.  In case you are not familiar with it yet, pickleball is mix of a variety of racket sports, including tennis, badminton, and ping pong.  This accessible court sport is especially perfect for kids.

Because children can learn the basic rules quickly, they can be working their muscles right away while having loads fun!  The games toned-down speed compared to other racquet sports makes it enjoyable even if the player has limited experienced or has never played before. In this article, we’ll break down every aspect of why pickleball should be on your list to keep your little ones healthy and active!

Introducing Pickleball

Are you seeking an enjoyable and budget-friendly activity to keep your kids physically active and engaged? This thrilling and rapidly growing sport is not only easy to learn but also ideal for children across all age groups and skill levels. Whether your child wants to explore a new hobby or is an eager athlete, pickleball appeals to everyone.

With straightforward rules and readily available equipment, getting your kids involved in this sport has never been simpler. By conducting some research, you can even discover pickleball lessons to further enhance their experience. It serves as an excellent gateway to introduce your kids to the delightful realm of racket sports. Courts are generally available indoors and out, so it’s highly accessible. Many schools have already incorporated pickleball courts into their existing gymnasiums.

Different Ways Pickleball Can Help Kids Stay Active

Pickleball transcends being a mere pastime for children as it serves as a powerful catalyst for promoting an active lifestyle. With its low-impact nature, pickleball proves to be an ideal choice for kids who may have limitations in engaging in higher-intensity sports. Furthermore, its ease of learning makes it a fantastic option for beginners venturing into the realm of sports.

In addition, pickleball is excellent for developing a child’s hand-eye coordination while unitizing various muscle groups. With such a range of benefits, it becomes evident that pickleball stands as an exceptional means to keep children active and in good health.

To get children to get active regularly, games need to be fun!

How to Incorporate Pickleball into Your Family’s Routine

On the hunt for an engaging way to incorporate some exercise into your family’s weekly routine? Look no further than the sport of pickleball. This fun and social activity is a great way to get the whole family moving while also enjoying some quality time together. As mentioned, pickleball is a low impact sport, which is why seniors find it easy to play at any level of skill. It appeals to children because the game is easy to learn, regardless of athletic ability.

This makes it an ideal family physical activity.  Plus, due to growing popularity, it has never been easier to find local clubs to join in on the fun. Or look for free outdoor courts in your area.  So why not lace up your sneakers, grab some paddles and balls, and hit the court for a family bonding experience like no other?

What Are the Benefits of Pickleball as a Kid’s Sport?

Played on a court resembling that of badminton, the sport of pickleball involves the use of a lightweight paddle and a small plastic ball. First played by adults, then becoming wildly popular with seniors, pickleball is now thought of as a great sport for kids.  Its has an instant positive impact on physical development, since a beginner can start playing with just a few simple instructions. It cultivates enhanced hand-eye coordination, balance, agility, and overall fitness.

Pickleball also checks the box that is essential to get any child to stick with something that is good for them.  It’s fun!

Moreover, pickleball encourages social interaction as a team sport.  This encourages teamwork, communication, and friendly competition. It imparts valuable life lessons on gracious winning and losing, as well as the importance of collaborative efforts to achieve shared objectives. With its wide appeal to children of various ages and skill levels, pickleball serves as an enjoyable avenue for staying active while developing essential life skills. If you’re seeking an excellent means to engage your kids in physical activity, pickleball is undoubtedly a worthwhile choice!

Are you looking for more wayts to engage your kids in physical activity?

Pickleball can help children stay active by not only providing physical activity but also building confidence and engaging their minds in a great experience. With court reservations, organized leagues, outdoor courts, or simply a makeshift net set up in your yard – it’s easy to find an appropriate place to play. Plus, with the simple rules explained, everyone can have a terrific time playing pickleball right away!

So, gather up the friends, break out the paddles, and let the adventure begin! With the right approach, pickleball can be the perfect way to keep your kids healthy and active. We hope that this article was helpful!

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