Category: Well-Being

How to Help Children With ADHD Successfully Study at Home

How to Help Children With ADHD Successfully Study at Home

Helping children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) successfully study at home can be incredibly challenging. This is because children with ADHD have trouble focusing for long periods, aren’t keen on details, and don’t want to engage in activities that take a lot of mental effort.

Studying requires all three of these things, and children diagnosed with ADHD aren’t exempt from studying because of their difficulties. So, we must find ways to make study sessions at home more enjoyable and productive for their unique needs.

Here are eight of those ways below:

Create a Designated Study Space

For a child with ADHD to successfully study at home, a designated study space is a must. A designated study room or corner for your children can help them be more productive. It can also help their brain know it’s time to focus on their studies every time they enter this space.

Decorate their designated study space with calming colors. Adopt a minimalist style. Be sure there’s room for exercise and play. Finally, kid-proof the space and make it as safe as possible.

When you use this study space with your children, be mindful of how you use your time in it.

Manage Time Attentively

Managing time attentively is a secret weapon in helping children with ADHD study effectively. Break up the time your child spends studying in a way that supports their unique needs.

For example, incorporate regular breaks in every session to ensure your children don’t get overwhelmed with the mental effort it takes to study. You could also introduce time management techniques to them, like the Pomodoro method, to limit distractions and procrastination.

Also, incorporating play into studying can help children with ADHD successfully study at home.

Incorporate Play into Studying

One of the best things you can do in a study session with a child with ADHD is incorporate elements of play into it. Children with ADHD need ways to release energy, especially during study time.

Making time for physical exercise, outdoor play, and creative activities can improve your children’s focus and help them control their emotions and impulses.

Take breaks to play during every study session. Also, incorporate fun, hands-on activities that help your kids learn the topic their studying.

Ask Teachers for Advice

Tapping your children’s teachers for advice on how to help them study and learn better is a brilliant move. Your children spend a lot of time with their teachers throughout the week. So, they likely know a lot about how your children learn best with ADHD.

Set up meetings with your children’s teachers to gain insight into how to use what’s working at school and home. Ask them specific questions about how to help your child retain information better and what kind of environment might be best for them to study in at home.

Enlist the Help of a Tutor

Not only is asking teachers for advice wise but so is enlisting the help of a tutor who primarily works with children with ADHD.

You can reach out to your child’s school and ask for information on tutors in the area. You can also search for tutors specializing in working with students with ADHD on the internet. Interview potential matches and introduce them to your child during these meetings to see how they connect.

You may have to cycle through a few tutors before finding the right one, but it’s worth the work.

Explore Using Digital Tools

Digital tools can also positively influence your children’s study sessions because they can help keep them focused and engaged.

For example, you can gamify studying to stimulate their brains and keep the process exciting. You can use projectors or your television to amplify a lesson. You can also use different apps to make studying more manageable.

Whatever digital tools you use to help your children with ADHD study, ensure they’re kid-friendly and easy to use.

Create a Circle of Support

Creating a circle of support comprised of other parents with children with ADHD can help you gather ideas for how to make studying better for your children at home. You’ll also have people who genuinely understand what you’re going through to lean on when times get tough.

It might also be a good idea to add a behavior specialist or counselor to your circle of support. A study on ADHD revealed that “about 6 out of 10 children had received some type of behavioral treatment or skills training.”

Behavioral therapists can help you find studying methods that work for your children’s particular needs. They can also help your children manage the frustrations and emotional triggers people living with ADHD often face.

Be Inherently Positive

Your circle of support can also help you become inherently positive, especially in situations when parents also are dealing with ADHD. Positive thinking and communication are integral to successful studying at home with children with ADHD.

The last thing you want to do is be frustrated or angry with a child navigating ADHD. Being that way can make them feel hopeless and inadequate. Instead, learn to lift them up at all times. Work on your mindset. And grow your patience as well.


It isn’t easy helping children with ADHD successfully study at home, but it’s essential if you want them to thrive. So, use the tips above to create a positive, productive study environment at home for your children to give them the best chance at excelling in their education despite being diagnosed with ADHD.

About the Author
About the AuthorKatie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in education, mental health, family lifestyle and online safety. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. You can follow her on Twitter.

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7 Summer Staycation Ideas For Kids

Summer Staycation Ideas for Kids

A staycation can be as entertaining for kids as going out of town for a holiday, and it just takes a bit of creativity. Kids can easily be amused and have the gifted ability to enjoy almost anything that comes their way. And the good thing is there are different ways you can make their staycation memorable without breaking the bank.

Definition: a staycation is a vacation doing enjoyable activities at home or near by.

To help you get started, here are some summer staycation ideas for kids:

1. Garden Pool Party

A garden pool can be any pool that you make in your backyard. And you don’t necessarily have to have a big one for the kids to enjoy the swimming experience. You can purchase a mobile or inflatable kiddie pool and fill it up with water. The kids will surely enjoy splashing in the pool regardless of the size.

Alternatively, there are many ways the kids can enjoy the backyard beside the garden pool. You can read more about how you can turn your backyard into one of their favorite staycation spaces.

2. Outdoor Picnic

One of the activities most, if not all, kids love is eating. You can create food baskets, fill them with the kids’ favorite snacks, and host an outdoor picnic.  You could go to a local park or entertain guests with a simple set up of lawn chairs and a serving table.  Consider building a backyard kitchen with a built-in grill using RTA Outdoor Living’s guide on how to choose the perfect grill for your outdoor space.

Aside from the delicious treats, you can also be more creative by organizing different outdoor games.  You can also make it theme based featuring your kids’ favorite music group or cartoon character.  It doesn’t take much to organize a family picnic and build outdoor memories on a regular basis.

3. Camping

Camping can either be in the backyard or indoors, depending on the weather and whether you have sufficient backyard space. You can pitch a tent and place fairy lights across the yard if you have backyard space for an exciting nighttime experience. You can also create an outdoor fire and roast marshmallows while sharing stories and listening to music.

You can also camp indoors if you have space to pitch mini tents. You can also make a tent using mattresses and sheets. Adding fairy lights can also work, making the indoor camping experience different from switching on the regular lights.

If the kids are involved in the whole process of recreating a camping experience, they may enjoy it more as they are proud of having taken part in the setting up. Together you can also create a camping theme, and each person will have to dress accordingly or get into the allocated characters.

4. Create A Snack Bar

There are some days when you won’t be able to organize an action-packed day during the staycation for different reasons. And in some cases, you may also find that the kids might not always be in the mood to be active either and may just wish to surf the internet instead.

In such cases, why not create a snack bar where the kids pick out different foods throughout the day while they enjoy lounging around? Try to include healthy foods and research ways to make the foods appealing enough for them to eat instead of serving chips and chocolates regularly.

5. Movie Night

Summer Staycation Ideas

Who can say no to a classic movie night? The kids can take turns picking out a movie to watch on a particular night during the staycation. And to make it more fun, you can redecorate and reorganize your living room space to look like an actual cinema. You can even appoint the kids to design movie theatre signs using their arts and crafts skills.

In addition, the kids can also take part in preparing the snacks for the movie. You can also arrange for the kids to invite their friends for the movie night and organize with their parents. Doing so allows them to create memories with their friends and enhance their socialization skills.

6. Bike Riding

Suppose you have bicycles at home. In such a case, organizing a bike ride around the neighborhood can be another activity to explore. This could also be an opportunity to teach the kids who don’t know how to cycle yet.

By cycling around your neighborhood, the kids may discover areas they may not be aware of, which aren’t so apparent when riding in a car. This can also encourage their adventurous side. Moreover, it’s also a good activity that could boost their physical fitness and well-being.

7. A Drive Around Town

You can also drive with the kids around town, particularly to places they may have otherwise not frequented, perhaps the park or a local diner. By visiting new spaces, they get to learn about other people and the ways of life outside their comfort zone, and what’s familiar to them.

Wrapping Up

A staycation can be as memorable as a holiday getaway, especially if you involve the kids in planning and setting up the activities. And hopefully, with this list of some of the best activities you can do, you and your kids can have a wonderful staycation to remember in years to come.

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Google Doodle Games You Can Still Play Online

Google Doodle Games

The first Google Doodles were simple additions to their logo letters. Later they became more creative in their design. More recently, the Google Doodle as incorporated animation, videos and even Doodle for Google Games. The purpose of these games was to make learning fun as daily visitors arrived on the Google home page to search for whatever was on their mind.

The first Google Doodles were simple additions to their logo letters. Later they became more creative in their design. More recently, the Google Doodle has incorporated animation, videos and even Google Doodle Games. The purpose of these games were to make learning fun as daily visitors arrived on the Google home page to search for whatever was on their mind.

Today, as the months and years have passed, we now have a number of Doodle for Google Games we can revisit and play. However, not every Doodle is a Google game. There is a lot to sift through to find the Doodle for Google games you want to play.

Are you feeling lucky? Well, you won’t need luck to find games to play. We’ve worked on a list just for you.

Google Doodle Games

First, we’ll explore the most popular Doodle for Google games and how you can find them.  We will then review the history of Doodle for Google in more detail so you can learn about how it originated and what it has evolved into. Finally, we’ll explore how students that are school aged K – 12 can now Doodle for Google every year.

Thanks to recent updates, Doodle for Google games can also be placed on smartphone and tablets. The ability to play on desktop computers and laptops has always been possible with mouse or keyboards. Here is a list of many of the Doodle for Google Games (in alphabetical order):

    • Baseball
    • Basketball
    • Bees
    • Coding for Carrots
    • Cricket
    • Doodle Champion Island Games (scroll down)*
    • Fischinger
    • Halloween
    • Hop Hop
    • Loteria
    • Pac-Man
    • Pizza
    • Pony Express
    • Quick, Draw!
    • Rockmore
    • Rubik’s Cube
    • Scoville
    • Soccer
    • Valentine’s Day
    • Search for Safe Online Games

How to Play Doodle for Google Games

  1. Go to the Doodle Archives
  2. Select the language in the top corner you want see.
  3. Search for the Doodle for Google game you want to play. You can use the names from our list above to find the game. Be sure to put the word “game” after the name.  (i.e. Basketball game or Basketball games). Otherwise, your search will show all the Doodles, most of which will not be games.
  4. Once you’ve located a game you want to play, click on it.
  5. Be patient.  Sometimes there is an animation or video that plays before the games starts. This often educate us on what that day’s Doodle is celebrating.
  6. When the game starts, use your mouse to play or follow the instructions that show you how to play on your keyboard.
  7. If you like the Doodle for Google game you found, be sure to bookmark it in your browser so you can find it again later.

Alternatively, you can search Google on the top of our website with your keyword.  Or search for the Doodle Archive to see all the relevant games available.

*The Doodle Champion Island Games are an example of a series of games within the same theme over a number of days. 
Doodle Champion Island Games

Alternative Games

Still searching for something similar to Google Doodle games but slightly different? Check out these safe and mentally enriching gaming sites:

Solitaire Bliss: Kids and adults alike can enjoy a variety of popular card games that range from solitaire to yukon and dozens of other variations. Choose through custom features such as card decks and backgrounds, and learn the rules and history of many popular games.

Backgammon Online: Backgammon is a classic two-player board game that involves moving checkers around a board with 24 points, aiming to bear them off before the opponent, using dice for movement and strategic thinking for victory. The online version is featured in a bold and colorful format,

Doodle for Google History

From a simple alteration to their logo, to elaborate illustrations and Doodle for Google games, the idea of the Doodle has come a long way. Regardless of creativity and complexity, The Google Doodle is a creative altering of the Google logo to celebrate holidays, special events and achievements by people – past and present.

Since the Google logo is made up of the spelling of their name “Google”, the artistic rendition incorporates the letters of their company name. It is featured on their main search page on a growing variety of special days.

To effectively explore the beginnings of Google Doodle, it is helpful for us to take quick look back at the very beginning of Google itself. Back in the 1990’s when the internet was first evolving, there were only a few search engines. Google was not even one of them until 1998.

The home pages of most search engines did not look as simple as Google did when it launched, which is very much how it looks today. Back in those early year, search engines also provided a lot of other resource links and information on their websites.

When Google Search was born, they simply featured their logo above the search bar. The rest of their website was and is all white space with just a few resource links. So, with the focus always being on the Google name contained within their logo, redesigning the logo to commemorate momentous moments in history was easily noticed by users.

The very first Google Doodle was featured back in Google’s infancy as a company in the late 90’s. Over the years, it was used for more and more events including great achievements by people in history.

Doodle for Google Contest

Google for Doodle is a contest put on by Google that kids can enter. It’s available to for kids in the United States and other select countries. When Google decides to run the contest they pick a theme and ask students from K-12 to enter their Doodles. It happens annually in the spring.

Artistic creations by kids and teens are judged according to artistic merit and creativity, which includes how well the doodle fits the assigned theme and incorporates the Google logo. The winner of the Doodle for Google contest will get their drawing featured on Google’s home page.

To learn more, search “Doodle for Google” in the search bar at the top of this website. If you missed this years deadline to take part in the contest, now’s a great time to start thinking about your idea for a doodle.

If you don’t have too much experience with drawing or coloring, get some practice with simple free coloring pages using colored pencils of crayons. The great thing is you can print as many drawings as you like.

Learn the History of the Most Popular Doodle for Google Game ever made.
Behind the Doodle: The Doodle Champion Island Games!

See what Google looked like 25 years ago!

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How to Make a Family Tree With Kids

How to Make a Family Tree with Kids

Making a family tree with kids is a great way to teach them about their ancestry while helping them learn more about themselves. It can be a fun project that the whole family can work on together. Here are some tips for getting started.

Benefits of Building a Family Tree with Kids

There are many benefits to creating a family tree, such as understanding your genealogy, developing problem-solving skills, strengthening relationships, and many others.

Build a stronger sense of self-identity

Building a family tree with kids can help them develop a stronger sense of self-identity as they learn more about where they came from and what makes them unique.

Knowing where you come from is important to understanding who you are. For kids, this process of self-discovery often begins with learning about their parents and grandparents. But it can be even more enlightening for them to explore the branches of their family tree, discovering the stories and traditions passed down through the generations.

So whether you’re looking to teach your kids about their heritage or just want to bond with them over some shared history, building a family tree is a great way to do it.

Learn more about history

It is important for kids to learn about history, but making the past feel relevant to their lives can be tough. One way to do this is by teaching them about their family history. By tracing their ancestors, kids can start to see how they fit into the larger story of humanity. They can also learn about the unique challenges and experiences their ancestors faced. Additionally, exploring family trees can help kids understand the similarities and differences between their own lives and those of their ancestors. As a result, learning about family history can make the past feel more real and relevant to kids.

Build strong family relationships

As any family historian knows, building a family tree can be a rewarding experience. Not only does it help you to learn more about your ancestors, but it also encourages you to bond with your relatives. For children, this can be a particularly valuable experience. It is all too easy for children to become estranged from their extended families in today’s world, especially when there are not old family photos of many relatives. By working together to build a family tree, children can develop a sense of connection with their cousins and other extended family members. This can help to foster communication and understanding within the family.

How to Make a Family Tree

Trying to trace your family history can be a daunting task. Putting it all in a family tree is a great way to organize the information you’ve gathered.

Gather information

The first step is to gather as much information as possible about your ancestors. This includes names, hometowns, careers, achievements, and known locations. You should also try to determine the birth and death dates for each ancestor. Once you have collected this information, you can construct your family tree. Start with the oldest generation of your family and work your way down to the present. Be sure to include any spouses or children for each ancestor. If you are having trouble filling in some of the details, don’t hesitate to reach out to other family members for help.

Put your tree on paper

At a time when almost everything is done electronically, there are still some who prefer the old-fashioned way of doing things. For them, there is nothing like the feeling of holding a pencil and paper in their hands as they try to piece together their family history. While it may take a bit longer, creating a family tree on paper can be very rewarding. It allows you to physically see your progress, but it also gives you a chance to add your personal touches. Whether you choose to use colored pencils or family photos, a paper family tree can be a beautiful and meaningful addition to your home. Even if you own a computer, there is something special about having a physical record of your family’s history. Keeping a family tree on paper is the only way to go for those who value tradition.

One option is to use a family tree printable template. There are many different templates available online, and you can choose one that best suits your needs. You can also find templates specifically designed for certain countries or regions. Once you’ve found a template you like, simply print it out and fill in the information by hand. You may also want to use a pencil to erase any mistakes.

Consider family tree software

With modern computer technology, anyone can search the deep web to find people and research their ancestors to build a family tree. There are dozens of family tree software programs available, and most come with a tutorial to help you get started. Keeping your records on your computer has some advantages over traditional paper records. It’s easier to fix mistakes, and you can sort your ancestors differently.

Plus, every genealogy software package lets you print off your information on various forms and charts. But regardless of how you store your data, it’s important to back up your records regularly. If your computer crashes or you accidentally delete a file, you won’t lose all your hard work. And if possible, use an automatic online backup service to ensure that your data is always safe.

Share your tree

Once your child has completed their family tree, encourage them to share it with relatives who might have additional information or stories to add. This is a great way for kids to get excited about their family history and learn more about the people who came before them. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to connect with relatives they might not otherwise have the chance to talk to. So encourage your child to share their family tree with relatives.

Final Thoughts

Building a family tree with your kids is a fun project, but it can also be educational. It helps children learn about their ancestors and teaches them the importance of preserving family history. By following these simple steps, you can help your child create a lasting legacy treasured for generations to come.

Check out FamilySearch for more ways to get your kids involved in family history.

About the author:  Marc McDermott is a genealogist who has been blogging about the topic since 2019. His blog,, is one of the most popular resources on the internet for people looking to learn more about their family history. Marc’s passion for genealogy is evident in his writing, and he takes great joy in helping others learn more about their ancestors.

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