Category: Well-Being

Free Printable Coloring Pages for Kids

Free Coloring Pages for Kids

Children today are not as fascinated by things we older generations once enjoyed so much. Back when we were kids, we loved drawing with color pencils and crayons. Coloring books were common and we would also scribble or color anywhere we could express our imagination. But all is not lost!

Today, free coloring pages for kids make it easy for anyone of any age to find printable drawings of anything imaginable. It’s true children today are not as fascinated by things older generations once enjoyed so much. It’s unfortunate that many kids now don’t find coloring books enjoyable.

There are some good reasons for this—and yes, I am talking about the internet, smartphones, and tablets. These fantastic inventions have robbed today’s kids of some of the simple pleasures in life. They are often more interested in playing video games on a computer or smartphone, instead of drawing or coloring something using markers or crayons.

However, just because kids like their smartphones and tablets doesn’t mean they wouldn’t love to draw or color. They simply need to be introduced to how fun it can be. For example, if you likes coloring animals, there are hundreds of animal coloring pages to choose from. It may be on a long car trip or at home when parents want to limit screen time. Instead of just saying “no more time on the computer”, why not provide them a fun activity as an alternative?

Online Coloring Pages

Thanks to the internet, children today have a whole new world to explore that will evoke their passion for coloring and drawing. This is something kids a generation ago were not able to experience. Professional artists are now drawing and coloring cartoons, animals, game characters, animations, and much more using highly-sophisticated computer software.

These artists also are sharing their creations on websites for everyone to enjoy. The tools and formats used by them are only available for adults with full-fledged careers. But, there are ‘kids versions’ for these tools, and children can use them to draw and color objects.

When searching for tech-free fun things to do for kids to reduce screen time, there are plenty of websites for kids to draw online with and easy-to-follow instructions to animate their drawings. Simply Google “online coloring pages” and you’ll find websites that are designed for kids to color digitally on the screen. Still, these interactive coloring pages where kids can create using the site’s tools are not the same as finding an image and printing it to color with real crayons.

Coloring Page Communities

Whether the artwork is online for virtual coloring using software or you access printable drawings, many of these coloring pages are created by the artistic community. It’s a way for them to share their art and provide fun for kids without having to publish a coloring book. The great thing about this is that parents and teachers only need to print the specific drawings that kids want to color. It’s a great way for them to explore their artist skills and decide if they some day want to join the artistic community as they grow older.

Simply introducing all the coloring page ideas of what to color could inspire someone to try coloring. Discover drawings such as Athletes, Birds, Cars, Color by number, Dinosaurs, Disney, Educational, Flags of countries and LEGO. Or try Motorcycles, My Little Pony, Princesses, Spider-Man, Star Wars, Superman, Vegetables and Winnie the Pooh. The sky is the limit for what kids can color.

Coloring as also been known to be very therapeutic for kids and adults alike to help with anxiety or stress. Or just to have fun doing something they haven’t experienced since childhood. There are printable drawings available that have been created just for adults or teens. These coloring pages require a finer attention to detail. What a great reactivity to do together as a family.

Inspiring Artistic Creativity

While old-school coloring books may be a thing of the past for most children of our generation, they are one of the best ways to inspire kids and reignite their inner passion for drawing and coloring.

Introducing kids to free coloring pages can have a profound effect on children to encourage them in highlighting their creative side. It may inspire them create their own drawings to color.

It will allow them the freedom to make mistakes and improve their motor skills, thanks to the ability to reprint images and color them a second time. And it’s super easy pin their creations on a fridge without having to rip each page out of a coloring book.

Author Bio

Paul B. Wright has over five years of experience in the field of drawing. He specializes in drawing coloring pages that are printable for kids. It’s is Paul’s desire that children of all ages will will discover and grow in their true creative talents.

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Best 21 Blog Post Ideas for Kids Creating their First Blog

Blog Post Ideas

Blogging can be a child’s play if we look at it from a different perspective. There are many children that have started successful blogs around the world. Blogging is also a wonderful hobby that helps bring out the creativity of kids in a field they love.

In this article, we will discuss 21 blog post ideas for kids and adults interested in creating and learning to start a blog.

21 Top Ideas for Kids to Create a Blog

Regardless whether you’re a parent that wishes to encourage your kid to create a blog or the child, you might find these ideas interesting.

Your Experiences

Nothing attracts people than reading your experiences. As a child, you can start a wonderful blog by writing about your own experiences in growing up.

Stamps Collection

Maybe you’re unaware but collecting postage stamps is one of the greatest hobbies worldwide. Start a blog that showcases your collection of postage stamps and speaks about how you got them.

Coins Collection

Numismatics might sound a bit foreign to you. All it means is collecting coins from your own country and abroad. Collecting coins is also a superb way to gain general knowledge. Start a blog about coins collection.

Helping Mom Around

Do you help your Mom around the house? Then surely you can help other kids to learn from your experiences. Write these as a personal experience by creating a wonderful blog.

Dad’s World

All kids have some thoughts about their Dad. Why not write about these. It could prove to be an amazing blog for kids around the world. After all, Dad deserves some appreciation too.

School Experiences

Not all experiences we have at school are happy. Nor are they sad. But that’s exactly how you could help other kids to know the ups and downs of school life while helping them to cope up.


Getting away from toys can prove hard as we grow up. Buzz Lightyear and those Toy Stores, superheroes, all continue to be an integral part of my life till today. Create a blog that speaks about your favorite toys.


Now this is something serious. And I wish and pray you never have been bullied by other kids. Give a voice to injustice you’re facing by writing about bullying. Take some assistance from law enforcement officials in your place to know more about this disease that affects countless kids worldwide.


Encourage other kids of your age to do good for someone else. It could be an elderly in your place or someone you care about. Seniors always love kids. And your blog could possibly help bring a cheer on their faces.

Your Brother or Sister

This might sound funny to you. But if you’re fortunate to have a brother or sister, write interesting articles about them. We love and sometimes hate our brothers and sisters but mean no harm. Write funny things about your brother or sister that would help kids of your age. But remember, never to hurt them.


Having pets is one of the best parts of childhood. Innocent as we are, dogs and cats never stop fascinating us. Write about your pets and how you handle them.


Cooking brings to my mind a Scottish teenager called Fraser Doherty. He began making jams from his grandma’s recipes and eventually became famous as the ‘Jam Boy’ in the UK. If you’ve some ideas about food we all enjoy, write about this.


As a child I would love doing stuff myself. Juts for the thrill of seeing something I create works or doesn’t. I’m no engineer but just these simple things like building a small radio or repairing a blender would thrill me.


All of us kids undergo toothache at some time. And if you’ve ever been through one, you’ll know it knocks our senses out. Going to a dentist is scary. Write about own experiences when you have one. Not when you’re down but your personal experiences with a dentist and toothaches.


We often watch birds around. Some of these birds are seen rarely because they migrate. Should you be the one loving birds, write about the. Also, include some pictures if you can take them.

School Lessons

Good at any subject in your school. Help other students to learn more about subjects they lag. Teach them with you experiences and simple words on how to help learn something the way you cope with.


Music is a universal language everyone can relate to.  What is your favorite type of music?  Who are your favorite singers and bands?  A music blog is a great way to connect with other fans that like the same music as you do.


Kids are often curious about what their parents buy at stores. Write about your funny experiences in trying out new and interesting products that your parents buy and you try out.

Video Games

I’ve rarely come across a kid that doesn’t love video games. Create superb posts about video games you’re playing. You might find a lot of kids who share your hobby and would love learning more from you.


Personal experiences about picnics are almost popular around the world. Other kids also want to have similar experiences and would identity with you. Create a blog with your own experiences or that of your friends.

Make Money as Kid

American labor laws are strict about kids working. Yet, there are some online jobs you could take as a child where possible. Help other children learn this important skill of making money during holidays.

In Conclusion

Before concluding I’ll add that being a kid isn’t any reason why you can’t start your own blog. Try it out and you could definitely create something that helps the world. Personally, I have amazing hobbies that I write about often. Blogging as a kid helps you earn some income. If you’re successful, it’s possible to create a brand image for yourself too. And this can be an asset all your life.

A little extra effort as a kid can help shape your future too. There are great online resources that can help you set up a website, even for a kid.  The younger you start, the higher your chances of success. Never let age define whom you wish to be and what you could become. Remember, successful adults often start small as kids.

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10 Memory Games to Check Your Mental Strength

Memory Games for Kids and Adults

“Life is more fun if you play games”. As individuals belonging to the 21st century, we live in a world that is fairly different from the one that used to exist at the time of our parents or elder siblings. Today, the concept of playing games for mental strength is foreign to us as we’re addicted to the world of social media and Netflix.

Do you recall playing different games on the computer back as a kid when you had fixed screen timings? We’re sure you used to have a lot of fun. If you would like to cherish and re-visit those memories again, then we have a solution for you.

Mentioned below are top ten memory games which you can try out with your friends, just for fun, to keep a check on your mental strength:

1. Word Finder

How about we start with an easy yet fun game that we used to play in our childhood as well? Do you remember those weekend magazines with word finders that you used to solve with a pencil, all in one go?

If you’re good with words and have the skill of spotting them quickly, you’ll love this word finder game at Unlimited Gamez MO Word finder games help you improve your memory along with language learning. If you want to feel smart, then you should definitely give this game a try. You can start playing at the most manageable level and then move up to medium and hard levels as soon as you get the knack for it.

2. Sudoku

When you were young, did you ever come across a weird game that included numbers, and you couldn’t figure out what kind of game it was? Well, that’s Sudoku for you.

Sudoku is a popular number placement game that helps improve short-term memory. You have to keep in mind a sequence of numbers to complete the Sudoku puzzle while mentally calculating the following number in the box.

This game requires heavy concentration, which is why many people give up in the end. If you’re interested in playing, we recommend you try out the easiest levels of this game. Then, you can always look for the difficult Sudoku puzzle levels.  If you’re looking for a way to introduce kids to a word games that are more simple in nature, introduce them to Wordle.

3. Crosswords

Crosswords are one of the most popular games. Trying out different crossword puzzles is always a delight as they are a classic brain trainer and improve your vocabulary.

Were you aware that around 50 million people solve crossword puzzles every day? Sounds fascinating, right?

Crosswords puzzles are a great invention to keep your brain and mental strength active and sharp all the time. They help boost your memory and are an excellent solution for people who have dementia and Alzheimer’s.

If you love crossword puzzles and could spend all day solving them, you’ll be happy to know that there are many ways to do crosswords. You can download an application on your phone or tablet and choose the crossword topics that are gripping and challenging to solve.  If you’re ever stumped, CrosswordZone provides offers answers to daily crossword puzzles.

4. Scrabble

Are you spending most of your time playing action games like the call of duty? If the answer is affirmative, you need to try out a new game to enhance your mental strength.

We’re sure that you must be aware of scrabble; after all, it is one of the most well-known games that many people play all around the globe. If you’re looking for ways to improve and keep a check on your mental strength and memory, then Scrabble is a classic option.

It enhances your brain development and vocabulary by encouraging you to compete with players and create unique words. The better words you come up with, the higher your score will be.  If you are stumped or want to become better at coming up with words, use a word unscrambler to see the multiple possibilities available from any group of letters.

You’ll be astonished to know that playing a game like scrabble increases the size of your brain, delays brain degeneration in the elderly, and makes you more competent and competitive.

5. Chess

One of the most intellectual and analytical games around; you wouldn’t want to miss out on chess. When playing chess, many new players hesitate to take part as it seems complicated and demanding.

Chess is all about relying on your memory and carefully picking your next move. If you know how to do that, then you’re good to go.

You’ll see that with time and experience, you will become a pro at chess, and all the strategies and tricks will be at your fingertips.

Moreover, chess improves brain function, cognitive abilities, deepens focus, and boosts the planning skills of a person. Aren’t these benefits enough for you to put aside your fears and at least give the game a try?

6. Card Games

Card games with numbers and patterns are exercise for your brain.  Uno is one of those popular games.  Let’s be honest. How many times did you forget to yell out “Uno” when you had one card left, and then everyone forced you to pick another one?  One of the most common card games amongst adults and children, it is a great game for the brain as it pushes you to remember every rule at each step of the game.

If you’re looking for something unique, the golf card game is a fun way to pass the time with in a new way using a standard deck of poker cards.  As per golf card game rules you can increase the level of difficulty and challenge by playing with four, six, eight, nine, or ten cards.

Just like chess, card games help develop strategic thinking and emotional intelligence. It is a good option for mental stimuli and promotes brain health.

7. The Tray Game

We’re already excited as this one’s a personal favorite for many of us. If you can’t recall it, then no need to worry as we’re getting right into the details.

The tray game is a classic memory game that is all over the Internet for the past few years. It includes a setting where there are a bunch of things, and you have some seconds to peak at them. Once the time is over, you’re supposed to guess all of the present items in the tray.

Does it sound stressful? Yes, it’s de-stressing and a lot of fun to play once you are smitten with the game. Trust us when we say that it’s the opposite of stressful.

8. Jigsaw Puzzles

Do you remember dragging your parents or siblings to the nearest stationary or toys shop so you could get your hands on the latest puzzle pieces?

No matter your age, completing Jigsaw puzzles is always fun, especially if you have someone to compete with. They are a fantastic option for improving and strengthening your mind along with sharpening your memory.

Thanks to the Internet, there are multiple types of Jigsaw puzzles that you can choose from, along with the difficulty levels. If you have trouble concentrating, you can start with the smaller and easier puzzles, and once you get the hang of them, you can move onto bigger ones.

9. Solitaire

Another prominent card game, Solitaire, is a one-person game known as a card puzzle. It helps increase the mental activity in your brain and promotes brain sharpness. The objective of the game is to use all of the cards in a particular sequence and arrangement.

While many people are confused about Solitaire rules, all you need is some skills and patience, which many people lack when playing games.

Playing Solitaire for an extended period helps develop cognitive function, memory improvement, and good mental strength.

10. Brain Teasers

Brain teaser games include different puzzles that get you thinking about what the answer might be. To solve these games and get the answer, you need to develop different strategies and think differently than you usually do.

Brain teasers can be like a riddle which means that they develop your learning ability and problem-solving skills. If you include brain teaser games in your everyday routine, you’ll notice how your thinking process and mental capacity have improved and expanded.

Final Thoughts

With the years passing so rapidly right in front of our eyes, it’s vital that we take some time to remain sane and healthy. At such a time, playing memory games can be a wonderful opportunity to spend time, relax, improve your mental strength, and memory skills also help students study.

Do you think playing memory games is important for brain health? If you play any memory games, don’t forget to share your experience with us in the comments below.

Author Bio:
About Michelle Joe: Michelle Joe is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences, and express herself through her blogs. You can find her on Twitter.

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Why Children with ADHD Need to Play More

Children with ADHD Need to Play More

After your child is diagnosed with a type of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you might feel like you cannot do enough to help them. However, your presence and support as a caregiver can do a lot to keep your child in a positive mindset while succeeding in life.

One of the things that parents of children with ADHD should consider is increasing the amount of playtime, outdoor play, exercise play, and play therapy in your child’s life. All around, play can make huge differences in your child’s ability to think, process emotions, and better handle their life.

Why is play so important to children diagnosed with ADHD?

Here are some of the primary reasons that adding more play and activity to your child’s days may help them to cope with symptoms of ADHD more effectively.

Reason #1: Helps Them Sleep

One of the primary symptoms of ADHD for children is over activeness, which is part of the condition that many parents with ADHD are familiar with. Setting your child up to use more of their energy during the day can help them to sleep better. Sleep is vital to children in general and maybe even more important to children diagnosed with ADHD.

Not getting enough sleep makes most people inattentive; those with ADHD suffer this effect even more severely. Overstimulation and too much energy at nighttime can lead to many problems with falling asleep. When children get more exercise, this improves the brain’s ability to sleep at night, even encouraging more deep sleep.

By giving children play exercise time during the day before a set bedtime, you may be able to help them develop a routine that encourages more consistent sleep.

Reason #2: Provides Exercise

Physical exercise is very important for children with ADHD for several reasons.

One of the most fundamental reasons is that children diagnosed with ADHD are more likely to suffer from obesity which can lead to additional health problems later in life. By incorporating play from a young age, this risk can be reduced drastically.

Additionally, exercise and play give children with ADHD a chance to burn off more energy. Things like organized sports and playtime on the playground give children a healthy way to let out their energy. They can hyperfocus on play and exercise.

Adding playtime outdoors, even in the winter, can be particularly beneficial for children with ADHD. “Green time” spent in a natural setting rather than a concrete jungle gym has been shown to reduce ADHD symptoms more.  These activities have big benefits for children:

  • Better concentration
  • Lowered risk of depression and anxiety
  • Improve brain growth
  • Improves ability to sleep

Overall, children that struggle with hyperactivity and focus will benefit from adding play and exercise to their lives.

Reason #3: Improves Focus

Some research suggested that children with ADHD may have decreased focus and difficulty planning or controlling emotions due to reduced blood flow in specific parts of the brain.

The Montessori method of education believes that both free and structured forms of play can help to increase blood flow in these brain areas. Active play helps the brain identify structure in the world around them and do a better job of focusing than when play is not encouraged. Riding bikes is one good way for children with ADHD to play; their brain is engaged in unique ways while doing this activity.

Inevitably, children with ADHD will be able to focus on their studies during the day and at home.

Reason #4: Teaches Better Control

One symptom of ADHD often seen in children is the inability to control impulses. Depending on the exact type of ADHD and how it affects your child, their impulsivity can be a major issue in their daily lives.

Play can help children engage with the world in different ways to learn better control of such impulses and their behavior in general. Play gives children a chance to learn about consequences and improve specific areas of their brains without the stress of a classroom environment.

Once those skills are learned, they can be brought into the classroom environment and an improvement in how ADHD symptoms affect a child’s daily life.

Reason #5: Introduces Social Skills

Finally, consider how adding play to a child’s life can improve their social skills. Children that present many symptoms of ADHD can have trouble creating positive social interaction in their daily life.

Playtime, however, creates situations where even children with ADHD can have positive social relationships with other children. Small playgroups, recess, or joining a sports team can be good ways to introduce social skills to a child’s life in a non-threatening way. This opportunity can then allow the child to develop these skills further.

Get Serious About Playtime

Children with or without ADHD can see major benefits from having more playtime in their life. It’s time to make sure that children are allowed this benefit so that they can develop with the world around them more successfully!

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